國立成功大學電機工程學系 教師個人頁面
English Version
陳中和 教授
06-2757575 ext.62394
美國華盛頓大學 (西雅圖) 電機工程系博士
IEEE Circuit and System Society Tainan Chapter Chair
  • 計算機架構
  • 多重處理器系統 
  • SoC系統整合
  • VLSI 晶片設計
  • 資料網路   
  • 微算機系統設計
  • 容錯處理系統 
期刊論文( Journal )
  1. Kuan-Chung Chen and Chung-Ho Chen, Enabling SIMT Execution Model on Homogeneous Multi-Core System, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, Volume 15 Issue 1, April 2018 Article No. 6
  2. Ching-Wen Lin and Chung-Ho Chen, A Processor and Cache Online Self-Testing Methodology for OS-Managed Platform, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Vol. 25, No. 8, pp. 2346-2359, August 2017.
  3. En-Hao Chang, Chen-Chieh Wang, Chien-Te Liu, Kuan-Chung Chen and Chung-Ho Chen, Virtualization Technology for TCP/IP Offload Engine, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Vol. 2, No. 2, April-June 2014. (SCI, EI)
  4. Chen-Chieh Wang and Chung-Ho Chen,A System‐Level Network Virtual Platform for IPsec Processor Development, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E96-D, No.5, pp.1095-1104, May 2013. (SCI, EI)
  5. Yi-Ying Tsai and Chung-Ho Chen,Energy-efficient Trace Reuse Cache for Embedded Processor,IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems,Vol. 19, No. 9, pp. 1681-1694, September 2011. (SCI, EI)
  6. Tai-Hua Lu, Chung-Ho Chen, and Kuen-Jong Lee,Effective Hybrid Test Program Development for Software-Based Self-Testing of Pipeline Processor Cores,IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems,Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 516-520, March 2011. (SCI, EI)
  7. Wei-Cheng Lin and Chung-Ho Chen,Frame Buffer Access Reduction for MPEG Video Decoder,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,Vol. 18, No. 10, pp. 1452-1456, October 2008. (SCI, EI)
  8. Chung-Ming Chen and Chung-Ho Chen,Configurable VLSI Architecture for Deblocking Filter in H.264/AVC,IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems,Vol. 16, No. 8, pp. 1072-1082, August 2008. (SCI, EI)
  9. Chung-Ho Chen and Kuo-Su Hsiao,Scalable Dynamic Instruction Scheduler through Wakeup Spatial Locality,IEEE Transactions on Computers,Vol. 56, No. 11, pp. 1534-1548, November 2007. (SCI, EI)
  10. Chung-Ho Chen, Chih-Kai Wei, Tai-Hua Lu, and Hsun-Wei Gao,Software-Based Self-Testing with Multiple-Level Abstractions for Soft Processor Cores,IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems,Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 505-517, May 2007. (SCI, EI)
  11. Kuo-Su Hsiao and Chung-Ho Chen,Wake-Up Logic Optimizations Through Selective Match and Wakeup Range Limitation,IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems,Vol. 14, No. 10, pp. 1089-1102, October 2006. (SCI, EI)
  12. C. -H. Chen and F.-F Lin,An Easy-to-Use Approach for Practical Bus-Based System Design,IEEE Transactions on Computers,Vol. 48, No. 8, pp. 780-793, August 1999. 國科會甲種研究獎 (SCI, EI)
  13. C. -H. Chen and A. K. Somani,Fault-Containment in Cache Memories for TMR Redundant Processor Systems,IEEE Transactions on Computers,Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 386-39, April 1999. 國科會甲種研究獎 (SCI, EI)
  14. C. -H. Chen and A. K. Somani,Architecture Technique Trade-Offs Using Mean Memory Delay Time,IEEE Transactions on Computers,Vol. 45, No. 10, pp. 1089-1100, October 1996. 國科會甲種研究獎 (SCI, EI)
  15. Craig M. Wittenbrink, A. K. Somani, and C. -H. Chen,Cache Write Generate for Parallel Image Processing on Shared Memory Architectures,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,Vol. 5, No. 7, pp. 1204-1208, July 1996. (SCI, EI)
  16. C. -H. Chen and A. K. Somani,A Unified Architectural Tradeoff Methodology,ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News,Vol. 22, Iss. 2, pp. 348-357, April 1994.
  17. Chung-Ming Chen and Chung-Ho Chen,Window Architecture for Deblocking Filter in H.264/AVC,International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control ,Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 1677-1695, December 2007. (SCI, EI)
  18. Chung-Ho Chen, Chao-Hsien Hsu, and Chen-Chieh Wang,Scalable IPv6 Lookup/Update Design for High-Throughput Routers,Journal of Internet Technology,Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 261-269, July 2007. (EI)
  19. Chung-Ming Chen and Chung-Ho Chen,An Efficient Pipeline Architecture for Deblocking Filter in H.264/AVC,IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,Vol. E90-D, No.1 pp.99-107, January 2007. (SCI, EI)
  20. M.-D. Shieh, M.-H. Sheu, C.-H. Chen , and H.-F. LoA Systematic Approach for Parallel CRC Computations,Journal of Information Science and Engineering,Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 445-461, May 2001. (SCI)
  21. C.-H. Chen and Akida Wu,Address Prediction Using a Bit-Matrix Indexing Scheme for Selective Update,Journal of Computers,Vol. 12 No.3, September 2000.
  22. C.-H. Chen and Akida Wu,Performance Evaluation of Load/Store Issue and Memory Access Policies,Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers,Vol.23, No. 6, pp. 697-709, 2000. (SCI, EI)
  23. C. -H. Chen,Exploring the Design Space of Cache Memories, Bus Width, and Burst Transfer Memory Systems,Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers,Vol.21, No. 3, pp.269-282, 1998. (SCI, EI)
  24. R. M. Haralick, A. K. Somani, C. Wittenbrink, R. Johnson, K. Cooper,L. G. Shapiro, I. T. Phillips, J. N. Hwang, W. Cheung, Y.H. Yao, C. H. Chen, L. Yang, B. Daugherty, B. Lorbeski, K. Loving, T. Miller, L. Parkins, et. al.Proteus: A Reconfigurable Computational Network for Computer Vision,Journal of Machine Vision and Applications,Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 85-100, March 1995. (SCI, EI)
  25. P. D. Stigall and C. -H. Chen,A Performance Simulation of Local Area Networks Using CSMA/CD and Token Bus Protocols,Computers & Electrical Engineering,Vol. 16, No.3, 1990. (SCI, EI)
會議論文( Conference )
  1. Tsung-Han Tsou, Dun-Jie Chen, Sheng-Yang Hung, Yu-Hsiang Wang, Chung-Ho Chen, Optimization of Stride Prefetching Mechanism and Dependent Warp Scheduling on GPGPU, 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Oct 12-14, 2020, Seville, Spain
  2. Min Zhi Ji, Wei Chung Tseng, Ting Jia Wu, Bo Rong Lin, Chung Ho Chen, Micro Darknet for Inference: ESL reference for inference accelerator design, 16th International System-on-Chip Design Conference, ISOCC 2019, Oct 06-09, 2019,Jeju, Korea
  3. Yu Xiang Su, Jhi Han Jheng, Dun Jie Chen, Chung Ho Chen, Development of an Open ISA GPGPU for Edge Device Machine Learning Applications, 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks, ICUFN 2019, July 02-05, 2019, Zagreb, Croatia
  4. Sen Chih Tsai, Yu Xiang Su, Yu Han Chin, Wei Zhong Ceng, Chung Ho Chen,Kernel Aware Warp Scheduler, 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2018, May 27-30, 2018, Italy
  5. J.-W. Lin , and Chung-Ho Chen,Processor Shield for L1 Data Cache Software-Based On-line Self-testing, in Asia South Pacific Des. Autom. Conf. , January 16-19, 2017, Japan
  6. J.-W. Lin , and Chung-Ho Chen,A Processor Shield for Software-Based On-Line Self-Test, in IEEE Asia Pacific Conf. Circuits and Systems, October 25-28, 2016, Korea
  7. Yun-Chi Huang, Kuan-Chieh Hsu, Wan-shan Hsieh, Chen-Chieh Wang, Chia-Han Lu, and Chung-Ho Chen_,Dynamic SIMD Re-convergence with Paired-Path Comparison , in the 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May 23-25, 2016, Montreal, Canada.
  8. Yung Hsu and Chung-Ho Chen, A Heterogeneous System Architecture Conformed GPU Platform Supporting OpenCL and OpenGL, Taiwan and Japan Conference on Circuits and Systems (TJCAS), Aug. 18-23, 2015, Japan
  9. Heng-Yi Chen, and Chung-Ho Chen, An HSAIL ISA Conformed GPU Platform, In International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (ICICE), Oct 23-28. 2015. Xiangtan, Hunan, P.R. China
  10. Chien-Hsuan Yen, Kuan-Chung Chen and Chung-Ho Chen, A memory-efficient NoC system for Op0enCL many-core platform, in the 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May 24-27, 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.
  11. Ching-Wen Lin and Chung-Ho Chen, Unambiguous I-cache testing using software-based self-testing methodology, in the 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), June 1-5, 2014 ,Melbourne VIC, Australian.
  12. Kuan-Chung Chen and Chung-Ho Chen, An OpenCL Runtime System for a Heterogeneous many-Core Virtual Platform , in the 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), June 1-5, 2014 ,Melbourne VIC, Australian.
  13. Jhe-Yu Liou and Chung-Ho Chen, Re-visit Blocking Texture Cache Design for Modern GPU, in the 11th International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC), Nov. 3-6, 2014, Jeju, Korea.
  14. Tzu-Hsuan Hsu, Ching-Wen Lin and Chung-Ho Chen, Using Condition Flag Prediction to Improve the Performance of Out-of-Order Processors, in the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May 19-23, 2013 ,Beijing, China.
  15. Chien-Te Liu, Kuan-Chung Chen and Chung-Ho Chen, CASL Hypervisor and its Virtualization Platform, in the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May 19-23, 2013 ,Beijing, China.
  16. Hsu-Yao Huang, Chi-Yuan Huang, and Chung-Ho Chen,Tile-Based GPU Optimizations through ESL Full System Simulation,in the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS),May 20-23, 2012, Seoul, Korea.
  17. Chen-Chieh Wang, Sheng-Hsin Lo, Yao-Ning Liu, and Chung-Ho Chen,NetVP: A System-Level NETwork Virtual Platform for Network Accelerator Development,in the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS),May 20-23, 2012, Seoul, Korea.
  18. Chen-Chieh Wang and Chung-Ho Chen,An Optimized Cryptographic Processing Unit for IPsec Processors,in the 26th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC),June 19-22, 2011, Gyeongju, Korea.
  19. Kuan-Chung Chen and Chung-Ho Chen,A Synchronization Profiler for Hybrid Full System Simulation Platform,in the International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC-2010),Nov. 22-23, 2010, Incheon, Korea.
  20. Xie-Zeng Shen, Shin-Ying Lee, and Chung-Ho Chen,Full System Simulation with QEMU: an Approach to Multi-View 3D GPU Design,in the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) ,May 30 - June 2, 2010, Paris, France.
  21. Jing-Wun Lin, Chen-Chieh Wang, Chin-Yao Chang, Chung-Ho Chen , and Kuen-Jong Lee,Full System Simulation and Verification Framework,in the Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (IAS-2009) ,August 18-20, 2009, Xi'an, China.
  22. Chen-Chieh Wang, Ro-Pun Wong, Jing-Wun Lin, and Chung-Ho Chen,System-Level Development and Verification Framework for High-Performance System Accelerator,in the IEEE International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation & Test (VLSI-DAT) ,April 27-30, 2009, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  23. Yi-Cheng Lin, Yi-Ying Tsai, Kuen-Jong Lee, Cheng-Wei Yen, Chung-Ho Chen,A Software-Based Test Methodology for Direct-Mapped Data Cache,in the IEEE Seventeenth Asian Test Symposium (ATS) ,November 24-27, 2008, Sapporo, Japan.
  24. Wei-Cheng Lin and Chung-Ho Chen,Avoiding Unnecessary Frame Memory Access and Multi-Frame Motion Estimation Computation in H.264/AVC,in the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS),May 18-21, 2008, Seattle, Washington, USA.
  25. Tai-Hua Lu, Chung-Ho Chen , and Kuen-Jong Lee,A Hybrid Self-Testing methodology of Processor Cores,in the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS),May 18-21, 2008, Seattle, Washington, USA.
  26. Yi-Ying Tsai, Chia-Jung Hsu, and Chung-Ho Chen ,Address Compression for Scalable Load/Store Queue Implementation,in the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS),May 18-21, 2008, Seattle, Washington, USA.
  27. Tai-Hua Lu, Chung-Ho Chen, and Kuen-Jong Lee,A Hybrid Software-Based Self-Testing methodology for Embedded Processor,in the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC),March 16-20, 2008, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil. (EI)
  28. Yi-Ying Tsai, Chia-Jung Hsu, and Chung-Ho Chen,Power-efficient and Scalable Load/Store Queue Design via Address Compression,in the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC),March 16-20, 2008, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil. (EI)
  29. Wei-Cheng Lin and Chung-Ho Chen,A Data-Reuse Scheme for Avoiding Unnecessary Frame Buffer Accesses and Display RAM Accesses in MPEG-4 ASP Video Decoder,in the IEEE International SoC Conference (SOCC),September 26-29, 2007, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  30. Yi-Cheng Chung, Stanley Lee, and Chung-Ho Chen,A Packet Forwarding Method for the iSCSI Virtualization Switch,in the 4th International Workshop on Storage Network Architecture and Parallel I/Os (SNAPI),September 24, 2007, San Diego, California, USA.
  31. Wei-Cheng Lin and Chung-Ho Chen,Reduction of Frame Memory Accesses and Motion Estimation Computations in MPEG-4 Video Encoder,in the 16th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN),August 13-16, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
  32. Chung-Ho Chen, Yi-Cheng Chung, Chen-Hua Wang, and Han-Chiang Chen,Design of a Giga-bit Hardware Accelerator for the iSCSI Initiator,in the 31st Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN),November 14-16, 2006, Tampa, Florida, USA.
  33. Kuo-Su Hsiao and Chung-Ho Chen,Scheduler Optimization by Exploring Wakeup Locality,in the International Conference of Computer Engineering & Systems (ICCES),November 5-7, 2006, Egypt.
  34. Chung-Ming Chen, Chung-Ho Chen, Jian-Ping Zeng, and Chao-Tang Yu,Windows Processing for Deblocking Filter in H.264/AVC,in the Proceeding of the 32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics (IECON),November 7-10, 2006, Paris, France.
  35. Kuo-Su Hsiao and Chung-Ho Chen,Improving Scalability and Complexity of Dynamic Scheduler through Wakeup-Based Scheduling,in the International Conference of Computer Design,October, 2006, USA. (EI)
  36. Wei-Cheng Lin and Chung-Ho Chen,Exploring Reusable Frame Buffer Data for MPEG-4 Video Decoding,in the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS),2006, Island of Kos, Greece. (EI)
  37. Chung-Ming Chen, Jian-Ping Zeng, Chung-Ho Chen, Chao-Tang Yu, and Yu-Pin Chang,Window Architecture for Deblocking Filter in H.264/AVC,in the 6th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology,August 27-30, 2006, Vancouver, Canada. (EI)
  38. Kuo-Su Hsiao and Chung-Ho Chen,An Efficient Wakeup Design for Energy Reduction in High-Performance Superscalar Processors,in the ACM SIGMicro International Conference on Computing Frontiers (CF) ,2005, Italy. (EI)
  39. Chung-Ming Chen and Chung-Ho Chen,A Memory Efficient Architecture for Deblocking Filter in H.264 Using Vertical Processing Order,in the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks, and Information Processing (ISSNIP),2005, Australia.
  40. Chung-Ming Chen and Chung-Ho Chen,Parallel Processing for Deblocking Filter in H.264/AVC,in the International Conference on Communications, Internet and Information Technology (CIIT),2005, Cambridge, USA. (EI)
  41. Chung-Ming Chen and Chung-Ho Chen,Alternative Processing Order with Efficient Architecture for Adaptive Deblocking Filter in H.264/AVC,in the International Conference on Communications, Internet, and Information Technology (CIIT),2005, Cambridge, USA. (EI)
  42. Chung-Ming Chen and Chung-Ho Chen,An Efficient Architecture for Deblocking Filter in H.264/AVC Video Coding,in the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging (CGIM),2005, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. (EI)
  43. Chung-Ming Chen and Chung-Ho Chen,An Efficient VLSI Architecture for Edge Filtering in H.264/AVC,in the International Conference on Circuits, Signals, and Systems,2005, Marina del Rey, CA, USA.
  44. F.-M Huang and C.-H. Chen,Memory Access Scheduling and Bank Precharge Strategies,in the poster proceeding of 12 th IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems,2004, Netherlands.
  45. Wei-Cheng Lin and Chung-Ho Chen,An Energy-Delay Efficient Power Management Scheme for Embedded System in Multimedia Applications,in Proceedings of The IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuit & System (APCCAS),2004, Taiwan. (EI)
  46. N.-Y. Ker, and C.-H. Chen,An Effective SDRAM Power Mode Management Scheme for Performance and Energy Sensitive Embedded Systems,in the Proceeding of Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC) ,2003, Japan.
  47. M.-C. Chen, I.–J. Huang, and C.-H. Chen,Parameterized MAC Unit Implementation,in the Proceeding of Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference,2001, Japan.
  48. C.-H. Chen, M. -.H Sheu, M.-D. Shieh, T.-S, Li, and M.-T. Chen,Design and Implementation of a 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Switching Hub Controller,in the Proceeding of the IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Communications,1998, Singapore.
  49. Ming-Hwa Sheu, Chung-Ho Chen, Ming-Der Shieh and Tzung-Shiue Li,A High Performance VLSI Architecture Design for 10M /100Mbps Ethernet Switching Fabric,in the Proceeding of International Conference on Consumer Electronics,1998, USA. (EI)
  50. C. -H. Chen and A. Wu,Microarchitecture Support for Improving the Performance of Load Target Prediction,in the Proceeding of 30 th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture,December 1-3, 1997, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA. (EI)
  51. C. -H. Chen and A. Wu,An Enhanced DLX-based Superscalar System Simulator,in the 3rd Annual Workshop on Computer Architecture Education,February, 1997, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
  52. C. -H. Chen and A. Wu,An Enhanced DLX-based Superscalar System Simulator,in the IEEE Computer Architecture Newsletter,pp.25-31, September, 1997.
  53. C. -H. Chen and A. K. Somani,A Unified Architectural Tradeoff Methodology,in the Proceeding of the 21st International Symposium on Computer Architecture,pp. 348-357, April 18-21, 1994, Chicago, USA. 國科會甲種研究獎 (EI)
  54. C. -H. Chen and A. K. Somani,A Cache Protocol for Error Detection and Recovery in Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems,in the 24 th International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing,pp. 278-287, June 15-17, 1994, Austin Texas, USA. 國科會甲種研究獎 (EI)
  55. R. M. Haralick, Y-H, Yao, L. G. Shapiro, I. T. Phillips, A. K. Somani, J. N. Hwang, M. Harrington, C. Wittenbrink, C. -H. Chen, X. Liu, and S. Chen,Proteus: Control and Management System,in the Proceedings of Workshop on Computer Architectures for Machine Perception,pp. 101-108, December 15-17, 1993, New Orleans, USA.
  56. C. -H. Chen and A. K. Somani,Error Detection and Recovery in Fault-Tolerant Processor Systems Using Caches,in Proceeding of the ISMM International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems,pp. 388-393, 1992, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
  57. C. -H. Chen and A. K. Somani,Fault-Tolerant Parallel Processing with Real-Time Error Detection and Recovery,in Proceeding of the 26th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers,pp. 994-998, 1992, USA.
  58. C. -H. Chen and A. K. Somani,Effects of Cache Traffics on Shared-Bus Multiprocessor Systems,in Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing,pp. I285-I288, 1992, USA. (EI)
  59. Haralick-R-M. Somani-A-K. Wittenbrink-C. Johnson-R. Cooper-K. Shapiro-L-G. Phillips-I-T. Hwang-J-N. Cheung-W. Yao-Y-H. Chen-C-H . Yang-L. Daugherty-B. Lorbeski-B. Loving-K. Miller-T. Parkins-L. Soos-S.Proteus: a reconfigurable computational network for computer vision,Published by: IEEE Comput. Soc. Press. In Proceedings. 11th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition.pp. 43-54, The Hague, Netherlands, 1992. (Judged among the 6 best papers).
  60. Haralick-R-M. Somani-A-K. Wittenbrink-C. Johnson-R. Cooper-K. Shapiro-L-G. Phillips-I-T. Jenq-Neng-Hwang. Cheung-W. Yung-Hsi-Yao. Chung-Ho-Chen . Yang-L. Duagherty-B. Lorbeski-B. Loving-K. Miller-T. Parkins-L. Soos-S.Proteus: a reconfigurable computational network for computer vision,in Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol.1659. pp. 54-76. 1992. Conf. Title: Image Processing and Interchange: Implementation and Systems, San Jose, CA, USA. SPIE. IS\&T. 12-14 Feb. 1992. (EI)
  61. C. M. Wittenbrink, A. K. Somani, and C. -H. Chen,Cache Write Generate for High Performance Parallel Processing,Abstract presented in the 19 th International Symposium on Computer Architecture,1992, USA. (EI)
  62. A. K. Somani, C. Wittenbrink, R. M. Haralick, L. G. Shapiro, J. N. Hwang, C. -H. Chen, R. Johnson, and K. Cooper,Proteus System Architecture and Organization,in the Proceeding of the Fifth International Parallel Processing Symposium,pp. 287-294, 1991.
  63. Yi-Ying Tsai, Ke-Jia Lee, and Chung-Ho Chen,Code Compression Architecture for Memory Bandwidth Optimization in Embedded Systems,in the Proceeding of the International Comput
  64. Po-Kai Chan, Chung-Ho Chen, and Cheng-Yeh Yu,An iWARP-Based TCP/IP Offload Engine,in the Proceeding of the 17th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium,August 8-11, 2006.
  65. W.-Z. Lin, and C.-H. Chen,10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet MAC with Clock Management for AMBA System,in the Proceeding of the 13th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium,2002
  66. 盧偉聖、陳中和、蔡宜穎、林宇峰,特效光源之數位控制核心技術之研製,in the Proceeding of Taiwan Power Electronic Conference,2002
  67. C.-H. Chen, M.-D. Shieh, and Jimmy Shou,VLSI Architecture of an Instruction-Based Crypto Coprocessor,in the Proceeding of the 11th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium,2000
  68. 伍麗樵 , 黃胤傅 , 陳中和 , 陳惠淳 , 陳世仁 , 陳肇男 , 方志強 ,Download On Demand 多媒體影片租借系統之實作 ,第 15 屆全國技術及職業教育研討會論文集,pp. 171-179, 2000.
  69. S.-H. Sheu, C.-H. Chen, and T.-S Li,The Shared Bus Architecture Design and Chip Implementation for a 10M /100Mbps Ethernet Switching Fabric,in the Proceeding of the 8th VLSI
  70. J.-S. Lin, C.-H. Chen , C.-Y. Lin, and S.-H. Liu,The Application of Fuzzy Hopfield Neural Network for Vector Quantization in Image Compression,in the Proceeding of the fifth
  1. 執行緒束排程方法及使用該方法的串流多處理器 中華民國專利 I768649 號
  2. 應用於圖形處理器的編譯器及非暫態電腦可讀式儲存媒體 中華民國專利 I776338 號
  3. 具多協定處理單位之儲存架構及方法 中華民國專利 I247991 號,, 2006.
  4. Multiprocessor system with write generate method for updating cache, United States patent, No. 5524212, June 1996.
  5. Storage structure and method utilizing multiple protocol processor units, United States patent, No. 7460550, Dec. 2008.
  1. 處理器模擬器設計與性能分析 - ANDES
  2. 支援OpenCL 與 TVM 的 GPGPU RISC-V ESL 平台 - ITRI
  3. HSAIL-lite GPGPU 與 SiFive RISC-V之QEMU 模擬系統整合 - ITRI
  4. 符合OpenCL/TensorFlow API 規範的終端AI 處理器 - QUALCOMM
  5. 最適化無線照明控制平台開發 - DELTA BIC
  6. 開發MDFI(Micro-Darknet for Inference)協助神經網路推論加速器設計。
  7. 具易測試及除錯特性之智慧型低功率多核心系統之設計技術研發:從電子系統層級至矽晶片層級 ─, 子計畫(一):具自我測試特性之低功率處理器設計與其多核心全系統平台開發 Aug. 01, 2010 ~ Jul. 31, 2013 ( 3 years )
  8. 具能量效率之異質性架構系統中介語言GPU 之設計與實現-總計畫暨子計畫一:符合OpenCL/OpenGL ES Stack 的 HSAIL GPU 設計與實現MOST 104-2220-E-006-013
  9. 異質性運算平台之全系統技術開發與驗證MOST 103-2221-E-006 -266 -MY3
  10. 穿戴式顯示裝置於醫學之應用(1/3)MOST 104-3011-E-006-002
  11. 資通訊5G、SDN、低功率低電壓設計技術主題研究
  12. 測試機上通訊盒與雲端服務平台的通訊訊號品質與修正設計
  13. UPS web 網通系統
  14. 適用於 HSA 架構之 GPU 實現 (HSA-aware GPU Architecture Design with ESL)
本學年度 實驗室成員
嚴健瑄   王應瑋
陳恆懌   黃昀棨   魏欲恆   楊凱翔
陳冠仲   林璟汶
李書宏   蕭國樹   王垂俞
張嘉展   古濱鴻   柯寧遠   林偉中
楊學昌   莊武憲   蔡宜穎
王建章   李易修   黃富民   賴俊福   張哲彰
王振傑   許照賢   余承燁   鍾逸呈   王振傑
蕭國樹   吳翊豪   李哿迦   韋智凱   詹博凱   高洵偉   王長鵬
陳崇明   吳燈進   王振華   許家榮   卓仁凱   洪嵩斌   李銘峰
林威丞   邱泰恩   吳昱廷   林璟汶   陳萬軍   黃若鵬   吳雨青   蔡昀霖   梁文宗
李宣賢   郭良宇   劉哲宇   沈協增   蔡順帆   廖培鈞
盧泰樺   蔡宜穎   李信穎   陳炫志   陳冠仲
郭書侖   楊卓銘   江定遠   吳健亨   虞先達   黃煦堯
蘇昱彰   郭漢衿   徐子軒   翁明瀚   李俊成   羅聖心   劉健德
陳胤孜   李冠賢   黃啟淵   張恩豪
齊元   徐鏞   謝宛珊   許冠傑
蔡森至   張瑞元   邱健鳴   許士杰   曾柏翔
黃冠霖   金育涵   曾微中   鄭基漢   蘇郁翔   紀旻志   林柏榕
陳惇介   鄒宗翰   吳庭嘉   廖松陽
洪聖洋   許峰銘   王昱翔   蕭丞志
王志瑋   Maitheen Farmannulla   周沛辰   朱玉婷
謝承佑   王祥宇   林聖堯   許雁婷   黃瀚群
劉彥麟   李昱樺   羅子渝   蔡期開
陳奕瑋   粘舒涵   戴源   林虹妘
  1. 2022年, 陳中和老師榮獲110年度產學特優-優良獎
  2. 2021年, 陳中和老師指導學士班學生陳亮州、王駿瀚、曾奕儒參加2021 Synopsys ARC 盃 AIot 設計應用競賽(作品:氧氣龍) 榮獲佳作
  3. 2021年, 陳中和老師指導學士班學生蕭又瑜、彭恩宇參加2021 Synopsys ARC 盃 AIot 設計應用競賽(作品:南部人) 榮獲佳作
  4. 2021年, 陳中和 教授榮獲 國立成功大學產學特優獎 優良
  5. 2020年, 陳中和 教授榮獲 科技部109年傑出技術移轉貢獻獎
  6. 2020年, 陳中和 教授指導學生 李秉軒,魏晉成,張軒 參加2020 Synopsys ARC AIoT Design Contest榮獲第三名
  7. 2020年, 陳中和 教授指導學生 林柏維,陳冠穎,王嘉瑋 參加2020 Synopsys ARC AIoT Design Contest榮獲佳作
  8. 2020年, 陳中和、邱瀝毅老師 指導學生王昱翔、周沛辰、張峻豪、林聖堯榮獲第20屆旺宏金矽獎設計組評審團銅獎。
  9. 2020年, 陳中和 教授榮獲第20屆旺宏金矽獎指導教授獎。
  10. 2019年 陳中和 教授指導大學部專題生王祥宇、林聖堯、羅子瑜同學參加2019 Synopsys ARC AIoT Design Contest榮獲佳作
  11. 2019年 陳中和 教授指導紀旻志、曾微中、吳庭嘉、林柏榕同學參加2019 International SoC Design Conference榮獲Best paper award
  12. 2018 年, 陳中和 教授榮獲 國立成功大學 「 107學年度 教學優良教師獎 」。 
  13. 2018 年, 陳中和 教授指導學生 董仲宣、丁淯卿、蔡期開、潘星羽 參加2018新思科技ARC盃AIoT電子設計大賽,榮獲優等獎 。 
  14. 2013 年, 2013 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Region 10 Chapter of the Year Award 
  15. 2012 年, 陳中和 教授榮獲 國立成功大學 「 101學年度 教學優良教師獎 」
  16. 2009 年, 陳中和 教授指導學生 江定遠、黃煦堯 參加教育部九十七學年度全國大學校院積體電路設計競賽,榮獲 大學部標準元件數位電路設計組 優等 。
  17. 2007 年, 陳中和 教授指導學生 盧泰樺、蔡宜穎、林奕成、林璟汶 參加第七屆旺宏金矽獎半導體設計與應用大賽,全國各大學第一顆經由 Linux 驗證之 ARM ISA-like 管線化處理器 榮獲 優勝獎。
  18. 2006 年, 陳中和 教授指導學生實作功能齊全之 ARM9 相容處理器,Booting Linux 作業系統成功運轉,第一顆成大電機系、電通所、電資學院的全功能一般用途處理器。
  19. 2005 年, 陳中和 教授指導學生 詹博凱、余承燁 參加第三屆 Altera Nios 嵌入式處理器設計大賽,TCP/IP Offload Engine (TOE) for SOC System 榮獲 季軍。
  20. 2003 年, 陳中和 教授指導學生 許照賢、余承燁、陳漢威、熊恂緯 參加教育部九十一學年度大學院校矽智產 SIP設計競賽,榮獲 研究所 Soft IP 組 佳作 。台顧字第 0 九二 00 九八九九五號。
  21. 2000 年, 陳中和 教授指導學生參加教育部八十八學年度大學院校矽智產 SIP設計競賽,榮獲 研究所 FPGA 印證 特優獎 ,榮獲 研究所 Soft IP 組 優等獎 。台 ( 八九 ) 顧字第八九 0 九三九二三號。
  22. 1999 年, 陳中和 教授指導學生參加教育部八十七學年度大學院校矽智產 SIP設計競賽,榮獲 大學部 Soft IP 組 特優獎。台 ( 八八 ) 顧字第八八 0 九一七二六號。