國立成功大學電機工程學系 教師個人頁面
English Version
陳昭羽 教授
06-2757575 ext.63328
(R92983&92A25/ext.62400-1683 or 1699)
2023.08 - present
國立成功大學電腦與通訊工程研究所 所長
2023.08 - present
國立成功大學電機工程學系/電腦與通訊工程研究所 教授
2022.08 - 2023.07
國立成功大學電機工程學系/電腦與通訊工程研究所 副教授
2022.08 - present
國立成功大學工程科學系 副教授 (合聘)
2020.08 - 2022.07
國立成功大學工程科學系 副教授
2016.02 - 2020.07
國立成功大學工程科學系 助理教授
2024.01 - present
國際電機電子工程師學會通訊協會台南支會 副主席
2019.01 - 2023.12
國際電機電子工程師學會消息理論協會台南支會 副主席
2019.07 - 2019.08
西南交通大學數學學院 訪問學者
2018.07 - 2018.08
美國加州大學戴維斯分校 訪問學者 (潘文淵基金會補助)
2009.09 - 2016.01
聯發科技通訊系統設計研發本部 高級工程師/技術副理
2008.08 - 2009.07
美國加州大學戴維斯分校 訪問學生 (千里馬計畫補助)
  • 通訊序列設計與應用
  • 錯誤更正碼
  • 數位通訊
  • 第五代行動通訊網路/窄頻物聯網/衛星物聯網
期刊論文( Journal )
  1. Z.-M. Huang, C. Hu, Z. Liu, and C.-Y. Chen*, “Cross Z-complementary sets with flexible lengths for optimal training design in spatial modulation,” IEEE Trans. Commun., 2024, Early Access, DOI: 10.1109/TCOMM.2024.3432451
  2. Z.-M. Huang, C.-Y. Pai, Z. Liu, and C.-Y. Chen*, “Enhanced cross Z-complementary set and its application in generalized spatial modulation,” IEEE Open J. Commun. Soc., vol. 5, pp. 4674-4690, Jun. 2024. (ESCI)
  3. Y.-Q. Zhao, C.-Y. Pai, Z.-M. Huang, Z. Liu, and C.-Y. Chen*, “Two-dimensional Golay complementary array sets with arbitrary lengths for omnidirectional MIMO transmission,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 72, no. 2, pp. 1135-1145, Feb. 2024. (SCI)
  4. Z.-M. Huang, C. Hu, Z. Liu, and C.-Y. Chen*, “On the mates of cross Z-complementary pairs for training sequence design in generalized spatial modulation,” IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 145231–145237, Dec. 2023. (SCI)
  5. C.-Y. Pai, Y.-J. Lin, and C.-Y. Chen*, “Optimal and almost-optimal Golay-ZCZ sequence sets with bounded PAPRs,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 728–740, Feb. 2023. (SCI)
  6. Z.-M. Huang, C.-Y. Pai, and C.-Y. Chen*, “Cross Z-complementary sets for training design in spatial modulation,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 70, no. 8, pp. 5030-5045, Aug. 2022. (SCI)
  7. C.-Y. Pai and C.-Y. Chen*, “Two-dimensional Golay complementary array pairs/sets with bounded row and column sequence PAPRs,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 70, no. 6, pp. 3695-3707, Jun. 2022. (SCI)
  8. Y.-T. Ni, D. N. Nguyen, F.-K. Liao, T.-C. Kao, and C.-Y. Chen*, “Iterative hard-decision decoding algorithms for binary Reed-Muller codes,” IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 59373-59382, Jun. 2022. (SCI)
  9. A. Șahin*, S. S. M. Hoque, and C.-Y. Chen, “Index modulation with circularly-shifted chirps for dual-function radar and communications,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 2938-2952, May 2022. (SCI)
  10. Y.-J. Lin, Z.-M. Huang, and C.-Y. Chen*, “Golay complementary sets and multiple-shift complementary sets with non-power-of-two length and bounded PAPRs,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 2805-2809, Sep. 2021. (SCI)
  11. C.-Y. Pai and C.-Y. Chen*, “A novel construction of two-dimensional Z-complementary array pairs with large zero correlation zone,” IEEE Signal Process. Lett., vol. 28, pp. 1245–1249, Jun. 2021. (SCI)
  12. C.-Y. Pai, Y.-T. Ni, and C.-Y. Chen*, “Two-dimensional binary Z-complementary array pairs,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 3892–3904, Jun. 2021. (SCI)
  13. S.-W. Wu, C.-Y. Chen*, and Z. Liu, “How to construct mutually orthogonal complementary sets with non-power-of-two lengths?” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, Theory, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 3464–3472, Jun. 2021. (SCI)
  14. Z.-M. Huang, C.-Y. Pai, and C.-Y. Chen*, “Binary cross Z-complementary pairs with flexible lengths from Boolean functions,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 1057-1061, Apr. 2021. (SCI)
  15. S.-W. Wu, A. Șahin, Z.-M. Huang, and C.-Y. Chen*, “Z-complementary code sets with flexible lengths from generalized Boolean functions,” IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 4642-4652, Jan. 2021. (SCI)
  16. C.-Y. Pai and C.-Y. Chen*, “Construction of complementary sequence sets based on complementary pairs,” Electron. Lett., vol. 56, no. 18, pp. 966-968, Sep. 2020. (SCI)
  17. C.-Y. Chen* and I.-H. Li, “A time-of-arrival estimation algorithm for positioning in NB-IoT physical layer,” IET Commun., vol. 14, no. 11, pp. 1821-1825, Jul. 2020. (SCI)
  18. C.-Y. Pai, S.-W. Wu, and C.-Y. Chen*, “Z-complementary pairs with flexible lengths from generalized Boolean functions,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 1183-1187, Jun. 2020. (SCI)
  19. C.-Y. Chen* and C.-Y. Pai, “Binary Z-complementary pairs with bounded peak-to-mean envelope power ratios,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 23, no. 11, pp. 1899-1903, Nov. 2019. (SCI)
  20. C.-Y. Chen, C.-A. Sung, and H.-H. Chen*, “Capacity maximization based on optimal mode selection in multi-mode and multi-pair D2D communications,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 68, no. 7, pp. 6524–6534, Jul. 2019. (SCI)
  21. C.-Y. Chen* and S.-W. Wu, “Golay complementary sequence sets with large zero correlation zones,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 66, no. 11, pp. 5197–5204, Nov. 2018. (SCI)
  22. S.-W. Wu and C.-Y. Chen*, “Optimal Z-complementary sequence sets with good peak-to-average power ratio property,” IEEE Signal Process. Lett., vol. 25, no. 10, pp. 1500–1504, Oct. 2018. (SCI)
  23. C.-Y. Chen, C.-A. Sung, and H.-H. Chen*, “Optimal mode selection algorithms in multiple pair device-to-device communications,” IEEE Wireless Commun., vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 82–87, Aug. 2018. (SCI)
  24. C.-Y. Chen*, “A novel construction of complementary sets with flexible lengths based on Boolean functions,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 260-263, Feb. 2018. (SCI)
  25. C.-Y. Chen*, “A novel construction of Z-complementary pairs based on generalized Boolean functions,” IEEE Signal Process. Lett., vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 987–990, Jul. 2017. (SCI)
  26. C.-Y. Chen*, “Complementary sets of non-power-of-two length for peak-to-average power ratio reduction in OFDM,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 62, no. 12, pp. 7538–7545, Dec. 2016. (SCI)
  27. C.-C. Huang, C.-J. Wu, C.-Y. Chen, and C.-c. Chao*, “Parallel symbol-flipping decoding for non-binary LDPC codes,” IEEE Commun. Letters, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 1228–1231, Jun. 2013. (SCI)
  28. C.-Y. Chen, Q. Huang, C.-c. Chao, and S. Lin*, “Two low-complexity reliability-based message-passing algorithms for decoding non-binary LDPC codes,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 58, no. 11, pp. 3140–3147, Nov. 2010. (SCI)
  29. C.-Y. Chen, C.-H. Wang, and C.-c. Chao*, “Complete complementary codes and generalized Reed-Muller codes,” IEEE Commun. Letters, vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 849–851, Nov. 2008. (SCI)
會議論文( Conference )
  1.  Z.-M. Huang, C.-Y. Pai, Z. Liu, and C.-Y. Chen*, “A new construction of enhanced cross Z-complementary sets with maximum zero correlation zone,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT), Athens, Greece, Jul. 2024, pp. 1137-1142.
  2. C.-Y. Pai, Z. Liu, C. Li, and C.-Y. Chen*, “Sparse Complementary Pairs with Additional Aperiodic ZCZ Property,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Inform. Theory, Taipei, Taiwan, Jun. 2023, pp. 672-677.
  3. Y. Lee, T.-C. Kao, Z.-M. Huang, H.-P. Lin, C.-T. Wu, and C.-Y. Chen*, “Robust timing synchronization algorithm for 5G new radio,” in Proc. IEEE World Forum Internet Things (WF-IoT), Yokohama, Japan, Oct. 2022, pp. 1–5.
  4. C.-C. Huang, T.-C. Kao, C.-Y. Pai, and C.-Y. Chen*, “A novel scheme for peak-to-average power ratio reduction using polar codes,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Signal Design and its Appl. in Commun., Colchester, United Kingdom, Aug. 2022, pp. 1-5.
  5. C.-Y. Pai, Z. Liu, Y.‐Q. Zhao, Z.‐M. Huang, and C.-Y. Chen*, “Designing two-dimensional complete complementary codes for omnidirectional transmission in massive MIMO systems,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Inform. Theory, Espoo, Finland, Jun. 2022, pp. 1-5.
  6. Z.‐M. Huang, C.-Y. Pai, and C.-Y. Chen*, “A novel construction of optimal cross Z-complementary sets based on generalized Boolean functions,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Inform. Theory, Espoo, Finland, Jun. 2022, pp. 1-5.
  7. S. S. M. Hoque, C.-Y. Chen, and A. Șahin*, “Wideband index modulation with circularly-shifted chirps,” in Proc. IEEE Consumer Commun. & Netw. Conf., Virtual, Jan. 2021, pp. 1-6. (Best Paper Award)
  8. Y.-T. Ni, C.-Y. Pai, and C.-Y. Chen*, “An iterative bit-flipping decoding algorithm for binary Reed-Muller codes,” in Proc. Int. Symp. Inform. Theory and its Appl., Virtual, Oct. 2020, pp. 1-5.
  9. C.-Y. Pai and C.-Y. Chen*, “Constructions of two-dimensional Golay complementary array pairs based on generalized Boolean functions,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Inform. Theory, Virtual, Jun. 2020, pp. 2931-2935.
  10. H.-Y. Chang, J.-B. Chang, and C.-Y. Chen*, “A low-complexity algorithm for cell identity detection in NB-IoT physical layer,” in Proc. IEEE Wireless Commun. Netw. Conf., Virtual, May 2020, pp. 1-6.
  11. S.-W. Wu and C.-Y. Chen*, “A new construction of zero correlation zone complementary sequence sets with bounded peak-to-average power ratio,” in Proc. IEEE Global Commun. Conf., Waikoloa, HI, Dec. 2019, pp. 1-6.
  12. C.-Y. Pai, Y.-T. Ni, Y.-C. Liu, M.-S. Kuo, and C.-Y. Chen*, “Constructions of two-dimensional binary Z-complementary array pairs,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Inform. Theory, Paris, France, Jul. 2019, pp. 2264-2268.
  13. S.-W. Wu and C.-Y. Chen*, “A construction of Z-complementary sets based on generalized Boolean functions,” in Proc. IEEE Asia Pacific Wireless Commun. Symp., Hsinchu, Taiwan, Aug. 2018, pp. 1-2.
  14. C.-Y. Chen*, “A new construction of Golay complementary sets of non-power-of-two length based on Boolean functions,” in Proc. IEEE Wireless Commun. Netw. Conf., San Francisco, CA, Mar. 2017, pp. 1–5.
  15. Y.-S. Tang, C.-Y. Chen, and C.-c. Chao*, “A novel construction of zero correlation zone sequences based on Boolean functions,” in Proc. IEEE 11th Int. Symp. Spread Spectrum Techn. and Appl., Taichung, Taiwan, Oct. 2010, pp. 198–203.
  16. C.-Y. Chen, Q. Huang, C.-c. Chao, and S. Lin*, “A message-passing decoding algorithm for q-ary LDPC codes with low-complexity,” in Proc. Int. Symp. Inform. Theory and its Appl., Taichung, Taiwan, Oct. 2010, pp. 501–506.
  17. C.-Y. Chen, Q. Huang, J. Kang, L. Zhang, and S. Lin*, “A binary message-passing decoding algorithm for LDPC codes,” in Proc. 47th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, Sep. 2009, pp. 424-430.
  18. C.-Y. Chen, Y.-J. Min, K.-Y. Lu, and C.-c. Chao*, “Cell search for cell-based OFDM systems using quasi complete complementary codes,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Commun., Beijing, China, May 2008, pp. 4840–4844.
  19. C.-Y. Chen, C.-H. Wang, and C.-c. Chao*, “Complementary sets and Reed-Muller codes for peak-to-average power ratio reduction in OFDM,” in Proc. 16th Int. Symp. AAECC, vol. 3857, Las Vegas, NV, Feb. 2006, pp. 317-327.
  20. C.-Y. Chen, C.-H. Wang, and C.-c. Chao*, “Convolutional codes for peak-to-average power ratio reduction in OFDM,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Inform. Theory, Yokohama, Japan, Jun. 2003, p. 5.
  1. 陳昭羽, 林宣伯, 黃振銘, “應用二維主同步訊號之通訊方法與通訊系統,” 中華民國專利證書號 I847620, Jul. 2024.
  2. 陳昭羽, 黃振銘, “單一載波空間調變系統及方法,” 中華民國專利證書號 I807779, Jul. 2023.
  3. C.-Y. Chen, “Communication device and communication method,” US Patent NO. US 10,862,608 B2, Dec. 2020
  4. C.-Y. Chen, Chao-Ming Chang, Kuang-Jen Wang, and Mao-Ching Chiu, “Method of performing cell search for a wireless communications system,” US Patent NO. US8107443 B2, Jan. 2012.
  5. 陳昭羽, 張朝明, 王光仁, 邱茂清, “在無線通信系統中實施單元搜索之方法,” 中華民國專利證書號I401980, Jul. 2009.
  1. C.-Y. Chen, “The primary synchronization sequences in LTE,” Encyclopedia of Wireless Networks, Springer, Cham, Jul. 2018, p. 1–4. (ISBN: 978-3-319-32903-1, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-32903-1_79-1)
  1. 國科會, 序列應用在稀疏疊加碼建構之研究 (主持人), 2023.8~2026.7 (三年期計畫)
  2. 國科會, 基於二維陣列之空間調變系統調校設計 (主持人), 2024.8~2026.7 (兩年期計畫)
  3. 國科會, 廣義空間調變系統的調校序列設計 (主持人), 2023.3~2025.2 (台英雙邊交流計畫)
  4. 中科院, 全球導航衛星系統可控場形抗干擾天線技術研究 (共同主持人), 2023.2~2023.12
  5. 科技部, 學界參與3GPP無線通訊標準計畫 (共同主持人), 2021/6/1 - 2025/5/31 (四年期整合型計畫)
  6. 啟碁科技, 第五代行動通訊系統之基頻與TSN演算法開發 (主持人), 2021/8/1 - 2022/7/31
  7. 資策會, 新一代窄頻物聯網之基頻演算法設計及效能分析研究 (主持人), 2021/3/16 - 2021/11/30
  8. 科技部, 二維序列之建構與通訊系統中之應用 (主持人), 2020/8/1 - 2023/7/31 (三年期優秀年輕學者計畫)
  9. 科技部, 下一代無線通訊系統之同步訊號序列設計 (主持人), 2018/8/1 - 2020/7/31 (兩年期計畫)
  10. 工研院, Development and Evaluation of Positioning Algorithms in NB-IoT Systems (主持人), 2018/1/1 - 2018/12/31
  11. 科技部, 零相關區間互補序列集合之建構與下一代無線通訊系統上之應用 (主持人), 2017/8/1 - 2018/7/31
本學年度 實驗室成員
鍾怡萱 (共同指導)
張建賓   吳星蔚
郭孟憲   張弘穎   李奕賢
倪詠庭   劉彥成
黃振銘   李昱   黃敬傑   阮德日
吳俊達   廖烽凱   趙宥齊   林宣伯
胡楨   洪辰顓   陳彥庭   黃建樺
謝翔宇   魏呈宇   羅景耀   郭俞均   東宇哲   徐梓修
  1. 2024, 「全球前2%頂尖科學家 (World's Top 2% Scientists) (年度科學影響力)」
  2. 2024, 國科會電信學門「111年學門成果發表優良海報展示獎」
  3. 2023, 「全球前2%頂尖科學家 (World's Top 2% Scientists) (年度科學影響力)」
  4. 2023, 國科會電信學門「110年學門成果發表優良海報展示獎」
  5. 2023, 全國電信研討會「最佳論文獎」
  6. 2023, IEEE Transactions on Communications 「2022 Exemplary Reviewers」
  7. 2022, 「全球前2%頂尖科學家 (World's Top 2% Scientists) (年度科學影響力)」
  8. 2022, 遠東徐有庠紀念基金會「第二十屆有庠科技論文獎(資通訊科技類)」
  9. 2022, 科技部電信學門「109年電信學門成果發表優良海報展示獎」
  10. 2021, IEEE Communications Letters 「2020 Exemplary Reviewers」
  11. 2021, 「全球前2%頂尖科學家 (World's Top 2% Scientists) (年度科學影響力)」
  12. 2021, 科技部電信學門「108年電信學門計畫成果發表優良獎」
  13. 2020, 國立成功大學工學院「108學年度教學優良教師」
  14. 2020, 國立成功大學工學院「109學年度明日之星」
  15. 2018, 潘文淵文教基金會「考察研究獎」
  16. 2018, IEEE ITSOC暨COMSOC台北台南支會「年輕學者最佳論文獎」
  17. 2017, 遠東徐有庠紀念基金會「第十五屆有庠科技論文獎(資通訊科技類)」
  18. 2017, 國際電機電子工程師學會中華民國第一分會「IEEE Tainan Section Best GOLD Member Award」
  19. 2017,「台綜大年輕學者創新研究選拔」佳作
  20. 2024, 博士生 (白承祐同學) 獲邀為斐陶斐榮譽會員
  21. 2024, 研究生 (謝翔宇、郭俞均同學) 獲邀為斐陶斐榮譽會員
  22. 2023, 指導研究生榮獲「TIEEE (臺灣電機電子工程學會) 碩士論文理論組佳作獎」 (趙宥齊、廖烽凱同學)
  23. 2023, 指導博士生榮獲「Grand Review博士生暨博士後研究學術競賽 博士生傑出獎」 (黃振銘同學)
  24. 2023, 指導研究生榮獲「中國電機工程學會112年度青年論文獎」第二名 (趙宥齊同學)
  25. 2023, 指導研究生榮獲「IET Taipei Local Network 112年度碩士論文佳作獎」(胡楨同學)
  26. 2023, 指導研究生榮獲「2023 中國工程師學會學生分會論文競賽電機組特優獎」(許博智、洪翊庭、吳芳妤同學)
  27. 2022, 指導博士生榮獲「鴻海科技獎」(白承祐同學)
  28. 2022, 指導研究生榮獲「IET Taipei Local Network 111年度碩士論文佳作獎」(趙宥齊同學)
  29. 2021, 指導研究生榮獲「中國電機工程學會110年度青年論文獎」佳作 (黃振銘同學)
  30. 2021, 指導大專生榮獲「科技部109大專學生參與專題研究計畫大專學生研究創作獎」(林育任同學)
  31. 2021, 指導博士生榮獲「成功大學Grand Review博士生學術競賽傑出獎」(白承祐同學)
  32. 2021, 指導研究生榮獲「IEEE Tainan Section 2021 Best Master Thesis Award」(黃振銘同學)
  33. 2021, 指導研究生榮獲「IET Taipei Local Network 110年度碩士論文佳作獎」(黃振銘同學)
  34. 2021, 指導研究生榮獲「IET Taipei Local Network 110年度碩士論文佳作獎」(黃敬傑同學)
  35. 2021, 指導研究生榮獲「國立成功大學109年度科林論文獎」(倪詠庭同學)
  36. 2020, 指導學生榮獲「2020三星創意提案競賽特優獎」(方宣翔、林宣伯、吳俊達、趙宥齊、廖烽凱同學)
  37. 2020, 指導學生榮獲「2020創創AIOT競賽創客組第三名」(林宣伯、吳俊達同學)
  38. 2020, 指導研究生榮獲「IEEE Tainan Section 2020 Best Master Thesis Award」(倪詠庭同學)
  39. 2020, 指導研究生榮獲「2020全國電信研討會最佳學生論文獎」(白承祐、郭孟憲同學)
  40. 2019, 指導研究生榮獲「IEEE Tainan Section 2019 Best Master Thesis Award」(張弘穎同學)
  41. 2019, 指導研究生榮獲「IET Taipei Local Network 2019 碩士佳作論文獎」(張弘穎同學)
  42. 2019, 指導研究生榮獲「國立成功大學107年度科林論文獎」(吳星蔚同學)
  43. 2018, 指導研究生榮獲「台灣電機電子工程學會第八屆最佳碩士論文理論組」佳作 (吳星蔚同學)
  44. 2018, 指導研究生榮獲「IEEE Tainan Section 2018 Best Master Thesis Award」(吳星蔚同學)
  45. 2018, 指導研究生榮獲「中國電機工程學會107年度青年論文獎」第三名 (吳星蔚同學)