

內容  由教育部指導,電機系主辦、資訊系協辦的「2019年成大電資體驗營」已於八月初圓滿落幕。為加強國際合作、促進學術交流、厚植長遠友誼,國立成功大學電機系與資訊系延續與香港城市大學電機系所簽訂之暑期交換計畫,今年第五年仍繼續開設電機資訊暑期學分班,對象除了香港城市大學電機系學生共18名,另包含成大姊妹校,來自新加坡國立大學(National University of Singapore)、日本神戶大學(Kobe University)、韓國科學技術院Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST)、韓國中央大學(Chung-Ang University)等各校學員共9名,與本校電機資訊學生共同參與。電資體驗營自108年7月3日起至8月5日止,共計四週,課程涵蓋專業領域,如「Internet of Things (IOT), Electric Vehicle and Control, and JAVA Programming」各20小時,包括作業報告、上機練習、口頭討論、課堂表現,並首度開設文化課程,如「國畫課、中醫課、語言交換、踏溯台南」等共54小時,各課程按作品表現與成果發表計算成績,專業課程與文化課程成績合格者給予結業證書及學分證明。

一、 物聯網(Internet of Things, IOT)由電機系蘇淑茵教授授課,介紹物聯網核心概念與架構,並結合實驗課程,透過Arduino IDE程式,將溫溼度傳感器、繼電器、超音波感測器等連網安裝應用及MQTT協定實際操作,以達到網路與生活合一的功能。
二、 電動車與控制(Electric Vehicles/ Control)由電機系謝旻甫教授授課,以電動車為例,介紹電機機械原理與控制架構,並結合實驗課程,將電動車做負載分析,再透過模擬軟體JMAG以及simulink得到馬達特性,透過實例讓學生更了解電機機械的應用。
三、Java程式課程(Java Programming)由資訊系李信杰教授授課,介紹以Java程式語言為基礎之軟體開發實務、工具與方法。內容包括Java程式語言介紹、物件導向軟體設計與除錯。

一、 「國畫課」由本校外文系退休教授張志強老師開設,可學到國畫基本技巧,如筆刷及墨水之使用。藉由黑與白來描繪各種事物、景色。最重要的是能培養對國畫的興趣。
二、 「中醫課」由新樓醫院黃書澐中醫師開設。望聞問切、辨證論治是中醫的根本,電資體驗營的學生課程中可體會中醫傳統的診斷方式。從望舌、問診、把脈中更認識自己的身體狀態,也看到現代科技舌診儀、脈診儀如何搭配老祖宗的智慧。


Students Joined 2019 EECS International Summer School at NCKU!

  Attending intensive professional training and immersing cultural experience in Tainan, 2019 EECS International Summer School at NCKU hosted 27 international students from City University of Hong Kong, National University of Singapore, Kobe University, Japan, Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), and Chung-Ang University, Korea along with 3 NCKU students to participate in the program. Starting from July 3 to August 5, 2019 EECS Summer School focuses on providing three professional courses with 20 hours to each topic such as Internet of Things (IOT), and Electric Vehicle and Control from Department of Electrical Engineering, and JAVA Programming from Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering. Besides, culture classes designed for the first time including Chinese Painting, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Language Exchange and Exploring Tainan with 54 hours are provided during this 4-week program. All students have to finish oral presentation, hands-on practices, group discussion, and final project to get the certificates if being passed.

Professional course introduction
1. Internet of Things (IOT), taught by Professor Sok-Ian Sou from the Department of Electrical Engineering, is a computing concept which focuses on the Internet connectivity among various physical devices and everyday objects. In addition to the lectures, we also provide hands-on practices, based on the software of Arduino IDE, combining the handmade Smart Home Appliances, such as hygrometer and thermograph, ultrasonic distance sensors, etc. with the networks by MQTT protocol to achieve the goal of integrating network and life. By doing so, the society can then be more convenient!

2. Electric vehicles and control, taught by Professor Min-Fu Hsieh from the Department of Electrical Engineering, is a course introducing the principles of electrical machine and control structure. Combined with the experimental courses, we analyze the loading of electric vehicles and obtain the motor characteristics by using the simulation software of JMAG and Simulink. The students can in turn know more about the application of electrical machine.

3. Java Programming, taught by Professor Shin-Jie Lee from the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, aims to introduce the Java programming language based on software development practices, tools an