NCKUEE Faculty Data
Chinese Version
Professor Ming-Yang Cheng
EE Building 8F R92813
+886-6-2757575 ext.62396
Lab Weblink
Vision & Servo Control Lab
Ph.D., University of Missouri Columbia, U.S.A.
M.S., University of Missouri Columbia, U.S.A.
B.S., National Chiao Tung University, R.O.C.
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Dayeh University
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Kao Yuan Institute of Technology
Adjunct associate professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
Research Assistant, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri – Columbia
  • Visual Servo Control
  • Motion Control
  • Motor Drive
  • Industrial Robot
  1. Hao-Lun Huang and Ming-Yang Cheng, "A New Closed-Loop Input Error Approach for Industrial Robot Manipulator Identification Based on Evolutionary Algorithms," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 32, no. 4, pp.1196-1211, July. 2024
  2. Hao-Lun Huang, Ming-Yang Cheng, Tzu-Yuan Huang, "A Rapid Base Parameter Physical Feasibility Test Algorithm for Industrial Robot Manipulator Identification Using a Recurrent Neural Network," IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 145692-145705, 2023, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3344491.
  3. Ya-Ling Chen, Yan-Rou Cai and Ming-Yang Cheng, "Vision-Based Robotic Object Grasping – a Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach," Machines, 2023, 11(2), 275.
  4. Chung-Chan Hsu, Hao-Lun Huang, Chang-Fu Lu and Ming-Yang Cheng, "Mathematical Modeling of Flexible Robot Manipulators with Slender Links – a Lumped Parameter Approach," Journal of Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023, 44(1), 37-48.
  5. Yen-Chun Chen,Yan-Rou Cai, Ming-Yang Cheng,and Ke-Han Su ."Disturbance Suppression and Contour Following Accuracy Improvement: An Adaptive PI-Type Sliding Mode Nonlinear Extended State Observer Approach," International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2023, 24(3), 353-370.
  6. Yen-Ju Lin, and Ming-Yang Cheng, "Asymmetric S-curve Motion Planning for Industrial Manipulators Based on Evolutionary Computation Algorithm,"International Journal of iRobotics, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2022, pp.13-19.
  7. Hung-Hsien Lin, Ming-Yang Cheng, Yue-Ting Chen and Ching-Yang Huang, "Contour Following Accuracy Improvement—A Dynamic Fast Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode Control Approach," IEEE Access, Vol. 10, March 2022, pp. 34185-34195
  8. Shih-Hsuan Chien, Jyun-Hsiang Wang, and Ming-Yang Cheng, "Robotic Assistance for Physical Human–Robot Interaction Using a Fuzzy RBF Hand Impedance Compensator and a Neural Network Based Human Motion Intention Estimator," IEEE Access, Vol. 9, September 2021, pp. 126048 - 126057
  9. Ke-Han Su, Ming-Yang Cheng and Jen-Che Wu, "Analysis and Development of a Disturbance Compensation Approach for Performance Improvement in Speed Control," accepted by Journal of Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  10. Ting-Yu Chang, Wei-Che Chang, Ming-Yang Cheng* and Shih-Sian Yang, "Dynamic Visual Servoing with Kalman Filter-based Depth and Velocity Estimator," International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, May-June 2021: 1–15.
  11. Po-Yao Huang, Ming-Yang Cheng, Ke-Han Su, Wei-Liang Kuo, "Control of roll-to-roll manufacturing based on sensorless tension estimation and disturbance compensation," the Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers (JCIE), Vol. 44, 2021, Issue 2, pp. 89-103.
  12. Wei-Che Tsai, Chun-Hsien Wu, and Ming-Yang Cheng, "Tracking Accuracy Improvement Based on Adaptive Nonlinear Sliding Mode Control," in IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 179-190, Feb. 2021
  13. Ting-Yu Ye, Ming-Yang Cheng, Ya-Ling Chen, and Pin-Hsuan Huang, “ Reinforcement Learning-based IBVS Structure for Control of Point-to-Point Motion of Robot Manipulators,”Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 367-375 (2020)
  14. Ting-Yu Chang, Wei-Che Chang, Ming-Yang Cheng and Shih-Sian Yang, “Performance Comparisons of Visual Servoing Structures for Industrial Robot Manipulators," iRobotics, Vol. 2, No. 4, December, 2019, pp. 7-14.
  15. Feng-Ta Chang and Ming-Yang Cheng, “Gradient-descent-based Velocity Observer with a Residual Displacement Term for ILSMC in Contour Following Applications,” International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 20, 2019, pp.1691–1703.
  16. Fu-I Chou and Ming-Yang Cheng, "Design of optimal linear reduced order observers for suppressing transient estimation error," IETE Journal of Research, 2019. (
  17. Fu-I Chou and Ming-Yang Cheng, "Optimal design of reduced-order observers with specified eigenvalues and performances measurement of minimizing estimation errors using evolutionary optimization," Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration & Active Control, Vol. 38, No.2, 2019, pp. 728–739.
  18. Fu-I Chou and Ming-Yang Cheng, "Optimal observer design of state delay system," Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019. (
  19. Chao-Jen Chen, Ming-Yang Cheng, and Chun-Hsien Wu, "Observer-based Impedance Control for Power Assisting Devices" iRobotics Vol. 1, No. 3, September, 2018, pp. 1~12
  20. Wei-Liang Kuo, Ming-Yang Cheng and Wei-Che Tsai, "Design of Cross Coupled CMAC for Contour Following - A Reinforcement Based ILC Approach," Automatika - Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications, 2018, Vol 58, No. 3, 302-311
  21. Che-Liang Li, Ming-Yang Cheng, Wei-Che Chang, "Dynamic Performance Improvement of Direct Image Based Visual Servoing in Contour Following," International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, January-February 2018: 1–12
  22. Jie-Shiou Lu, Ming-Yang Cheng, Ke-Han Su, Mi-Chi Tsai, “Wire tension control of an automatic motor winding machine —an iterative learning sliding mode control approach,” Robotics and Computer–Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 50, 2018, pp. 50-62.
  23. Wei-Liang Kuo, Ming-Yang Cheng, and Hong-Xian Lin, “Reinforcement Q-Learning and ILC with Self-Tuning Learning Rate for Contour FollowingAccuracy Improvement of Biaxial Motion Stage,” International Journal ofEngineering Research & Science, vol. 3, issue. 3, pp. 50-56, Mar. 2017.
  24. Wei-Liang Kuo, Ming-Yang Cheng and Wei-Che Tsai, “Tracking Error Reduction of Biaxial Motion Control Systems—An ILC-CMAC Approach”, Journal of Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 13-22, Feb. 2017.
  25. Wei-Che Chang, Ming-Yang Cheng and Hong-Jin Tsai, “Image Feature Command Generation of Contour Following Tasks for SCARA Robots Employing Image-Based Visual Servoing—A PH-Spline Approach”, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 44, April 2017, pp. 57-66.
  26. Ming-Kai Hou, Cheng-Hu Chen, Ming-Yang Cheng, “Design and Analysis of a Single Phase Low Frequency Active Power Factor Correction Circuit-A Symmetric Trapezoidal Current Waveform”, Electrical Engineering, Vol. 98, Issue 3, September 2016, pp. 257-270.
  27. Cheng-Yu Hsieh, Wen-Chun Chi, Ming-Yang Cheng, Wei-Liang Kuo, Wei-Leng Wu, “Three Phase Current Reconstruction of PMSM Drives Using a Single DC-link Current Sensor”, Sensors and Materials, Vol. 28, No. 6, February 2016, pp. 649-654.
  28. Hung-Ruey Chen, Ming-Yang Cheng,Chun-Hsien Wu, Ke-Han Su, “Real Time Parameter Based Contour Error Estimation Algorithms for Free Form Contour Following”, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture , Vol. 102, March 2016, pp. 1-8.
  29. Jia-Sheng Hu, Chien-Chu Yeh, Ke-Han Su, Chao-Jen Chen and Ming-Yang Cheng, “Labview-Based Remote Real-Time Evalution System for Motor Winding Machines”, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 24, No. 3, 2016, pp. 443-448.
  30. Wen-Chun Chi and Ming-Yang Cheng, “Implementation of a Sliding-Mode-Based Position Sensorless Drive for High-Speed Micro Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors,” ISA Transactions, Vol. 53, Issue 2, March 2014, pp. 444-453.
  31. Wen-Chun Chi, Ming-Yang Cheng, and Cheng-Hu Chen, “Position-Sensorless Method for Electric Braking Commutation of Brushless DC Machines,” IET Electric Power Applications, Vol 7, Issue 9, Nov. 2013, pp. 701-713.
  32. Chun-Ming Wen and Ming-Yang Cheng, “Development of a Recurrent Fuzzy CMAC with Adjustable Input Space Quantization and Self-Tuning Learning Rate for Control of a Dual-Axis Piezoelectric Actuated Micro Motion Stage,” IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 60, Issue 11, Nov. 2013, pp. 5105-5115.
  33. Chao-Yun Chen, Shang-Shiun Shieh, Ming-Yang Cheng, and Ke-Han Su, “Vision-based Pythagorean Hodograph Spline Command Generation and Adaptive Disturbance Compensation for Planar Contour Following,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 65, March 2013, pp. 1185-1199.
  34. Chun-Ming Wen and Ming-Yang Cheng, “Contouring Accuracy Improvement of a Piezo-Actuated Micro Motion Stage Based on Fuzzy Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller,” Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 20, No. 11, Nov 2012, pp. 1195-1205.
  35. Ke-Han Su, Ming-Yang Cheng, and Yu-Chen Chang,“Contouring Performance Improvement of Biaxial Motion Control Systems using Friction and Disturbance Compensation,” Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 579, Oct 2012, pp. 287-296.
  36. Chao-Yun Chen and Ming-Yang Cheng, “Velocity Field Control and Adaptive Virtual Plant Disturbance Compensation for Planar Contour Following Tasks,” IET Control Theory & Applications, Vol. 6, No.9 , June 2012, pp. 1182-1191.
  37. I-Chen Lin, Ke-Han Su, Chao-Yun Chen, Chun-Ming Wen, and Ming-Yang Cheng, “Design of Genetic Algorithms Based Zero Phase Error Tracking Controller for Contour Following Accuracy Improvement,” Journal of the Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol. 20, No. 2, June 2012, pp. 478-483.
  38. Chao-Yun Chen and Ming-Yang Cheng, "Adaptive Disturbance Compensation and Load Torque Estimation for Speed Control of a Servomechanism,” International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, Vol. 59, August 2012, pp. 6-15.
  39. H. S. Chuang, S. B. Chang, M. Y. Cheng, W. B. Lin, J. H. Chou, and C. Y. Li, “Force-Sensorless Power Assist Control Design for Electric Bicycles,” Advanced Science Letters, Vol. 8, April 2012, pp.661-665.
  40. Hung-Wen Wu and Ming-Yamg Cheng, “Design of Feedforward Compensator for the Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motor Based on Non-Uniform Rayional B-Splines Curve Neural Network,” Information Technology Journal, Vol. 9, No. 8, August 2010, pp.1671-1676.
  41. Javad Jahanpour, Mi-Ching Tsai, and Ming-Yang Cheng, “High Speed Contouring Control with NURBS-Based C2 PH Spline Curves,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, July 2010,Vol. 49, Numbers 5-8, pp. 663-674.
  42. Ming-Yang Cheng and Ying-Hui Wang, “Velocity Field Construction for Contour Following Tasks Represented in NURBS Form,” IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. 54, No. 10, October 2009, pp. 2405~2410. (NSC96-2221-E-006-300-MY3)
  43. Hung-Shiang Chuang, Chun-Ming Wen, Ming-Yang Cheng, and Chih-Hao Chiu, “Automatic Vision-Based Optical Fiber Alignment Using Multirate Technique,” IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 8, August 2009, pp. 2998~3003.
  44. Jia-Sheng Hu, Hu Feng-Rung, and Ming-Yang Cheng, “Partial Pole Placement Approach to PI Observer Design,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I, Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, Vol. 223, 2009, pp. 253-261.
  45. Ming-Yang Cheng and Ke-Han Su “Contouring Accuracy Improvement Using a Tangential Contouring Controller with a Fuzzy Logic Based Feedrate Regulator,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 41, Numbers 1-2, March 2009,
  46. Ming-Yang Cheng, Ke-Han Su, and Shu-Feng Wang, “Contour Error Reduction for Free-form Contour Following Tasks of Biaxial Motion Control Systems,” Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 25, 2009, pp. 323-333. (NSC95-2211-E-006-221)
  47. Ming-Yang Cheng, Hung-Wen Wu, and Alvin Wen-Yu Su “On Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines Surface Neural Networks",Neural Processing Letters, Vol. 28, No. 1, Aug. 2008, pp. 1-15.
  48. Ke-Han Su and Ming-Yang Cheng “Contouring Accuracy Improvement Using Cross-Coupled Control and Position Error Compensator,” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, vol. 48, No. 12-13, Oct. 2008, pp. 1444-1453. (NSC96-2
  49. M. -Y. Cheng, M.-C. Tsai, and C. -J. Chen, "Dynamic Visual Tracking Using SDG-like Matching," Journal of Information Sciences and Engineering., Vol.24, No.3, 2008, pp.673-690.
  50. Cheng-Hu Chen and Ming-Yang Cheng, "Implementation of a Highly Reliable Hybrid Electric Scooter Drive" IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 54, No. 5, October 2007, pp.2462-2473.
  51. In-Gann Chen, Chun-Chih Wang, Yuan-Shan Hsio, Wen-Chien Lai, Hang-Sheng Chen , Mi-Ching Tsai, Ming-Hsun Tsai, andMing-Yang Cheng, "Implementation of a Non-contact X-Y Mover with High Temperature Superconductors," IEEE Trans. on Applied Superconduct
  52. Ming-Yang Cheng and Cheng-Chien Lee, "Motion Controller Design for Contour Following Tasks based on Real-time Contour Error Estimation," IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 54, No. 3, June 2007, pp. 1686-1695.
  53. Cheng-Hu Chen and Ming-Yang Cheng, "A New Cost Effective Sensorless Commutation Method for Brushless DC Motors without Phase Shift Circuit and Neutral Voltage," IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 22, No. 2, March 2007, pp.644-653.
  54. M. -Y. Cheng, M.-C. Tsai and C. -Y. Sun, "Dynamic Visual Tracking Based on Multiple Feature Matching and G-H Filter,"Advanced robotics, Vol. 20, No. 12, 2006, pp. 1401-1123.
  55. Cheng-Hu Chen and Ming-Yang Cheng, "Design of a Multi-Speed Winding for Brushless DC Motor and Its Sensorless Control,"IEE Proceeding, Electric Power Applications, Vol. 153, No. 6, November 2006, pp. 834-841.
  56. Cheng-Hu Chen and Ming-Yang Cheng, “Design and Implementation of a High Performance Bidirectional DC/AC Converter for Advanced EVs/HEVs,” IEE Proceedings, Electric Power Applications. Vol. 153, No. 1, Jan. 2006, pp. 140-148.
  57. Cheng-Hu Chen and Ming-Yang Cheng, “Design and Implementation of a Cost Effective Position Control System with an Ironless Linear Motor,” IEE Proceedings, Electric Power Applications. Vol. 152, No. 5, Sep. 2005, pp. 1223-1232.
  58. Kuei-Shu Hsu, Ming-Guo Her and Ming-Yang Cheng, “Analysis and Experiments of Iterative Learning Control System with Uncertain Dynamics,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 25, 11-12, June 2005, pp. 1119-1129.
  59. Kuei-Shu Hsu, Ming-Yang Cheng, and Ming-Guo Her, “Implementation of a Virtual Tennis Entertainment System with Haptic Behaviors,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineering, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Part C, V
  60. M. -C. Tsai, I.-F. Chiu and M. -Y. Cheng, “Design and Implementation of Command and Friction Feedforward Control for CNC Motion Controllers,” IEE proceedings, Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 151, Issue 1, Jan. 2004, pp. 13-20.
  61. M. -C. Tsai, K.-Y. Chen and M. -Y. Cheng and K. C. Lin, “Implementation of a Real-time Moving Object Tracking System Using Visual Servoing,” Robotica, Vol. 21, Issue 6, Dec. 2003. pp. 615- 625.
  62. M. -C. Tsai, C. -W Cheng and M. -Y. Cheng, “A Real-time NURBS Surface Interpolator for Precision Three-axis CNC Machining,” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 43, Issue 12, September 2003, pp. 1217-1227.
  63. C. -J. Wu, G. -Y. Liu, M. -Y Cheng and T. -L. Lee, “A Neural-Network-Based Method for Fuzzy Parameter Turing of PID Controllers,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 25, No. 3, May, 2002, pp. 265-276.
  64. M. -Y. Cheng, M.-C. Tsai and J. -C. Kuo, “Real-time NURBS Command Generators for CNC Servo Controllers,” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 42, No.7, 2002, pp. 801-813.
  65. M. -Y. Cheng and C. -S Lin, “Dynamic Biped Locomotion on Unstructured Surfaces,” Robotica, Vol. 18, Part 2, March-April 2000, pp. 163-170.
  66. M. -C. Tsai, E. -C Tseng and M. -Y. Cheng, “Design of a Torque Observer for Detecting Abnormal Load,” Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 8, March 2000, pp. 259-269.
  67. M. -Y. Cheng, M. -C. Tsai, R. -T. Shieh and Y. -Y. Sun, “Design and Implementation of Abnormal Load Torque for a Servo Drive,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1999, pp. 99-111.
  68. M. -Y. Cheng and C. -S Lin, “Genetic Algorithms for Control Design of Biped Locomotion,” Journal of Robotic Systems, Vol. 14, May 1997, pp. 365-373.
  69. M. -Y. Cheng and C. -S Lin, “Measurement of Robustness for Biped Locomotion Using a Linearized Poincar Map,” Robotica, Vol. 14, Part 3, May-June 1996. pp. 253-259.
  1. Jun Loong Wong, Ming-Yang Cheng, Tzu-Yuan Huang, Jou-Cheng Kuo and Jia-Ming Wu, "On the Relationship between the Desired Feedrate and Contour Error Constraints for 2-DOF Robot Manipulators Performing Parametric Curve Following," in Proceedings of the CACS2023
  2. Jyun-Hsiang Wang, Ming-Yang Cheng and Shih-Hsuan Chien, "Adaptive Hybrid Variable Impedance Control of Industrial Manipulators,", in proc. of the CACS 2022.
  3. Chia-Yu Liou, Jyun-Hsiang Wang, Shih-Hsuan Chien, and Ming-Yang Cheng, "Compliance Control and External Force Estimation of 6-DOF Industrial Robots," in proceedings of the CACS 2020
  4. Shih-Hsuan Chien, Jyun-Hsiang Wang, Ming-Yang Cheng, “Performance Comparisons of Different Observer-Based Force-Sensorless Approaches for Impedance Control of Collaborative Robot Manipulators,” in Proceeding of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS 2020), pp.326-331
  5. Chia-Ling Chiang, Ming-Yang Cheng, Ting-Yu Ye, Ya-Ling Chen, Pin-HsuanHuang,“Convergence Improvement of Q-learningBased on a Personalized Recommendation System,” in Proceedings of the CACS2019
  6. Shih-Sian Yang, Ming-Yang Cheng, Jan-Shian Liu, Ting-Yu Chang, Jyun-Siang Fan, and Yan-Rou Cai, "Automatic Teach Pendant Based on Visual Servoing and Hand Gesture Recognition" in Proceedings of the ARIS2019, best student paper(Honorary Mention)
  7. Zhi-Sheng Wang, Chang-Fu Lu*, Ming-Yang Cheng, and Tzu-Yuan Huang, "Comparison of Dynamical System Identification Approaches for Robot Manipulators" in Proceedings of the ARIS2019, best presentation paper (First Place)
  8. Jyun-Siang Fan, Ming-Yang Cheng, and Jan-Shian Liu, "Vision-Based Static Hand Gesture Recognition" , in Proceedings of the CACS2018
  9. Yen-Jyun Lai, Ming-Yang Cheng, "Q-learning based IBVS for a Mobile Robot Equipped with a 5-axis Manipulator" in Proceedings of the ARIS2018, best presentatiom paper (Honorary Mention)
  10. Guor-Yieh Luo, Ming-Yang Cheng, Chia-Ling Chiang, “Vision-Based 3-DObject Pick-and- Place Tasks of Industrial Manipulator,” in Proceedings of the CACS2017
  11. Ju-Feng Wu , Ming-Yang Cheng , “Depth Estimation of Objects with Known Geometric Model for IBVS Using an Eye-in-hand Camera”, in Proceedings of the ARIS 2017, 2017 International conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems, September 7-September 8, 2017, Taipei, Taiwan
  12. Yi-Chieh Pai, Jun-Ping Chang, Ming-Yang Cheng, and Tsorng-Juu Liang, “Dead-Time Effects Compensation for PMSM Drives - an Adaptive Linear Neuron approach”, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference 2017, June 3-7, 2017, kaohsiung, Taiwan
  13. Pablo Gonzalez, Ming-Yang Cheng, Wei-Liang Kuo,“Vision-Based Robotic System for Polyhedral Object Grasping using Kinect Sensor”, in Proceedings of the CACS 2016, 2016 International Automatic Control Conference, Nov. 9-11, 2016, Taichung, Taiwan
  14. Chieh-Chun Lin, Pablo Gonzalez, Ming-Yang Cheng, Guor-Yieh Luo, Tzu-Yang Kao,“Vision Based Object Grasping of Industrial Manipulator”, in Proceedings of the ARIS 2016, 2016 International conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems, August 31-September 2, 2016, Taipei, Taiwan, best presentation paper(Honorary Mention)
  15. Wei-Liang Kuo, Wei-Che Tsai, Hao-Lun Huang, Ming-Yang Cheng,“Improvement of Contour Following Control Using Cross Coupled Control and Adaptive Disturbance Compensation”, in Proceedings of the 2016 3RD International Conference on Control Dynamic Systems, and Robotics (CDSR'16), May 9 - 10, 2016, Ottawa, Canada
  16. Wei-Liang Kuo, Ming-Yang Cheng, “Contour Following Control of Two-Axis Servomechanism Using Sliding Mode Control and Iterative Learning Control”, in Proceedings of the 2015 SAMCON The 1st IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation and Motion Control, March 9-10, 2015, Nagoya, Japan
  17. Hong-Jin Tsai, Wei-Che Chang, Pablo Gonzalez, Ming-Yang Cheng, “Vision based Textureless Objects Reconstruction Using Homography Matching Algorithm”, in Proceedings of the 2015 SAMCON The 1st IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing,Actuation and Motion Control, March 9-10, 2015 , Nagoya, Japan
  18. Ke-Han Su, Hung-Ruey Chen, and Ming-Yang Cheng, “Free-form Curves Contour Error Estimation Using the Backward Arc length Approach”, in Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, December 13-15, 2014, Tokyo, Japan
  19. Wei-Liang Kuo, Ming-Yang Cheng, Wei-Lin Chen, “Contour Following Control of Two-Axis Servomechanism Using CMAC and ILC” , in Proceedings of the 2014 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, November 26-28, 2014, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  20. Pablo Gonzalez, Stanislas Pilmis, Tzu-Yang Kao, Paula Zaldua and Ming-Yang Cheng, “Automated Industrial Robot Path Planning for Pick and Place Applications” , in Proceedings of the 2014 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, November 26-28,2014, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  21. Wen-Chun Chi, Ming-Yang Cheng, Cheng-Lin Li, Ke-Han Su, and Wen-Hong Li “Motor Parameter Auto-Identification Based on Sensorless Startup Procedure for PMSM Drives,”in Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society IECON’14, October 28-November 1, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.
  22. Li-Wei Cheng, Chao-Jen Chen, Ming-Yang Cheng, Wei-Liang Kuo, Ke-Han Su, and Mi-Ching Tsai, “Wire Tension Control of Automatic Motor Winding Machines,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems, June 6-8, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan.
  23. Jie-Shiou Lu, Ming-Yang Cheng, Li-Wei Cheng, Hung-Ruey Chen, Ke-Han Su, Mi-Ching Tsai, “Tension Control Improvement in Automatic Stator In-Slot Winding Machines Using Iterative Learning Control,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, April 26-28, 2014, Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Japan.
  24. Hung-Ruey Chen, Ke-Han Su, Ming-Yang Cheng, Jie-Shiou Lu, “Parameter-based contour error estimation for contour following accuracy improvements,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, April 26-28, 2014, Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Japan.
  25. Guan-Wei Su, Ming-Yang Cheng and Wen-Chun Chi, “Current Loop Controller Design for Torque Ripple Suppression of Switched Reluctance Motors,” in Proceedings of the 2013 International Automatic Control Conference, December 2-4, Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan, pp. 701-713.
  26. Chao-Jen Chen, Ming-Yang Cheng, Ke-Han Su, “Observer-Based Impedance Control and Passive Velocity Control of Power Assisting Devices for Exercise and Rehabilitation,” in Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, November 10-13, 2013, Vienna, Austria.
  27. Chun-Hsien Wu and Ming-Yang Cheng, “Quasi-Periodicity of a Buck-Boost Converter with the consideration of Nonlinearity of the Diode and the MOSFET,” in Proceedings of the International Future Energy Electronics Conference, November 3-6, 2013, Tainan, Taiwan.
  28. Wei-Che Chang, Ming-Yang Cheng, and Hong-Jin Tsai, “Implementation of An Image-based Visual Servoing Structure in Contour Following of Objects with Unknown Geometric Models,” in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, Oct 20-23, 2013, Gwangju, Korea, pp. 1143-1148.
  29. Ke-Han Su, Ming-Yang Cheng, and Yu-Chen Chang, “Contouring Accuracy Improvement of Parametric Free-form Curves - a Fuzzy logic-based Disturbance Compensation Approach,” in Proceedings of the IEEE 2013 International Conference on Mechatronics, Feb 27-Mar 1, 2013, Vicenza, Italy, pp. 730-735.
  30. Ke-Han Su , Ming-Yang Cheng , Hung-Ruey Chen, and Yu-Cheng Chang, “Iterative Learning Control-based Tracking Error and Contour Error Compensations for Biaxial Contouring Control Systems,” in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Positioning Technology (ICPT2012), Nov 14-16, 2012, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 107-110.
  31. Ke-Han Su, Ming-Yang Cheng, and Yu-Chen Chang, “Friction and Disturbance Compensation for Free-form Contour Following Tasks of Biaxial Linear Motor Systems,” in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing, March 4-8, 2012, Jiaoxi, Yilan County, Taiwan, S0025.
  32. Cheng-Hu Chen, Wen-Chun Chi, and Ming-Yang Cheng,“Regenerative Braking Control for Light Electric Vehicles,”inProceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, Dec. 05-08, 2011,Singapore,pp.631-636.
  33. Tzu-Yu Liu, Cheng-Hu Chen, Wen-Chun Chi, and Ming-Yang Cheng,“Study on the Current Control Loop of PMSM Based on Sinusoidal Commutation,” in Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, Dec 05-08, 2011, Singapore, pp.670-675.
  34. Wei-Chih Chen, Ming-Yang Cheng, Tai-Haur Kuo, and Cheng-Lin Li, “Development of Intellectual Property for Brushless DC Motor Drives,” in Proceedings of 2011 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Sep 25-28, 2011, Langkawi , Malaysia, pp.499-504.
  35. I-Han Liu, Mi-Ching Tsai, Ming-Yang Cheng, and Ke-Han Su, “Planning and Implementation of Motion Trajectory Based on C2 PH Spline,” in Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society IECON’11, Melbourne, Australia, pp.246-251.
  36. Javad Jahanpour, Mi-Ching Tsai, Ming-Yang Cheng, and I-Han Liu, “Contour Following Using C2 PH Quintic Spline Curve Interpolators,” in Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, Aug. 28 - September 2, 2011, pp.9361-9366.
  37. Yu-Chuan Lu, Ming-Yang Cheng, Chun-Hsien Wu, and Wei-Chih Chen, “Performance Analysis of Permanent Magnet Brushless Motors for Mobility Scooters,” in Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE 8th International Conference on Power Electronics - ECCE Asia, May 30 -June 3 ,2011, Jeju, Korea, pp. 670-676.
  38. Chang-Tai Chen, Ming-Yang Cheng, Chun-Hsien Wu, and Chun-Ming Wen “Taguchi Method Based Model Predictive Control Design for Laser Scanner,” in Proceedings of the 8th Asian Control Conference ASCC 2011. May 15-18, 2011, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 737-742.
  39. Hung-Shiang Chuang, Ming-Yang Cheng, Wen-Bin Lin, and Pang-Chia Chen,“Power Assistive Control for a Motor-Driven Bicycle,” in Proceedings of the 25th World Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition EVS-25, Shenzhen, China, Nov 5-9, 2010.
  40. Jen-Che Wu, Ke-Han Su,and Ming-Yang Cheng,“Friction and Disturbance Compensation for Speed Control of Servo Control Systems,” in Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society IECON 2010, Nov 07-10, 2010, Phoenix, AZ, USA, pp.1884-1889.
  41. Chao-Yun Chen, Ming-Yang Cheng, Jen-Che Wu, and Ke-Han Su, “Passivity-Basd Contour Following Control Design with Virtual Plant Disturbance Compensation,” in Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, March 21-24, 2010, Nagaoka, Japan, pp. 48-53.
  42. Chun-Ming Wen, Ming-Yang Cheng, and Ke-Han Su, “Contouring Accuracy Improvement of a Dual-Axis Micro-Positioning Stage Powered by Piezoelectric Actuator,” in Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, March 21-24, 2010, Nagaoka, Japan, pp. 82-87.
  43. Masahiro Yamada, Chi-Hsien Lin and Ming-Yang Cheng, “Vision Based Obstacle Avoidance and Target Tracking for Autonomous Mobile Robots,” in Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, March 21-24, 2010, Nagaoka, Japan, pp. 153-158.
  44. Chih-Hao Chiu, Chun-Ming Wen, Hung-Shiang Chuang, Ming-Yang Cheng, “Positioning Accuracy Improvement of a Vision-based Optical Fiber Alignment Motion Stage based on Fuzzy Logic Controller,” in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Control and Automation, Dec. 9~11, 2009, Christchurch, New Zealand, pp. 2360~2365.
  45. Hui-Pin Hunag, Ming-Yang Cheng, Shang-Shiun Shieh, “Visual Tracking Based on Multiple Cameras with MHS Cooperation Strategy,” in Proceedings of the IEEE IECON 2009, Nov. 3~5, 2009, Porto, Portugal, pp. 2162~2167.
  46. Hui-Pin Huang and Ming-Yang Cheng, “Implementation of a Real-time Visual Tracking System with Multi-cue Matching Method Based on Dual Cameras,” in Proceedings of the 2008 International Automatic Control Conference .
  47. Chun-Hsien Wu and Ming-Yang Cheng, “Study on Chaotic Motion of an Under-actuated Two-Link Robot Arm,” in Proceedings of the 2008 International Automatic Control Conference, Nov 2008 Tainan, Taiwan.
  48. Hui-Pin Huang and Ming-Yang Cheng, “Implementation of a Real-time Visual Tracking System Based on Triple Cameras,” inProceedings of the 2008 International Automatic Control Conference, Nov 2008 Tainan, Taiwan.
  49. Chi-Shian Lin and Ming-Yang Cheng, “Study on Circular Inverted Pendulum Control Based on Reinforcement Learning,” inProceedings of the 2008 International Automatic Control Conference, Nov 2008 Tainan, Taiwan.
  50. Chun-Ming Wen and Ming-Yang Cheng, “'Positioning Accuracy Improvement of a Vision-based Optical Fiber Alignment Stage Powered by a Piezo-Actuator,” in Proceedings of the IEEE 2008 International Workshop on Robotic and Sensors Environments.
  51. Ming-Yang Cheng, Chao-Yun Chen and Ying-Hui Wang, “Velocity Field Control for Free-Form Contour Following Tasks by a Two Link Robot,'” in Proceedings of the IEEE 2008 International Workshop on Robotic and Sensors Environments.
  52. Hung-Shiang Chuang, Chih-Hao Chiu, Ming-Yang Cheng, Ying-Ching Chuang, "Development of a Vision-Based Optical Fiber Alignment Platform Based on the Multirate Technique", in Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology.
  53. M.-Y. Cheng, Y.-C. Hsu, C.-H. Chen, M.-K. Hou, M.-C. Tsai, "An Asymmetric PWM for Low Switching Frequency Power Factor Correction Circuit", in Proceedings of the IEEE 2008 International Conference on Industrial Technology.
  54. Ju-Pin Su and Ming-Yang Cheng, "Development of a Visual Tracking System Capable of Moving Object Classification and Tracking", in Proceedings of the 2007 CACS International Automatic Control Conference.
  55. Ming-Hsiang Lo, Chang-Chieh Yu, Chu-Pin Su, Tzu-Yu Liu, Hui-Pin Huang, and Ming-Yang Cheng, "Design and Implementation of a Vision-based Treadmill System Driven by a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor", in Proceedings of the IEEE IECON 2007, Nov. 5-8, 2007, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 2892-2897.
  56. Ming-Yang Cheng and Chun-Kai Wang, "Dynamic Visual Tracking Based On Multi-Cue Matching," in Proceedings of the IEEE 2007 International conference on Mechatronics, May 08-10, Kumamoto, Japan, 2007, Thm1-B-3.
  57. Hung-Shiang Chuang, Cheng-Wei Lin, Ming-Yang Cheng, and Ying-Chun Chuang, "Development of a Real-time Vision-Based Optical Fiber Alignment Platform," in Proceedings of the ICEMS2006, November 20-23, 2006, Nagasaki, Japan.
  58. Ming-Yang Cheng, Chun-Kai Wang, and Hung-Wen Wu, "Real-time Detection of Slow Moving and Temporarily Stationary Objects," in Proceedings of the IEEE 2006 International conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 08~11, Taipei, Taiwan, 2006, pp. 3983-3988.
  59. Ke-Han Su, Chi-Kwan Hu, Ming-Yang Cheng, "Design and Implementation of an FPGA-based Motion Command Generation Chip," in Proceedings of the IEEE 2006 International conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 08~11, 2006, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 5030-5035.
  60. Cheng-Hu Chen, We-Chih Tai, Ming-Yang Cheng, "A Cost Effective Sensorless Control Method for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Based on Average Terminal Voltage," in Proceedings of the CES/IEEE 5th international power electronics and motion control conference, Shanghai, China, August 14~16, 2006, pp.913~917.
  61. Ke-Han Su, Chi-Yun Hsieh, Ming-Yang Cheng, "Design and Implementation of Biaxial Motion Control Systems Using Fuzzy Logic Based Adjustable Feedrate" in Proceedings of the IEEE 2006 International conference on Mechatronics, Budapest, Hungary, July 03-05, 2006, pp. 209-214.
  62. Cheng-Hu Chen, Ming-Yang Cheng, "A New Sensorless Commutation Drive for Brushless DC Motors and Alternators," inProceedings of the symposium on industrial electronics 2006, Montreal, Canada, July 09~13, 2006, pp.2116- 2121.
  63. Cheng-Hu Chen and Ming-Yang Cheng, “Study on a Wide Speed Range Integrated Electrical Transmission System,” inProceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS 2005),pp.781-786,28 Nov – 1 Dec 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  64. Cheng-Hu Chen and Ming-Yang Cheng, “A New Sensorless Control Scheme for Brushless DC Motors without Phase Shift Circuit,” in Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS 2005),pp.1084-1089,28 Nov – 1 Dec 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  65. Ming-Yang Cheng and Cheng-Chien Lee, “On real-time Contour Error Estimation For Contour Following Tasks,” in Proceedingsof the 2005 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2005), pp. 1057-1062, July 24-28, Monterey, California, U.S.A.
  66. Sun-Li Wu, Ming-Yang Cheng and Wen-Chung Hsu, “Design and Implementation of a Prototype Vision-guided Golf-ball Collecting Mobile Robot, ” in Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, pp. 959-963, July 10-12, 2005.
  67. Hang-Sheng Chen, Chun-Chih Wang, Wen-Chien Lai and Ming-Hsun Tsai, In-Gann Chen, Ming-Yang Cheng and Mi-Ching Tsai, “Design and Implementation of a Non-contact X-Y Table with High Temperature Superconductors,” in Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, pp. 611~615, July 10-12, 2005.
  68. Mi-Ching Tsai, Ming-Yang Cheng, Kung-Feng Lin, Nan-Chyuan Tsai, “On Acceleration/Deceleration Before Interpolation for CNC Motion Control,” in Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, pp. 382-387, July 10-12, 2005.
  69. H. -W. Wu, M. -Y. Cheng, A. W. -Y. Su, and H. -Y. Huang, “Image Compression Coding Using NURBS Surface Neural Networks,” in Proceedings of the first conference of International Conference on Systems and Signals (ICSS 2005), pp. 376-381, April 29, 2005.
  70. C. -K. Wang, M. -Y. Cheng, C. -H. Liao, C. -C. Li, C. -Y. Sun and M. -C. Tsai, “Design and Implementation of a Multi-purpose Real-time Pan-tilt Visual Tracking System,” in Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, pp. 1079~1084, September 1-4, 2004.
  71. C. -W Cheng, M. -C. Tsai and M. -Y. Cheng, “Fault Detection for Servomechanisms using the Load Torque Observer and Discrete Wavelet Transform”, in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, 2003, pp. 157-162.
  72. M. -Y. Cheng, S. –Y. Huang and Alvin W. Y. Su, “A NURBS-Based Error Concealment Technique for Corrupted Images from Packet Loss,” in Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, September 22-25, 2002, Rochester, New York, USA, pp. II 705-708.
  73. K. –Y. Chen, M. -Y. Cheng and M. -C Tsai, “Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Pan-Tilt Visual Tracking System,” in Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, September 18-20, 2002, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, pp. 736-741.
  74. K. –Y. Chen, C. -J. Cheng, M. -Y. Cheng and M. -C Tsai, “Implementation of a Real-Time Moving Object Tracking System Using Visual Servo,” in Proceedings of the AMTE2002, August 11~14, 2002, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan, paper No. B103.
  75. M. -C. Tsai, C. -W Cheng and M. -Y. Cheng, “Real-time Variable Feedrate Parametric Interpolator for CNC machining,” 15thIFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, session T-Tu-A21, paper No. 1068, July 21-26, 2002, Barcelona.
  76. J. -C. Kuo, M. -C. Tsai and M. -Y. Cheng, “Real-time NURBS Interpolator for Precision Command Generation,” in Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Automation Technology, May 9-11, 2000, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 503-508.
  77. E. -C. Tseng, M. -Y. Cheng and M. -C. Tsai, “Design of a PI-type Torque Observer for Detecting Abnormal Load Torque”, in Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference on Mechatronics Technology, November 30-December 2, 1998, Hsinchu, Taiwan, pp. 147-152.
  78. M. -Y. Cheng and C. -S Lin, “Control Design and Evaluation for Biped Robot Locomotion on Less Structured Surfaces,” in Proceedings of the Sixth IASTED International Conference ROBOTICS AND MANUFACTURING, July 26-29, 1998, Banff, Canada, pp. 185-188.
  79. M. -Y. Cheng and C. -S Lin, “Dynamic Biped Locomotion on Less Structured Surfaces,” in Proceedings of the Fourth IASTED International Conference ROBOTICS AND MANUFACTURING, August 19-22, 1996, Honolulu, Hawaii-USA, pp.291-294.
  80. M. -Y. Cheng and C. -S Lin, “Measurement of Robustness for Biped Locomotion Using Linearized Poincar Map,” inProceedings of 1995 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pp. 1321-1326.
  81. M. -Y. Cheng and C. -S Lin, “Genetic Algorithms for Control Design of Biped Locomotion,” in Proceedings of 1995 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pp. 1315-1320.
  82. 江宗錡、林潔君、張維哲、鄭銘揚、陳易呈、陳慶昌,"工業用機械手臂之手眼校正研究",in Proceedings of the 22st National Conference on Fuzzy Theroy and Its Applicatiops 2014, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Nov. 26-28, 2014(入圍最佳論文獎)
  83. 黃嬿慈、蔡弘晉、鄭銘揚,"基於全景攝影機與PTZ攝影機之視覺監控系統開發研究",in Proceedings of the NCAR 2013,National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, May.31 -June.02 , 2013, pp. 94-99.
  84. 鄭光位、江宗錡、鄭銘揚,"基於粒子濾波法之移動物偵測與追蹤研究",in Proceedings of the NCAR 2013, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, May.31 -June.02 , 2013, pp. 100-105.
  85. 陳威良、鄭銘揚、張維哲、蘇科翰,"基於消失點之室內自走車視覺導航研究",in Proceedings of the National Symposium on System Science and Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, June.16-17 , 2012.
  86. 劉叡明、蘇科翰、鄭銘揚、黃柏堯、邱振璋, "低速運動控制改善之研究",中國機械工程學會第二十七屆全國學術研討會論文集,Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 10-11, 2010.
  87. 劉明山、楊鵬、鄭銘揚 ,"基於視覺之手勢辨識系統開發研究", 2010中華民國系統科學與工程會議論文集,Taipei, Taiwan, July. 01-2, 2010.
  88. 鍾承君、劉子瑜、鄭銘揚、曾健明、林治中, "自動光學檢測雛型系統之開發與實現", 第十六屆全國自動化科技研討會,Taiwan, June. 09-10, 2008, pp. 663-669.
  89. 許昀傑、侯銘凱、鄭銘揚,“升壓式功因修正器之落後補償器分析與設計,”中華民國第二十六屆電力工程研討會論文集,Taiwan, Dec. 09-10, 2005, pp. 1911-1915.
  90. 謝其昀、蘇科翰、鄭銘揚,“基於模糊可調式進給率之輪廓誤差控制系統設計與實現,” in Proceedings of the 2005 CACS Automatic Control Conference(2005自動控制研討會論文集),N00008d,Tainan, Taiwan, Nov 18-19, 2005.
  91. 廖兼賢、王偉安、鄭銘揚,“基於離散位置資訊之速度估測與分析研究,” in Proceedings of the 2005 CACS Automatic Control Conference(2005自動控制研討會論文集),Q00005d, Tainan, Taiwan, Nov 18-19, 2005.
  92. Cheng-Hu Chen, Wei-Chih Tai and Ming-Yang Cheng, “Analysis of a Cost Effective Zero Emission Scooter Drive,”中華民國第二十五屆電力工程研討會,Taiwan, Nov. 19-20, 2004, pp. 1329-1334.
  93. 陳宏銘、林瑞禮、張育誠 、鄭至焜 、鄭銘揚, “數位控制式射出成型機之直壓鎖模系統的研製” in Proceedings of the 13th Automation Technology Conference, Taiwan,June 17-18, 2004, pp. 1030-1036.
  94. C. -W. Cheng, M. -C. Tsai, M. -Y. Cheng, “A Feedrate-Controlled Interpolator for Precision Motion Controllers”, in Proceedings of the 13th Automation Technology Conference, Taiwan, June 17-18, 2004, pp. 177-181.
  95. C. -H. Chen, M. -S. Tsai and M.-Y. Cheng, “A Cost Effective Sensorless Position Control for Ironless Linear Motors,” inProceedings of the 13th Automation Technology Conference, Taiwan, June 17-18, 2004, pp. 528-534.
  96. 王俊凱、鄭銘揚, “多功能即時視覺追蹤系統之設計與實現,” 2004自動控制研討會論文集。
  97. C. -H. Chen, C. -H. Wu and M. -Y. Cheng, “Implementation of a Fully Digital High Efficiency EV/HEV Drive,”中華民國第二十四屆電力工程研討會論文集,2003年12月,1508-1512頁 。
  98. Alvin W. Y. Su, Jason C. C. Chou, and M. -Y. Cheng, “New Method and FPGA Tool For Embedded SOC Design Verification,”第十四屆 VLSI DESGIN/CAD Symposium,2003年8月12-15日,花蓮.
  99. 鄭中緯、蔡明祺、鄭銘揚, “應用轉矩估測器與離散小波轉換於馬達異常之診斷,” in Proceedings of the 2003 Chinese Automatic Control Conference (自動控制研討會論文集),92年 3月14日,pp 2017-2022.
  100. 田鎰菁、蔡明祺、鄭銘揚, “剛性攻牙同動追蹤控制架構之分析與研究, ” in Proceedings of the 2003 Chinese Automatic Control Conference (自動控制研討會論文集),92年 3月14日,pp. 1767-1772.
  101. 陳正虎、廖兼賢、鄭銘揚, “伺服系統參數估測與控制器參數自動調整,” in Proceedings of the 2003 Chinese Automatic Control Conference (自動控制研討會論文集),92年 3月14日,pp 1675-1679.
  102. 李俊成、鄭銘揚、劉東官, “焚化爐之洗煙塔噴水溫度控制策略的改善,” in Proceedings of the 2003 Chinese Automatic Control Conference (自動控制研討會論文集), 92年 3月14日,pp 543-547.
  103. 邱奕範、莊宏祥、鄭銘揚、蔡明祺, “高精度CNC工具機之運動控制與摩擦力補償,” 第十七屆全國技術暨職業教育研討會論文集,91年 4月18-19日,pp 539-548.
  104. C. -C. Wang, M. -Y. Cheng and R. -F Fung, “Magnetic Formulation and PID Control of an Electromagnetic Actuator,” 2002 Chinese Automatic Control Conference (自動控制研討會,91年 3月15-16日), Vol. 1, pp. 26-31.
  105. 蔡明祺、 鄭銘揚、鄭中緯, “即時參數式插值器之設計與實現,”中國機械工程學會第十八屆全國學術研討會論文集,第二冊控制與自動化,90年 12月7-8日,pp. 267-272.
  106. 鍾維哲、 鄭銘揚、 陳進興,“ 基於光流之即時影像追蹤研究,”第十二屆全國自動化研討會, 90年 5月25-26日,4401A-3.
  107. M. -Y. Cheng, “Dynamic Walking for Biped Robots with Unequal-length Legs,” in Proceedings of 1999 Automatic Control Conference (自動控制研討會), Taiwan, R. O. C., pp. 637–642.
  1. 專利編號:I526389,捲繞基材張力控制方法 中華民國 蔡明祺、鄭銘揚、呂杰修、陳泓睿、郭威良、蘇科翰、胡家勝
  2. 專利編號:I493836,內繞式馬達定子之臥式繞線裝置 中華民國 鄭銘揚、胡家勝、蘇科翰、陳昭仁、溫峻明、鄭力瑋、蔡明祺
  1. 國內期刊:陳威智、李政霖、鄭銘揚、郭泰豪,應用於無刷直流馬達驅動控制之矽智財開發,電機月刊, 102年1月。
  2. 國內期刊:陳冠弘、鄭銘揚、戚文駿、蘇科翰,四階轉換驅動器於切換式磁阻馬達之應用,機械月刊, 101年。
  3. 國內期刊:王伯恭、王士豪、黃建欽、鄭銘揚、蔡明祺,輕型電動載具之輪 馬達設計與電子變速控制技術,電機月刊,236期,99年8月,pp.140-148。
  4. 國內期刊:陳長泰、曾介亭、李閔凱、鄭銘揚、黃柏堯,基於數位控制應用於雷射振鏡定位技術介紹,機械工業雜誌,339期,100年6月,pp.16-27。
  5. 國內期刊:莊宏祥、鄭銘揚、林政緯、陳志源,基於視覺技術之光纖對位系統研製,機電整合雜誌, 91期,95年3月,pp.146-151。
  6. 國內期刊:鄭銘揚,直驅式線型無鐵心永磁同步馬達之無感測器定位控制設計與實現,工程科技通訊83期,94年12月, pp.105-108。(NSC92-2213-E006-032)
  7. 國內期刊:鄭銘揚,植基於FPGA之運動控制命令產生晶片之設計與實現,工程科技通訊,90期,96年二月,pp.127-131 。(NSC93-2213-E006-128)
  8. 國內期刊:吳上立、鄭銘揚、徐文忠,視覺導引自動撿球機器人之研製,機電整合雜誌, 80期,94年4月, pp.168~172。
  9. 國內期刊:王俊凱、鄭銘揚、黃欣玉,淺談eHome之視覺保全監控系統,中華民國自動化科技學會會刊,Vol.4, No.1, 2003, pp.42-50。
  10. 著作:Master Project: “A Study on Biped Control,” Ming-Yang Cheng, University of Missouri-Columbia, December 1991.
  11. 著作:Ph. D. Dissertation: “Control Design and Robustness Measurement for Biped Locomotion,” Ming-Yang Cheng ,University of Missouri-Columbia, December, 1996.
  12. 著作:鄭銘揚及吳佳儒編著,自動控制,五南圖書出版公司,民國八十九年七月。
  13. 著作:Ming-Yang Cheng, Chun-Kai Wang, Hui-Pin Huang "Development of a Dynamic Visual Tracking System Based On Multi-Cue Matching and Target Position Prediction," Autonomous Robots Research Advances, Chapter 9, pp. 269-294, edited by Weihua Yang, Nova Publishers, 2008.
  14. 著作:鄭銘揚,馬達科技研究中心卓越研究計畫(中鋼公司), 2008~2009。
  15. 著作:鄭銘揚,球面超音波馬達設計及其機械眼之應用--子計畫四:基於球面超音波馬達之機械眼視覺追蹤系統之設計與實現 (3/3) NSC 96-2221-E-006-038, 2008。
  16. 著作:鄭銘揚,球面超音波馬達設計及其機械眼之應用─子計畫四:基於球面超音波馬達之機械眼視覺追蹤系統之設計與實現 (2/3) NSC 95-2221-E-006-261, 2007。
  17. 著作:鄭銘揚,球面超音波馬達設計及其機械眼之應用─子計畫四:基於球面超音波馬達之機械眼視覺追蹤系統之設計與實現 (1/3) NSC 94-2213-E006-082。
  18. 著作:鄭銘揚,直驅式線型無鐵心永磁同步馬達之無感測器定位控制設計與實現,NSC 92-2213-E006-032。
  19. 著作:鄭銘揚,數位控制式之射出成型機之直壓鎖模系統的研製,NSC 91-2622-E006-097-CC3。
  20. 著作:鄭銘揚,基於視覺伺服之eHome智慧型監控系統之設計與實現,NSC 91-2213-E006-122 。
  21. 著作:鄭銘揚、李政謙、廖兼賢,視覺伺服簡介,國立成功大學馬達科技中心電子報第八期技術專欄(http://,1-5頁,2002年12月11日。
  22. 著作:鄭銘揚,具前饋補償之零失真雜訊整型架構與全數位式功率放大器之設計,NSC 90-2213-E-006-136 。
  23. 著作:鄭銘揚,CNC伺服控制器之NURBS即時插值器設計與實現,NSC 89-2212-E-327-011。
  24. 著作:鄭銘揚,影像伺服控制系統之研究與設計, NSC 89-2212-E-244-002 。
  25. 著作:鄭銘揚,腳長不同之兩腳機器人運動之分析與控制,NSC 88-2213-E-244 -003 。
  26. 參與活動:教育部技職體系一貫課程電機電子類規劃委員(2000-2002)
  27. 參與活動:主辦智慧型控制理論暨應用研討會(2000年5月)
  28. 參與活動:自動控制學會會員(88年起)
  29. 參與活動:IEEE member (1991-1996; 2002~現在)
  30. 參與活動:擔任數個國際研討會分組會議主持人
  31. 參與活動:國科會控制學門規劃委員(2004, 2012)
  32. 主辦及參與國際會議:2014 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (program chair)
  33. 主辦及參與國際會議:2014 京都大學-成功大學(Seminar on Informatics) invited speaker, Tainan, Taiwan
  34. 主辦及參與國際會議:2013 Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Vienna, Austria
  35. 主辦及參與國際會議:2013 International International Future Energy Electronics Conference, Tainan, Taiwan
  36. 主辦及參與國際會議:2013 International Conference on Mechatronics, Vicenza, Italy
  37. 主辦及參與國際會議:2013 ARIS international conference invited speaker, Tainan, Taiwan (workshop chair)
  38. 主辦及參與國際會議:2013 ARIS international conference, Tainan, Taiwan (tutorial chair)
  39. 主辦及參與國際會議:2013 National Conference on Advanced Robotics, Tainan, Taiwan (best student paper contest chair)
  40. 主辦及參與國際會議:2011 Asian Control Conference ASCC, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (session chair)
  41. 主辦及參與國際會議:2010 International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, Nagaoka, Japan
  42. 主辦及參與國際會議:2008 CACS2008, Tainan, Taiwan (session chair)
  43. 主辦及參與國際會議:2007 IEEE IECON, Taipei, Taiwan (session chair)
  44. 主辦及參與國際會議:2007 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, Kumamoto, Japan (session chair)
  45. 主辦及參與國際會議:2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, man, and Cybernetics, Taipei, Taiwan
  46. 主辦及參與國際會議:2006 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, Budapest, Hungary
  47. 主辦及參與國際會議:2005 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Monterey, California (session chair)
  48. 主辦及參與國際會議:2004 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Taipei (session chair)
  49. 主辦及參與國際會議:2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Taipei (session chair)
  50. 為期刊的Reviewer :Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers
  51. 為期刊的Reviewer :Information Science
  52. 為期刊的Reviewer :IEEE Transaction on Robotics and Automation
  53. 為期刊的Reviewer :IEEE Transaction on Systems, man and Cybernetics, Part B
  54. 為期刊的Reviewer :International Journal of Control and Intelligent Systems
  55. 為期刊的Reviewer :IEEE Transaction on Robotics
  56. 為期刊的Reviewer :Journal of Information Science and Engineering
  57. 為期刊的Reviewer :IEEE Transaction on Control Systems Technology
  58. 為期刊的Reviewer :Control Engineering Practice
  59. 為期刊的Reviewer :Mechatronics
  60. 為期刊的Reviewer :IEEE Transaction on Mechatronics
  61. 為期刊的Reviewer :IEE Proceeding, Electric Power Applications
  62. 為期刊的Reviewer :Robotica
  63. 為期刊的Reviewer :IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics
  64. 為期刊的Reviewer :International Journal of Electrical Engineering
  65. 為期刊的Reviewer :European Journal of Control
  1. 111.08-112.07 基於元宇宙擴增實境之工業用機械手臂人機協作研究(主持人),科技部
  2. 110.08-111.08 可用於無人服務自助旅館之搭載多軸關節型機械手臂自走車平台關鍵技術研究(主持人),科技部
  3. 108.08-110.08 基於電腦視覺與增強式學習之工業用機械手臂物件取放技術研究(主持人),科技部
  4. 108.03-109.01 基於EtherCAT之順應控制技術研發(主持人),工研院
  5. 105.08-108.07 協同合作型六軸機械手臂之非接觸式阻抗控制研究(主持人),科技部(MOST 105-2221-E-006-105-MY3)
  6. 103.08-105.07 基於視覺伺服之機械手臂應用於物件夾取之研究(II)(主持人),科技部(MOST 103-2221-E-006-185-MY2)
  7. 102.08-103.07 基於視覺伺服之機械手臂應用於物件夾取之研究(I)(主持人),國科會(NSC 102-2221-E-006-204-)
  8. 101.08-102.07 基於電腦視覺之未知物體循跡運動插值器及視覺伺服控制研究(主持人),國科會(NSC 101-2221-E-006-185-)
  9. 99.08-101.07 可應用於健身及復健之力輔助裝置控制架構探討(主持人),國科會(NSC 99-2221-E-006-204-MY2)
  10. 99.08-100.07 基於視覺與無張 感測器之捲繞控制系統研發(主持人),國科會(NSC 99-2221-E-006 -200)
  11. 96.08-99.07 應用被動速度場與視覺伺服之輪廓追隨與力量控制研究(主持人),國科會(NSC 96-2221-E-006 -300-MY3)
  12. 96.08-97.07 基於球面超音波馬達之機械眼視覺追蹤系統之設計與實現 (3/3)(主持人),國科會(NSC95-2221-E006-038)
  13. 95.08-96.07 基於球面超音波馬達之機械眼視覺追蹤系統之設計與實現 (2/3)(主持人),國科會(NSC95-2221-E006-261)
  14. 94.08-95.07 基於球面超音波馬達之機械眼視覺追蹤系統之設計與實現 (1/3)(主持人),國科會(NSC94-2213-E006-082)
  15. 93.08-94.07 植基於FPGA之運動控制命令產生晶片之設計與實現 (I)(主持人),國科會(NSC93-2213-E006-128)
  16. 92.08-93.07 直驅式線型無鐵心永磁同步馬達之無感測器定位控制設計與實現(主持人),國科會(NSC92-2213-E006-032)
  17. 91.12-92.11 數位控制式之射出成型機之直壓鎖模系統的研製(主持人),國科會(NSC91-2622-E006-097-CC3)
  18. 91.08-92.07 基於視覺伺服之eHome智慧型監控系統之設計與實現 (主持人),國科會(NSC91-2213-E006-122)
  19. 90.08-91.07 具前饋補償之零失真雜訊整型架構與全數位式功率放大器之設計(主持人),國科會(NSC90-2213 -E-327- 010)
  20. 89.08-90.07 CNC伺服控制器之NURBS即時插值器設計與實現(主持人),國科會(NSC 89-2212 -E-327-011)
  21. 88.08-89.07 影像伺服控制系統之研究與設計(主持人),國科會(NSC 89-2212 -E-244-002)
  22. 87.08-88.07 腳長不同之兩腳機器人運動之分析與研究(主持人),國科會(NSC 88-2213 -E-244-003)
  23. 106.09-107.08 機器人虛實系統之動態模型建構研究(主持人),台達電子
  24. 105.10-106.09 工業用機械手臂之順應性控制技術(主持人),台達電子(B105-K545)
  25. 104.09-105.08 工業機器人之先進控制技術研發(主持人),台達電子(b104-K79)
  26. 103.11~104.10 機械手臂之應用技術研發(主持人),可成科技
  27. 103.06~104.06 六軸關節型機械手臂運動控制之關鍵技術研發計畫書(主持人),台達電子
  28. 100.12~103.11 高功率非稀土永磁馬達與磁性材料應用技術研發三年計畫(分項主持人),經濟部學界科專計畫(MOEA 100-EC-17-A-05-S1-192)
  29. 101.4~102.3 PC- based機器視覺對位平台系統整合研究(主持人),迎輝科技
  30. 99.2~99.10 音圈馬達控制器研究開發(主持人),財團法人精密機械研究發展中心
  31. 99.1~99.12 高精度伺服軸控技術研究(主持人),財團法人金屬工業研究中心
  32. 98.4~99.3 家庭用機器人之新型關節馬達與驅動模組研究(主持人),台達電子(D10)
  33. 97.9~100.8 新世代節能動力馬達關鍵技術研發三年計畫,經濟部學界開發產業技術計畫(97-EC-17-A-05-S1-103)
  34. 97.2~98.1 馬達科技研究中心卓越研究計畫(主持人),中鋼公司
  35. 96.01~96.12 大行程面板同步移載平台控制技術之研究(主持人),金屬工業研究發展中心
  36. 93.1~93.12 CNC工具機模擬軟體之研究(主持人),台達電子
Current Academic Year Lab Members
Graduates of all Previous Years
黃欣玉(大葉大學 ; 智邦科技)   李俊成(國立高雄第一科技大學 ; 高雄高雄市環保局)
王俊凱(瑞昱半導體)   巫昌寰(大銀微系統)   廖兼賢(聯發科技)   孫嘉陽(國家高速電腦中心)   李政謙(泛亞化工)
蔡明勳(振家螺絲工業)   徐文忠(台積電)   謝其昀(聯發科技)
賴俊良(和碩聯合科技)   胡志寬(台達電子)   許昀傑(光寶電子)   戴維志(台灣日立)   林政緯(聯詠科技)   王偉安
王盈惠(南茂科技)   汪曙峰(工研院)   蘇助彬(永洋科技)   余章傑(台達電子)   邱志豪(凌陽科技)   羅銘翔(台達電子)
侯銘凱(台積電)   許益彰(聯詠科技)   劉叡明(聯詠科技)   鍾承君(中華電信研究所)   黃暉斌(奇景光電)
山田真弘(德律科技)   劉子瑜(GOGORO)   陸宇銓(新普科技)   劉明山(宏碁電腦)   汪柏年(華碩電腦)   吳仁哲(台積電)   林奕岑(台達電子)   林啟賢(聯詠科技)   吳俊賢(國家通訊委員會)   林天俊
楊鵬(世界先進)   呂蕙安   謝尚勳(聯發科技)   陳長泰(台達電子)   林文斌(台達電子)   陳冠弘(台達電子)
黃嬿慈(台積電)   陳威良(台積電)   陳威智(聯發科技)   許誠顯(奕力科技)
黃柏堯(中科院)   雷誌詳(台積電)   蘇冠瑋(台積電)   張宇承(聯詠科技)   鄭光位(德律科技)
陳昭仁(可成科技)   謝承佑(中鋼)   李政霖(台積電)   鄭力瑋(聯發科)   張維哲(Bernecker+Rainer Industrie-Elektronik Ges.m.b.H.)
江宗錡(AMD)   蔡弘晉(台達電子)   鄭晏維(聯詠科技)   陳泓睿(華碩電腦 ;SUNY Stony Brook)   呂杰修(聯詠科技)
吳如峰(達明機器人)   陳威霖(新唐)   吳緯崚(美光)   林潔君(台積電)   李文宏(聯發科)
莊閔皓(聯發科)   李哲良(台積電)   胡智皓   羅國益(鴻海精密)   張峰達(GOGORO)   Pablo Gonzalez(可成科技)
賴彥均(惠特科技)   蔡維哲(台達電子)   王智陞(台達電子)   高子洋(台積電)   白亦捷(中鋼)   劉廷翰(台積電)
許忠湛(群聯)   林宏憲(台達電子)   姜佳伶(Amazon)   范鈞翔(群聯)   張庭育(聯發科)
劉展憲(台達電子)   魯昶甫(台達電子)   劉家佑(瑞昱半導體)   葉庭瑜(台達電子)   陳彥君(艾司摩爾)
黃俊龍(瑞昱半導體)   王俊翔(瑞昱半導體)   簡士軒(奧勒岡州立大學)   黃子源(新代科技)   楊士賢(友達光電)
吳柏鋒(台達電子)   林彥如(慧榮科技)   陳亞伶(聯詠科技)   戴嘉潁(奇景)
李鐸聲(聯詠)   黃清揚(慧榮科技)   余承翰(台達電子)   許譯云(瑞昱)   黃品瑄(聯發科)   陳岳霆(聯詠)
劉哲宏(聯陽)   溫梓傑   洪瑋伶   陳慧慈
吳昭呈(成大電機所碩士)   蔡旻軒(成大電機所碩士)   李佩瑾(成大電通所碩士)
劉珮蘭(美國聖路易市華盛頓大學博士班)   江維鈞(成大電機博士)
何庭育(台大電機所碩士; 美國華盛頓大學博士)
劉人豪(台大牙醫)   鄭宛潔(台大電機所碩士)
Maxime Legendre(法國南特中央理工學院)   Valiente Mathieu(法國土魯斯大學)
Stanislas Pilmis(法國土魯斯大學)   Paula Zaldua(法國土魯斯大學)
Michel Yeung(法國土魯斯大學)   Guillaume Royer(法國土魯斯大學)
Thibaud Picard(法國土魯斯大學)   Tom Vandermeirssche(法國土魯斯大學)
Olivier Pigeon(法國土魯斯大學)   Francine Ng(法國土魯斯大學)
Baptiste Moret(法國土魯斯大學)
Sofian Zouhair(法國土魯斯大學)   Amine Touzani(法國土魯斯大學)
  1. 86年度國科會甲種研究獎勵
  2. 帶領學生參與教育部90年度學生專題實作競賽入選全國決賽
  3. 擔任挪威國科會專題研究計畫審查委員 (2003)
  4. 帶領學生參加92年度 學生專題實作競賽全國決賽獲優等獎
  5. 帶領學生與高苑技術學院電機系共同組隊參加教育部93年度學生專題實作競賽入選全國決賽
  6. 帶領學生與成功大學材料工程系共同組隊參加 2004 International Student Experimental Hands-on Project Competition via Internet on Intelligent Mechatronics and Automation獲得第五名
  7. 帶領學生與高苑科技大學電機系共同組隊參加教育部94年精密機電科技教育改進計畫『產業機台伺服定位』學生專題實作競賽獲優等
  8. Listed in the 2009 Edition of Who's Who in the World
  9. 指導學生吳俊賢獲得2008 International Automatic Control Conference學生論文競賽第二名
  10. 指導學生參加意法半導體2011 iNEMO校園設計競賽榮獲季軍
  11. 指導學生張維哲獲得2013 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems學生論文獎
  12. 指導學生參加意法半導體2013 iNEMO校園設計競賽榮獲 佳作
  13. 學生郭威良參加2016 3RD International Conference on Control Dynamic Systems and Robotics (CDSR'16)獲得 best paper finalist
  14. 指導學生林潔君, Pablo Gonzalez, 羅國益, 高子洋參加2016 ARIS International conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems 獲得 Best Presentation Paper Certificate(Honorary Mention)
  15. 指導學生賴彥均參加2018 ARIS International conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems 獲得 Best Presentation Paper Certificate(Honorary Mention)
  16. 指導學生蔡彥柔,楊士賢,葉庭瑜,劉家佑,劉展憲參加2018智慧機器手臂視覺競賽獲得亞軍
  17. 指導學生楊士賢參加2019 ARIS International conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems 獲得 Best Student Paper(Honorary Mention)
  18. 指導學生黃子源參加2019 ARIS International conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems 獲得 Best Presentation Paper (First place)
  19. 指導大學部專題生陳岳霆、李鐸聲、黃晨瑋(機械系)、謝汶諺參加2019東京威力科創機器人大賽榮獲創意技術獎特優
  20. 指導大學部專題生詹鈞皓、潘星羽、黃品瑄、許譯云參加2019東京威力科創機器人大賽榮獲創意技術獎佳作
  21. 指導學生劉展憲參加2020 ARIS International conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems 獲得Best Presentation Paper Award (Honorable Mention)
  22. 指導學生黃子源獲得2020機器人學會碩士論文獎
  23. 指導學生黃子源獲得109年青年論文獎第三名
  24. 指導學生林彥如參加2022 ARIS International conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems獲得 best student paper (Honorary Mention)