公告日期 | 2022-06-10 |
公告 | [演講公告]6/16 (四) 13:30~15:00 王奕 處長 專題演講 |
內容 | 講員:台積電_王奕處長 講題:Memory for High Performance Computing in the Big Data Era 日期:111年6月16日(四) 13:30~15:00 主持人:范銘彥 教授 視訊連結:請見下方Microsoft Teams會議連結 講者介紹: 【王奕處長】 目前任職於台積電DTP | MSD | AMDT處長,專注在記憶體technology-circuit co-design。任職於台積電之前,王奕在美國Intel工作多年,專注於SRAM,embedded DRAM,emerging memory等技術的開發。其成果多次刊登在IEEE ISSCC,VLSI,IEDM,以及JSSC。 摘要:The growing disparity between CPU speed and memory speed, known as the memory wall challenge, has been one of the most critical and long-standing challenges in the computing industry. The situation is further complicated by the rapid development of complex and heterogeneous memory systems for high-performance computing and data-intensive applications, which is becoming deeper and more diversified with the adoption of new architectures and memory technologies, including the high-speed cache memory, 3D-stacked cache memory, 3D-stacked high-bandwidth DRAM etc. This seminar will discuss the trends and challenges of a variety of memories in development as well as the opportunities lying ahead to address the challenges. ________________________________________________________________________________ Microsoft Teams 會議 在您的電腦或行動裝置應用程式上加入 按一下這裡以加入會議 https://reurl.cc/7DLKek 使用視訊會議裝置加入 93186366@t.plcm.vc 視訊會議識別碼: 137 949 988 0 替代的 VTC 指令 或撥入 (僅限語音) +886 2 7752 4435,,527257812#  Taiwan, Taipei 電話會議識別碼: 527 257 812# 尋找當地電話號碼 | 重設 PIN Join by phone: 792-8888, then dial Conference ID # 深入了解 | 會議選項 |
公告人員 | 62301 楊小姐 |
附件 | 無 |