Jyh-Ching Juang; Yung-Fu Tsai; Chen-Tsung Lin,"TRITON GNSS-R Mission: Preliminary Results and Perspectives", IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
Sheng-En Huang; Po-Hsun Chang; Xiu-Lin Lu; Jyh-Ching Juang,"A Satcom On-the-Move Phased-Array Antenna Tracking Algorithm on Robot Operating System", 2023 23rd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS)
Muhammad Rony Hidayatullah,Jyh-Ching Juang,"Integrity on Low-cost INS/GNSS/Odometer Tightly Coupled Integration using Extended and Unscented Kalman Filter"2022 International Automatic Control Conference, CACS 2022
Jyh-Ching Juang,Yung-Fu Tsai,Chen-Tsung Lin,"Preparing for the Operation of the GNSS-R payload of the TRITON Mission",73rd International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2022 Paris
Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC
卷 2022
Jyh-Ching Juang,Yung-Fu Tsai,Chen-Tsung Lin,"Flight Test Results of a Miniaturized Space-borne GPS/QZSS Receiver",73rd International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2022 Paris
Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC
卷 2022
Tsai, Yung-Fu, Lin, Chen-Tsung; Juang, Jyh-Ching,"GNSS Remote Sensing Missions in Taiwan",3rd International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2022 Paris Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 卷 2022-September
S.-H. Wang, C.-H. Tu,C.-C. Huang;J.-C. Juang,"Execution Flow Aware Profiling for ROS-based Autonomous Vehicle Software",51st International Conference on Parallel Processing,ICPP 2022 ACM International Conference Proceeding Series DOI 10.1145/3547276.3548516
S. -H. Wang, C. -T. Wu, C. -H. Tu, J. -C. Juang and T. -M. Hsu, "Automated Bus Rapid Transit System Development with 3D Simulations," 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, 2022, pp. 373-374, doi: 10.1109/ICCE-Taiwan55306.2022.9869140.
A. Ansart and J. -C. Juang, "Generalized Cyclic Pursuit: A Model-Reference Adaptive Control Approach," 2020 5th International Conference on Control and Robotics Engineering (ICCRE), Osaka, Japan, 2020, pp. 89-94, doi: 10.1109/ICCRE49379.2020.9096453.
J. C. Juang (2017, Sep) CubeSats, Daejeon
J. C. Juang, W. L. Hsieh, and C. C. Chang (2017, Sep). Development of a Plug-and-Play ROS-based Land Vehicular Navigation Suite, Portland
J. C. Juang, S. H. Ma, and C. T. Lin (2017, Sep). Recent Development in GNSS-Reflected Signal Processing and Receiver Research in Taiwan, Estes Park
J. C. Juang (2017, Aug). Status of a FORMOSAT GNSS-R Mission, Singapor
J. C. Juang and Y. P. Tsai (2017, Jun). Modelling and Simulation of Hardware Components to Facilitate Lean Development of Nanosatellites, Matsuyama
J. C. Juang (2017, May). Data Analysis of Galileo Reflected Signals in an Airborne Experiment, Ann Arbor
C. H. Yeh, J. C. Liu, C. T. Wu, J. C. Wu, and J. C. Juang (2017, Apr). Estimation of Online Power Behavior in PHOENIX’s Electrical Power Subsystem, Berlin
J. C. Liu, Y. T. Hung, C. H. Yeh, C. T. Wu, K. C. Wu, and J. C. Juang (2017, Apr). Ground Station and Mission Planning System for Atmospheric Research Cubesats, Berlin
M. Y. Hong, K. C. Wu, and J. C. Juang (2017, Apr). RSAT Pre-Mission Analysis: De-orbiting Strategy and Simulation with VR Technology, Berlin
C. T. Wu, M. Y. Hong, Y. T. Hung, and J. C. Juang (2017, Apr). Self-Configurable Flight Software Architecture with Goal-oriented Operation for Cubesats, Berlin
SY. T. Hung, J. C. Liu, and J. C. Juang (2017, Apr). Verification of communication for PHOENIX, Berlin
J. C. Juang (2017, Jan). Development and Test of Flight Software for Lean Satellites, Tokyo
J. C. Juang, S. H. Ma, and C. T. Lin (2017 ,Jan). Ground and Airborne Experiments of a GNSS-R Receiver, Monterey
C. H. Yeh, S. H. Wu, T. C. Huang, Y. P. Tsai, J. C. Juang, and K. C. Wu (2016, Oct). Certification of Lithium-ion Cellswith Electrical Power Subsystem for CubeSat , Kamchia
K. C. Wu, I. Ouattara, G. Quinsac, J. Vannitsen, J. J. Miau, J. C. Juang, and B. Segret (2016, Oct). Dynamic Control of a CubeSat Attitude and Orbit Control System (AOCS) with Propulsion for Deep-Space Missions, Kamchia
T. C. Huang, C. T. Wu and J. C. Juang (2016, Oct). Reliable and Self-Configurable Flight Software Architecture for CubeSats, Kamchia
A. B. M. Cifuentes, J. C. Juang, and J. J. Miau (2016, Oct). Thermal Analysis for a Langmuir Probe to Be Used in a Re-entry CubeSat Mission, Kamchia
J. Vannitsen, Y. P. Tsai, T. C. Huang, S. H. Wu, C. H. Yeh, J. C. Liu, K. Wu, J. C. Juang, and J. J. Miau (2016, Sep). End-to-End CubeSat Mission Verification Tests: Lessons Learned and Recommendations, London
J. C. Juang (2016, Sep). Potential Limitations of RAIM in Assured Navigation, Portland
J. C. Juang and S. H. Ma (2016, Aug). Instrument Development for a Spaceborne Gnss-R Mission. Asia Oceania Geoscience Society, Beijing.
J. C. Juang (2016, Jul). Development and Test of a Receiver for GNSS Reflectometery. 1st International Conference on GNSS+, Shanghai.
J. C. Juang, S. L. Yu, and S. H. Chen (2016, Jan). Context Dependent Scan Matching in Aided Navigation. International Technical Meeting 2016, Monterey.
J. C. Juang, J. J. Miau, and S. Chen (2015, Dec). International Collaboration and CubeSat Research at Taiwan. 3rd IAA Conference on University Satellite Missions and CubeSat Workshop, Rome.
J. C. Juang and I. W. Chu (2015, Nov). Development of a Hybrid TOA/AOA Positioning Technique in a Mixed LOS/NLOS Environment. International Symposium on GNSS, Kyoto, Japan.
B. Segret, T. Mallet, O. Sleimi, H. C. Lin, I. Ouattara, F. Deleflie, J. Vannitsen, J. J. Miau, and J. C. Juang (2015, Sep). AOCS for BIRDY: First Performance Tests. The 7th European CubeSat Symposium, Liege.
J. Vannitsen, B. Segret, J. J. Miau, J. C. Juang, and K. Wang (2015, Jul). Pertinence of a Space Weather Mission with an Interplanetary Scientific CubeSat, Liege
A. Chen, H. Tsau, W. H. Chen, J. C. Juang, and K. Oyama (2015, Jul). Development of the Solar Extreme Ultraviolet Probe for Cubesats. The 30th ISTS Symposium, Kobe-Hyogo.
C. H. Tsai and J. C. Juang (2015, Jul). Data Analysis for Tracking QB50P1 and QB50P2 Based on NCKU Ground Station. 30th ISTS Symposium, Kobe-Hyogo.
J. Vannitsen, B. Segret, M. Agnan, O. Sleimi, J. Lin, J. Tsai, A. Chen, F. Deleflie, J. J. Miau, J. C. Juang, and K. Wang (2015, Jul). BIRDY, an Autonomous Space Weather 3U CubeSat to Mars and Back with a Precursor Flight around the Earth in GTO. 30th ISTS Symposium, Kobe-Hyogo.
J. C. Juang, I. W. Chu, S. H. Ma, J. Fang, J. Ling, and T. Lin (2015, May). Preliminary Study of GNSS-R Technologies for FORMOSAT Mission . The 8th Workshop on GNSS Reflectometry (GNSS+R 2015), Potsdam .
A. Heimann, J. J. Miau, and J. C Juang (2015, Apr). International Academic Platform for Space Mission Analysis and Design. 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin.
C. H. Tsai, A. C. Teng, and J. C. Juang (2015, Apr). Synchronously Tracking Multi satellite Based on Spectrum ‐ Monitoring Using USRP. 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin.
L. Vina, A. Heimann,T. C. Huang, S. H. Wu, and J. C. Juang (2015, Apr). A Small Satellite Mission for ISS Debris Collision Avoidance. 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin.
L. W. Chen, T. C. Huan, and J. C. Juang (2015, Apr). Implementation of the Fault Tolerance Module in PHOENIX CubeSat. 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin.
S. H. Wu and J. C. Juang (2015, Apr). Pre‐mission Analysis and Architecture Design of Electric Power Subsystem for 2U CubeSat. 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin.
M. Agnan, J. Vannitsen, J. Lin, O. Sleimi, E. Huang, T. Chang, and J. C. Juang (2014, Nov). A CubeSat Network to Monitor Near Earth Objects and Develop Space Access Through International Collaboration. The Second UNISEC-Global Meeting, Kitakyushu.
B. Segret, J. Vannitsen, M. Agnan, A. Porquet, O. Sleimi, J. Lin, D. Boisseau, F. Deleflie, J. J. Miau, J. C. Juang, and K. Wang (2014, Oct). BIRDY: an Interplanetary CubeSat to Collect Radiation Data on the Way to Mars with a Precursor Flight Around the Earth in GTO . European CubeSat Symposium, Estavayer‐le‐Lac.
J. C. Juang (2014, Oct). Development of a Corrective Positioning System in Taiwan. GPS/GNSS Symposium 2014, Tokyo.
Ting-Yang Lin; Jyh-Ching Juang; Vina, L., "Design and verification of the operating procedure of attitude determination and control subsystem of a nanosatellite," in Automatic Control Conference (CACS), 2014 CACS International , vol., no., pp.51-56, 26-28 Nov. 2014
J. Jyh-Ching, "Cyclic pursuit control for dynamic coverage," in Control Applications (CCA), 2014 IEEE Conference on, 2014, pp. 2147-2152.
B. Segret, A. Semery, J. Vannitsen, B. Mosser, J.-J. Miau, J.-C. Juang, et al., "The Paving Stones: initial feed-back on an attempt to apply the AGILE principles for the development of a CubeSat space mission to Mars," 2014, pp. 91500W-91500W-10
Jyun-Hau Huang, Ting-Yang Lin, Chieh-Min Liu, Jyh-Ching Juang, "Design and evaluation of the attitude control system of the PHOENIX CubeSat", Automatic Control Conference (CACS), 2013 CACS International, pp. 47-51, Dec. 2013
Jyh - Ching Juang ," On the formation patterns in cyclic pursuit of double-integrator agents "," Decision and Control (CDC), 2012 IEEE 51st Annual Conference on ",pp. 5924 - 5929, 10-13 Dec. 2012
Viet-Cuong Pham ; Jyh-Ching Juang ,"An improved active SLAM algorithm for multi-robot exploration","SICE Annual Conference (SICE), 2011 Proceedings ",pp.1660 - 1665, OCT 27 2011
hing-Fu Lin ; Jyh-Ching Juang ; Liang, E. ; Liang-Yu Ke,"Application of DSRC/WAVE for more efficient streetlamp control"," SICE Annual Conference (SICE), 2011 Proceedings of ",pp.1381 - 1383 ,OCT 27 2011
guyen, Duc-Hien ; Juang, Jyh-Ching,"A refined ant colony algorithm for optimal path planning","System Science and Engineering (ICSSE), 2011 International Conference on",pp.125 - 130,July 25 2011
hung-Liang Chang ; Ho-Nien Shou ; Jyh-Ching Juang ,"Spatial cooperative diversity technique in performance enhancement of GNSS receivers","Control Conference (ASCC), 2011 8th Asian ",pp.1239 - 1244 ,June 20 2011
. C. Juang, Y. F. Tsai, C. T. Tsai, S. T. Jenq, J. R. Tsai, and H. P. Pan, “Taiwan Experimental Microsatellite Project - CKUTEX,” 8th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin, Germany, 2011.
. Scholz, J. J. Miau, J. C. Juang, and Y. F. Tsai, “The PACE Nanosatellite Platform for Attitude Control Experiments,” 8th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin, Germany, 2011
Y. F. Tsai, C. C. Chang, J. C. Juang, and C. T. Lin, “Implementation and Test of a Space-borne GPS Receiver Payload of Micro Satellite,” 2010 International Symposium on GPS/GNSS, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010
A. Scholz, J.J. Miau, and J.C. Juang, “PACE Nanosatellite preparing for launch,” 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, 2010
C. Y. Chong, X. Z. Yang, and J. C. Juang, “Development and Verification of Microsatellite Attitude Control System by Processor-In-The-Loop Method,” 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, 2010
J yh-Ching Juang, Tuzz-Hseng S. Li, Shun-Hung Chen, Yu-Chun Li, and Yu-Jen Chen, “ Development of a Sensor Fusion System for the Navigation and Control of an Autonomous Electric Vehicle, ” Proceedings of The 25th World Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium & Ex hibition , November 5-9, Shenzhen China, 2010.
Yu-Chun Li, Shun-Hung Chen, and Jyh-Ching Juang, “The Development of Collision Warning System for a GPS-Based Vehicle,” Proceedings of 2010 International Symposium on GPS/GNSS , October 26-28, Taipei Taiwan, 2010.
Jyh-Ching Juang and Shun-Hung Chen, “Another Multiple Lyapunov Function Approach to Stabilization of Fuzzy Systems,” Proceedings of 2010 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control , September 8-10, Yokohama Japan, 2010.
Shun-Hung Chen, Jyh-Ching Juang, and Yu-Chun Li, “Applying Fuzzy Gain Scheduling Technique for GPS-Based Unmanned Vehicle Navigation and Control,” Proceedings of 2010 SICE Annual Conference , August 18-21, Taipei Taiwan, 2010, pp. 336-641.
Jyh-Ching Juang, Chiu-Teng Tsai, Yung-Fu Tsai, Jiun-Jih Miau, 'FROM HANDS-ON PROJECT LEARNING TO AN INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATED SATELLITE RESEARCH/EDUCATION PROJECT', International Conference on Engineering Education 2010 (ICEE-2010)
Chia-Yen Chong, Xin-Zhan Yang, Jyh-Ching Juang,'Development and Verification of Microsatellite Attitude Control System by Processor-In-The-Loop Method', 61st International Astronautical Congress (IAC 2010)
Yung-Fu Tsai, Cho-Chia Chang, Jyh-Ching Juang, and Chen-Tsung Lin,'Implementation and Test of a Space-borne GPS Receiver Payload of Micro Satellite',International Symposium on GPS/GNSS 2010
J. J. Miau, J.C. Juang, Y. F. Tsai, A. Scholz and C. T. Tsai,'Recent activities on the development of pico/microsatellite at NCKU', 2010 Taiwan-Japan Space Instrument Workshop
J.C. Juang and T.L. Kao, 'Generalized Discriminator and its Applications in GNSS Signal Tracking', ION GNSS 2010, September 21-24,2010 Portland, Oregon
Jyh-Ching Juang, D-3:Applications of QZSS in FORMOSAT-3 Radio Occultation Experiment, Proc. Asian Oceania Regional Workshop on GNSS, Bangkok, Thailand, Jan. 25-26, 2010.
Lu, Tzyy-Chyang, Jyh-Ching Juang, "An Evolutionary Space Search Algorithm (ESSA) for Global Numerical Optimization"; Proc. CDC/CCC 2009, Shanghai, China, Dec. 16-18, 2009 .
Jyh Ching Juang, Yi-Hsueh Lee, Tung-Jung Hsiao, Cheng-Lain Chu,and Jung-Chih Wang, "Development of an RF-Vision Positioning Algorithm", Proc. 2009 CACS, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 27-29, 2009.
Shung-Hung Chen, Jyh-Ching Juang, "Nonlinear Sum of Squares Controller Design by Manipulating a Switching Surface", Proc. 2009 CACS, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 27-29, 2009.
Viet-cuong Pham, Jyh-Ching Juang, "A Mixed Filtering Approach to the Simultaneous Localization an d Mapping Problem", Proc. 2009 CACS, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 27-29, 2009.
Tsai-Ling Kao, Jyh-Ching Juang, "An Ambiguity-free BOC(n,n) Signal Tracking Technique", Proc. GPS/GNSS 2009 , Jeju, Korea, Nov. 4-6, 2009.
Shun-Hung, Jyh-Ching Juang, Tsung-Hui Huang,"Maneuver Control of Tricycle Mobile Robot Based on Backstepping Approach", The 6th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence, Gwangjum, Korea, Oct, 28-31, 2009.
A. Scholz, J.-J. Miau, B. Dachwald, E. Plescher, W. Ley, J.-C. Juang, "Flight Results of the COMPASS-1 Picosatellite Mission",Proc. 60th International Astronautical Congress, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, Oct. 12-16, 2009.
K. N. Wang, J.C Juang, Y. F. Tsai, "Design and Verification of the LEAP Attitude Control System" Proc. 7th Asian Control Conference , Hong Kong, Aug. 27-29, 2009.
Shun-Hung, Jyh-Ching Juang, Sin-Hwa Su, "Backstepping Control with Sum of Squares Design for Omni-directional Mobile Robots", ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, Fukuoka, Japan, Aug. 18-21, 2009 .
J. C. Juang,T. K. Weng,P. V. Cuong,Y. H. Lee,"Experimental Assessment of Wireless Sensor Network Localization Techniques" Proc. ICARCV. Vietnam. Dec. 17-20, 2008.
J. C. Juang,T. K. Weng,C. Y. Hsu,Y. H. Lee,S. H. Su,"A Distributed Localization System Using Wireless Sensor Network" Proc. CACS. Taiwan. Nov. 21-23, 2008.
Shun-Hung Chen, Jing-Thong Gao and Jyh-Ching Juang "Position Control of Piezoelectric Actuator System Using Tracking-Regulator Approach," Proceedings of 2008 CACS,Taiwan, Nov. 21-23,2008.
Shun-Hung Chen and Jyh-Ching Juang,"Improving Nonlinear FS Fuzzy Controller Design Using Sum of Squares Technique," Poceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2008, Aug 20-22nd, 2008 Tokyo PP.1845-1850.
C. L. Chang and J. C. Juang, “A New Pre-Processing Approach Against Array Uncertainty for GNSS,” Proc. IEEE/ION PLANS, Monterey, 2008.
C. L. Chang and J.C. Juang, 'Development of Adaptive Multi-Function Signal Detection Techniques in Processing GNSS Signals Umder Blanking,' in Proc. of the International Symposium on ISG & GPS/GNSS, Malaysia, Nov. 2007.
Y. H. Chen and J. C. Juang, 'A GNSS Software Receiver Approach for the Processing of Intermittent Data' ,ION GNSS 2007,Fort Worth,Texas,2007.
T. L. Kao, Y. H Chen and J. C. Juang, "A DSP/FPGA Design for the Acquisition and Tracking of GIOVE-A signals",ION GNSS 2007,Fort Worth,Texas,2007.
Y. F. Tsai and J. C. Juang, ‘Ambiguity Resolution Validation Based on LAMBDA and Eigen-Decomposition,' Proc. ION Annual Meeting, Boston, 2007.
J. C. Juang, “A Multi-Objective Approach in GNSS Code Discriminator Design,” IEEE/ION PLANS 2006, San Diego , 2006.
C. L. Chang and J. C. Juang , ‘Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Processing for GNSS Interface Mitigation,' Proc. IAIN/GNSS, Korea, 2006
Y. H. Chiang and J. C. Juang, “Decentralized Control of Freeway Traffic Flow with Neighboring Cellular Information, ” IEEE/SMC 2006, Taiwan, 2006.
C. L. Chang and J. C. Juang , ‘The Effect of Masked Signal on the Performance of GNSS Code Tracking System' Proc. IAIN/GNSS, Korea, 2006
Y. H. Chen, J. C. Juang and T. L. Kao ‘Implementation of BOC Signal Acquisition Using a DSP/FPGA Board' Proc. IAIN/GNSS, Korea, 2006
J. C. Juang and Y. F. Tsai, ‘Assessment of Taipei FIR SBAS Implementation Based on GNSS Data Analysis,’ Proc. International Symposium on GNSS/GPS, Hong Kong, 2005.
Y. H. Chen, J. C. Juang, and J. D. Lin, ‘Design and Implementation of a Multicorrelator Tracking System for GNSS Multipath Mitigation,’ Proc. International Symposium on GNSS/GPS, Hong Kong, 2005.
J. C. Juang, ‘On the Implementation of SBAS Navigation in Asian Pacific Region: a Proposed Scheme,’ APEC GIT7, Bali, 2005.
J. C. Juang, ‘Interference Mitigation in GNSS-Based Navigation,’ Proc. 10thCNS/ATM International Conference, Taipei, 2005.
J. C. Juang and Y. F. Tsai, ‘A Differential GPS Correction Method for the Position Determination of a Sounding Rocket,’ Proc. ION GNSS Conference, Long Beach, 2005.
J. C. Juang and J. J. Miau, ‘From Web-Based Course to Goal-Oriented Student Project: Lessons Learned in a Picosatellite System Engineering Course,’ Proc. iNEER Conference for Engineering Education and Research, 2005.
J. C. Juang and C. L. Chang, ‘Performance Analysis of GPS Pseudolite Interference Mitigation Using Adaptive Spatial Beamforming,’ Proc. ION Annual Meeting, Boston, 2005.
J. C. Juang, Y. F. Tsai, and S. S. Jan, ‘Assessment on the Interoperability of SBAS and GRAS,’ Proc. ION National Technical Meeting, San Diego, 2005.
C. M. Lee and J. C. Juang, ‘A Novel Approach to Stability Analysis of Multivariable Lur’s Systems,’ Proc. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Ontario, 2005.
J. C. Juang and C. M. Lee, ‘Stabilization of Systems with Fuzzy Neural Elements,’ Proc. International Conference on Emerging System Technology, Seoul, 2005.
C. M. Lee and J. C. Juang, ‘Stability Analysis of Systems with Lur’s Type’s Actuator and/or Sensor,’ Proc. International Conference on Emerging System Technology, Seoul, 2005.
J. C. Juang, Y. S. Chen, C. L. Tseng, and L. C. Shen, ‘On the Reception and Processing of GPS Reflective Signals,’ Proc. International Symposium on GNSS/GPS, Sydney, 2004.
J. C. Juang, C. L. Chang, and Y. L. Tsai, ‘An Interference Mitigation Approach Against Pseudolites,’ Proc. International Symposium on GNSS/GPS, Sydney, 2004.
T. K. Shen and J. C. Juang, ‘An RSS Based Positioning Method with Applications in Zigbee Wireless Networks,’ Proc. 6th Symposium on GPS Technology, 2004.
J. C. Juang, ‘Seamless Handover of Combined GPS/Pseudolite Navigation,’ Proc. ION GNSS Conference, Long Beach, 2004.
J. C. Juang, K. Y. Cheng, C. L. Tseng, and C. F. Lo, ‘The Design and Test of a Dual-Frequency GPS Pseudo-Satellite Augmentation System,’ Proc. 11th Saint Petersburg International Conference, Saint Petersburg, 2004.
J. C. Juang, ‘GPS Networks in Taiwan: Potential Applications in SBAS Implementation,’ APEC GIT5, Taipei, 2004.
J. C. Juang and J. S. Chen, ‘On Combining Adaptive Estimation and Robust Control for Friction Compensation,” Proc. World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, HangZhou, 2004.
J. C. Juang and Y. H. Chiang, ‘Predictive Control of a Hysteresis Model,’ Proc. IEEE Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Washington D. C., 2003.
J. S. Chen and J. C. Juang, ‘A Robust Friction Control Scheme of Robot Manipulators,’ Proc. IEEE Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Taipei, 2003.
J. C. Juang, ‘GPS Integer Ambiguity Resolution Based on Eigen-Decomposition,’ Proc. ION GPS/GNSS Conference, Portland, 2003.
J. C. Juang and J. J. Miau, ‘Overview of the PACE Satellite: a Three-Axis Stabilized CubeSat,’ Proc. 1st International CubeSat Symposium, Tokyo, 2003.
L. L. Show and J. C. Juang, ‘Satellite Large Angle Tracking Control Design: Thruster Control Approach,’ Proc. American Control Conference, 1098-1103, 2003.
J. C. Juang, W. L. Kuo, and W. J. Lai, ‘Design of a Dual Frequency Pseudolite Transmitter,’ Proc. 5th Symposium on GPS Technology, 2002.
J. C. Juang, Y. J. Fan, W. J. Lai, and Y. L. Tsai, ‘Integrated GPS/PL Navigation and Positioning,’ Proc. 5th Symposium on GPS Technology, 245-254, 2002.
C. L. Tseng, J. C. Juang, C. F. Lo, ‘Establishment of e-GPS Real Time Kinematics Positioning Network,’ Proc. Int. Symposium on GPS/GNSS, 2002.
L. L. Show, J. C. Juang, C. T. Lin, and Y. W. Jan, ‘Spacecraft Robust Attitude Tracking Design: PID Control Approach,’ Proc. American Control Conference, 1360-1365, 2002.
L. L. Show and J. C. Juang, ‘Spacecraft Robust Wheels Control with Saturation Nonlinearity: Approach,’ Proc. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 2002.
L. L. Show, J. C. Juang, and C. D. Yang, ‘Nonlinear Robust Control for Satellite Large Angle Maneuvers,’ Proc. American Control Conference, 1357-1362, 2001.
J. C. Juang, S. C. Chang, Y. W. Jan, C. T. Lin, and L. H. Ting, ‘Development of a Processor-in-the-Loop Simulation for Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control,’ Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 2001.
L. L. Show and J. C. Juang, ‘Nonlinear Mixed Large Angle Attitude Control,’ Proc. 4th Pacific International Conference on Aerospace Science and Technology, 663-667, 2001.
L. L. Show, J. C. Juang, and C. D. Yang, ‘A Two-Phase Optimization Algorithm in Controller Synthesis,’ Proc. American Control Conference, 914-918, 2000.
J. C. Juang, Y. F. Tsai, C. T. Tsai, S. T. Jenq, J. R. Tsai, and H. P. Pan, “CKUTEX – An Experimental Microsatellite by NCKU,” 2010 AASRC Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2010
S. T. Jenq, J. Y. Huang, T. J. Huang, J. C. Juang, J. J. Miau, and J. P. Jang, “Structural Vibration Modal Analysis for the CKUTEX Micro-Satellite,” 2010 AASRC Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2010
L. D. Weng, J. R. Chang, J. C. Juang, and J. J. Miau, “Thermal Analysis, Design and Verification of the Micro-Satellite Electrical Subsystems,” 2010 AASRC Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2010
X. Z. Yang, Y. F. Tsai, C. Y. Chong, J. C. Juang, and H. C. Chang, “Development and Verification of Microsatellite Attitude Control Subsystem Based on Processor-in-the-Loop,” 2010 AASRC Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2010
陳舜鴻、莊智清 "Nonlinear T-S Fuzzy Controller Synthesis with Sum of Squares Technique," Proceedings of 2008 National Symposium on System Science and Engineering, I-Lan, June 6th 2008
C. L. Chang, J. C. Juang, and H. Y. Mar, 'STAP Requirements and Implementation Complexity in GNSS Real-Time Processing,' in Proc of the 2007 International Automatic Control Conference, pp. 1391-1396, TAIWAN, Nov. 2007.
C. L. Lu, J. C. Juang and C. Y. Lu, “Chip Implementation of an 1.5-GHz High-Speed Programmable Divider,” Proceedings of 2006 CACS Automatic Control Conference, Taiwan, 2006.
J. C. Juang, J. C. Lin and K. Z. Lin, “Analysis of the Quality of Service in Indoor Navigation Systems,” Proceedings of 2006 CACS Automatic Control Conference, Taiwan, 2006.
陳育暄、莊智清、蕭宗正,“GPS定位系統受干擾影響之研究”,GPS衛星科技研討會, 2006.
莊智清、蔡永富,‘DGPS量測系統於高動態載具軌跡重建之分析,'自動控制研討會, 2005.
莊智清、沈子貴、林景頎,‘以可程式系統晶片發展平台實現無線網路室內定位之分析與應用,’自動控制研討會, 2005.
C. L. Chang and J. C. Juang, ‘An Adaptive Multipath Mitigation Filter for GNSS Application,’ 自動控制研討會, 2005.
陸子強、莊智清、陳正喜,‘大型壓縮機之激變與穩壓控制,’自動控制研討會, 2005.
Y. H. Chiang and J. C. Juang, ‘Stabilization of Traffic Flow in Unstable Phase by Speed Command Method,’ 自動控制研討會, 2005.
張仲良、莊智清、蔡有龍,‘GPS頻段內窄頻干擾抑制法則發展,’通信電子研討會, 2004.
莊智清、石亞文、林信嘉,‘太空級GPS接收器發展與模擬,’自動控制研討會, 2004.
C. L. Chang, J. C. Juang, and Y. L. Tsai, ‘Development of Neural Network-Based GPS Anti-Jam Techniques,’ 自動控制研討會, 2004.
J. C. Juang, J. S. Sheu, and Y. C. Shen, ‘Repeatable Run-Out Modeling and Control on Optical Disk Drive,’ 自動控制研討會, 2003.
莊智清、林俊亨、劉家良,‘燒錄機動態最佳功率控制之研究,’自動控制研討會, 2003.
L. L. Show, J. C. Juang, C. T. Lin, and Y. W. Jan, ‘Nonlinear Robust Control for Spacecraft Large Angle Attitude Tracking,’ 中華民國自動控制研討會, 394-399, 2002. Robust Control for Spacecraft Large Angle Attitude Tracking,’ 中華民國自動控制研討會, 394-399, 2002.
L. L. Show, J. C. Juang, C. T. Lin, and Y. W. Jan, ‘Robust PID Control Design for Spacecraft Attitude Tracking,’ 中華民國自動控制研討會, 400-405, 2002.
L. L. Show and J. C. Juang, ‘Three-Axis Reaction Wheels Control for Spacecraft Robust Attitude Tracking,’ 燃燒民航航太學術聯合會議, 421-426, 2002.
L. L. Show and J. C. Juang, ‘Nonlinear Robust Attitude Control for Satellite Large Angle Attitude Control, 中華民國自動控制研討會, 24-29, 2001.
L. L. Show and J. C. Juang, ‘Nonlinear Attitude Control of a Micro Satellite with Parameter Variations,’ 燃燒民航航太學術聯合會議, 329-336, 2001.
C. W. Jang, J. C. Juang, and F. C. Kung, ‘The Bootstrap Approach in the Accuracy Analysis of GPS Positioning, 2000工業自動控制與電力應用研討會, 2000.
J. S. Chen and J. C. Juang, ‘Robust Compensation of a Nonlinear Friction Model,’中華民國自動控制研討會,2000.