NCKUEE Faculty Data
Chinese Version
Associate Professor Yean-Ru Chen
ChiMei Building 6F R95607
+886-6-2757575 ext.62321
Lab Weblink
Computer-Aided Verification Lab
Ph.D., Graduate Institute of Electronics Engineering, National Taiwan University
M.S., Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chung Cheng University
B.S., Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chiao Tung University
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
Lead Application Engineer, Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
Senior Engineer, MediaTek Inc.
Assistant Engineer, Industrial Technology Research Institute
  • Formal methods, including model checking, theorem proving and etc.
  • Functional safety verification methodology development
  • Data/On-chip security verification
  • Digital circuit design
  • Artificial neural network application on verification research
  1. Y.-R. Chen, J.-J. Yeh, P.-A. Hsiung, and S.-J. Chen, “Accelerating Coverage Estimation through Partial Model Checking,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, Computer 63(7): pp. 1613-1625, 2014.
  2. C.-S. Lin, P.-A. Hsiung, S.-W. Lin, Y.-R. Chen, C.-H. Lu, S.-Y. Tong, W.-T. Su, W. C. Chu, C.-H. Shih, N.-L. Hsueh, C.-H. Chang, and C.-S. Koong, "VERTAF/Multi-Core: A SysML-based Application Framework for Multi-Core Embedded Software Development," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 32, No. 7, pp. 985-991, November 2009 (SCI).
  3. P.-A.Hsiung, S.-W.Lin, Y.-R.Chen, C.-H.Huang, and W. C. Chu, "Modeling and Verification of Real-Time Embedded Systems with Urgency," Journal of Systems and Software (JSS) (SCI), Volume 82, No. 10, pp. 1627-1641, Elsevier Inc., October 2009.
  4. P.-A. Hsiung, Y.-R. Chen and Y.-H. Lin, "Model Checking Safety-Critical Systems using Safecharts," IEEE Transactions on Computers (SCI), Vol. 56, No. 5, pp. 692-705, May 2007.
  5. Y.-R. Chen and P.-A. Hsiung, "Automatic Failure Analysis using Safecharts," International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE) (SCI), Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 57-78, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, February 2007.
  1. Y.-R. Chen, S.-J. Chen, P.-A. Hsiung, I-H. Chou, “Unified Security and Safety Risk Assessment - A Case Study on Nuclear Power Plant,” TSA 2014: 22-28
  2. Y.-R. Chen, Z.-R. Wong, P.-A. Hsiung, S.-J. Chen and M.-H. Tsai, “Backward Probing Deadlock Detection for Networks-on-chip,” International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip (NOCS), April 2013.
  3. H.-L. Chao, Y.-R. Chen, S.-Y. Tong, P.-A. Hsiung, S.-J. Chen, “Congestion-aware scheduling for NoC-based reconfigurable systems,” Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), March 2012.
  4. Y.-R. Chen , W.-T. Su, P.-A. Hsiung, Y.-C. Lan, Y.-H. Hu, and S.-J. Chen, "Formal Modeling and Verification of Network-on-Chip," Proceedings of the International Conference on Green Circuits and Systems, 2010.
  5. Y.-R. Chen, T.-Y. Chen, P.-A. Hsiung, S.-J. Chen and Y.-H. Hu, "Compositional Automata Reduction with Non-critical Path Slicing," The 2009 International Conference on Foundations of Computer Science, pp. 133-138, CSREA Press, July 2009.
  6. P.-A. Hsiung, C.-S. Lin, S.-W. Lin, Y.-R. Chen, C.-H. Lu, S.-Y. Tong, W.-T. Su, C. Shih, C.-S. Koong, N.-L. Hsueh, C.-H. Chang, William C. Chu, "VERTAF/Multi-Core: A SysML- based Application Framework for Multi-Core Embedded Software Development," Proceedings of the International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP), LNCS, Springer Verlag, June 2009.
  7. P.-A. Hsiung, S.-W. Lin, Y.-R. Chen, N.-L. Hsueh, C.-H. Chang, C.-H. Shih, C.-S. Koong, C.-S. Lin, C.-H. Lu, S.-Y. Tong, W.-T. Su, and W. C. Chu, "Model-Driven Development of Multi-Core Embedded Software," Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Multicore Software Engineering (IWMSE), May 2009.
  8. Y.-R. Chen, P.-A. Hsiung, and S.-J. Chen, "Modeling and Automatic Failure Analysis of Safety-Critical Systems using Extended Safecharts," Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SAFECOMP, Nuremberg, Germany), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer Verlag, September 2007.
  9. P.-A. Hsiung , S.-W. Lin, Y.-R. Chen, C.-H. Huang, J.-J. Yeh, H.-Y. Sun, C.-S. Lin, and H.-W. Liao, "Model Checking Timed Systems with Urgencies," Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA, Beijing, China), LNCS Vol. 4218, pp. 67-81, Springer-Verlag, October 2006.
  10. S.-W. Lin, P.-A. Hsiung , C.-H. Huang, and Y.-R. Chen, "Model Checking Prioritized Timed Automata," Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA, Taipei, Taiwan), LNCS Vol. 3707, pp. 370-384, Springer Verlag, October 2005.
  1. Ebook Editor: P.-A. Hsiung , Y.-H. Lin, and Y.-R. Chen, "Safecharts Model Checking for the Verification of Safety-Critical Systems," in Verification, Validation and Testing in Software Engineering , editors Aristides Dasso, Ana Funes, IDEA Group, Inc., USA, ISBN: 1-59140-851-2, 2007.
  2. Invited Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Computers
  3. Invited Reviewer of International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis
  1. Principal Investigator: Formal Verification (RealTek, Inc.) , 2018/03 -
  2. Principal Investigator: Development of a Scalable Formal Verification, Failure and Causality Analysis Tool Set for Safety-Critical Internet-of-Things Systems (MOST 106 - 2218 - E - 006 - 012), 2017/03 - 2018/02
  3. Project Executor: Research on Information Security and Asset Management in Nuclear Power Plants (Project code: 1002001INER001), 2011/01-2011/12
  4. Project Executor: National Science Council sponsored International Collaboration Research Project (NSC 97-2221-E002-241-MY3),Research on the Development of a Hierarchical Network-on-Chip System Platform Synthesizer, 2008-2011
  5. Project Executor: National Taiwan University and SpringSoft (Synopsys) Inc. , Electronic System Level (ESL) Design Project, 2007-2008
Current Academic Year Lab Members
Yu-Ting Chou
Shao-Chia Weng
Chien-Hsiang Lin
Cheng-Yuan Lin
Chao-Yu Wang
Kuan-Ming Lin
Chi-Chieh Chiu
Sheng-Ran Wei
Tzu-Chieh Yen
Tzu-Fan Wang
Min-Yan Tsai
Zhao-Jun Deng
Yi-Ting Lee
Yu-Shien Shen
Chi-Lun Lu
Tian-Fu Lee
Jing-Wei Wang
Graduates of all Previous Years
Ming-Lin Lu   Yen-Ting Liu
Jin-Wei Lian   Shi-Wei Wu   Zhwn-Ting Gao   Yi-Jyun Gao
Jia-Hao Syu   Tien-Yin Chang   Chun-Sheng Ke
Lee-Ming Tan   Sheng-Lung Huang   Chia-Hsien Yang   Hang Chen   Chih-Cheng Ting   Yu-Ting Huang   Shi-Han Chen   Chi-Kai Wang
  1. Visiting Scholar, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison Madison, WI, USA, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2009.
  2. Annual Excellent Thesis Award of Institute of Information & Computing Machinery, 2006.