國立成功大學電機工程學系 教師個人頁面
English Version
莊智清 特聘教授
06-2757575 ext.62333
  • 控制工程(強健控制、伺服控制)
  • 航空工程(衛星姿控、導引控制) 
  • 電子導航(全球定位系統) 
期刊論文( Journal )
  1. Juang, JC (Juang, Jyh-Ching),"Stability and Motion Patterns of Two Interactive Oscillating Agents", MDPI Volume15Issue7 DOI10.3390/info15070388
  2. Karthi Ramachandran;Jyh-Ching Juang,"Observer Based Reliable Finite-time Consensus Under Actuator Faults for Uncertain Nonlinear Multi-agent Systems",INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS 卷 21, 期 9, 頁 2821 - 2834 DOI10.1007/s12555-022-0682-7
  3. Jyh-Ching Juang,"Performance-Based GNSS Satellite Selection: A Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) Approach",Navigation, Journal of the Institute of Navigation 卷 70, 期 2 DOI 10.33012/navi.582
  4. Jyh-Ching Juang,"Determination and Sensitivity Analysis of the Specular Reflection Point in GNSS Reflectometry",IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING Volume16 Page974-982 DOI10.1109/JSTARS.2022.3233044
  5. Shao-Hua Wang,Chia-Heng Tu,Jyh-Ching Juang,"Automatic traffic modelling for creating digital twins to facilitate autonomous vehicle development",Connection Science 卷 34, 期 1, 頁 1018 – 1037 DOI 10.1080/09540091.2021.1997914
  6. Karthi Ramachandran*,Jyh-Ching Juang,"Robust consensus of uncertain multi agent systems with one-sided Lipschitz nonlinearity",INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL Volume32 Issue14 Page7733-7753 DOI10.1002/rnc.6242
  7. K. Ramachandran and J. -C. Juang(2022, Jan), "Fault Tolerant Consensus of Multi Agent Systems Under Actuator Faults," in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 9420-9430, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3142320.
  8. Wang, SH, Tu, CH & Juang, JC(2022), "Automatic traffic modelling for creating digital twins to facilitate autonomous vehicle development", Connection Science, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 1018-1037.
  9. Chen, ZH & Juang, JC (2022), "YOLOv4 Object Detection Model for Nondestructive Radiographic Testing in Aviation Maintenance Tasks", AIAA journal, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 526-531
  10. Liu, CM and Juang, JC(2021, Jun), "Estimation of Lane-Level Traffic Flow Using a Deep Learning Technique", APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL Issue12 Article Number 5619 DOI: 10.3390/app11125619
  11. Ansart, A and Juang, JC(2021, May), "Integral Sliding Control Approach for Generalized Cyclic Pursuit Formation Maintenance", ELECTRONICS Volume10 Issue10 Article Number1217 DOI: 10.3390/electronics10101217
  12. Muhammad Rony Hidayatullah and Jyh-Ching Juang(2021, Mar), "Centralized and Distributed Control Framework Under Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Platoon", IEEE Access Page49629-49648 DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3068968
  13. Chen, Zhi-Hao and Juang, Jyh-Ching(2020, Dec), "AE-RTISNet: Aeronautics Engine Radiographic Testing Inspection System Net with an Improved Fast Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network Framework", APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL Issue23 Article Number 8718 DOI: 10.3390/app10238718
  14. Wang, Hao-Yu and Juang, Jyh-Ching(2020, Sep), "Retrieval of Ocean Surface Wind Speed Using Reflected BPSK/BOC Signals", REMOTE SENSING Volume12 Issue17 Article Number 2698 DOI: 10.3390/rs12172698
  15. Wang, Hao-Yu and Juang, Jyh-Ching(2020, Mar), "Retrieval of oceanwind speed using super-resolution delay-doppler maps", REMOTE SENSING Volume12 Issue6 Article Number 916 DOI: 10.3390/rs12060916
  16. Jyh Ching Juang, Chen Tsung Lin, Yung Fu Tsai(2020, Jan), "Comparison and synergy of BPSK and BOC modulations in GNSS reflectometry", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing Volume13 Page1959-1971 DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2020.2989824
  17. Chen, ZH and Juang, JC(2019), "Mitigation of Runway Incursions by Using a Convolutional Neural Network to Detect and Identify Airport Signs and Markings", SENSORS AND MATERIALS Volume31 Issue12 Page3947-3958 Special IssueSI DOI: 10.18494/SAM.2019.2303+
  18. Yung-Fu Tsai, Chen-Tsung Lin, Jyh-Ching Juang(2018, Dec), "Taiwan's GNSS Reflectometry Mission - The FORMOSAT-7 Reflectometry (FS-7R) Mission", DOI: 10.6125/JoAAA.201812_50(4).05
  19. Jyh-Ching Juang, Sheng-Hsiung Ma, Yung-Fu Tsai, Chen-Tsung Lin(2018,Dec). "From GPS-R to GNSS-R: Receiver Design for the Processing of Reflected Galileo Signals", DOI: 10.6125/JoAAA.201812_50(4).03
  20. Jordan Vannitsen, Federico Rizzitelli, Kaiti Wang, Boris Segret, Jyh-Ching Juang ,and Jiun-Jih Miau (2017, Nov). "Satellite Data Analysis and CubeSat Instrument Simulator Tool for Simultaneous Multi-spacecraft Measurements of Solar Energetic Particles ",vol.38, no.4, pp.70
  21. Viet-Cuong Pham and Jyh-Ching Juang (2017, Jan). Ionosphere Probing with Simultaneous GNSS Radio Occultations. GPS Solutions, DOI: 10.1007/s10291- 015-0501-1. (EI).
  22. Jyh-Ching Juang, Sheng-Hsiung Ma, and Chen-Tsung Lin (2016, Oct). Study of GNSS-R Techniques for FORMOSAT Mission. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, PP(99), 1-11. (EI).
  23. Viet-Cuong Pham and Jyh-Ching Juang (2015, Dec). A Neural Network Based Error Correction Method for Radio Occultation Electron Density Retrieval. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 135, 77-84. (SCI).
  24. Jyh-Ching Juang; Ching-Fu Lin, "A Sensor Fusion Scheme for the Estimation of Vehicular Speed and Heading Angle," in Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on , vol.64, no.7, pp.2773-2782, July 2015
  25. Tsai, Chiu-Teng, and Jyh-Ching Juang. "A Software-Defined Radio Based Adaptive HRPT/APT Signal Receiver." Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation 46.4 (2014): 219-223.
  26. L. Ching-Fu, J. Jyh-Ching, and L. Kun-Rui, "Active collision avoidance system for steering control of autonomous vehicles," Intelligent Transport Systems, IET, vol. 8, pp. 550-557, 2014
  27. Viet-Cuong Pham, Jyh-Ching Juang, "Robust and Efficient Slam Via Compressed H∞ Filtering", Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 1–12, May 2014
  28. Jyh-Ching Juang, Chiu-Teng Tsai, Yu-Hsuan Chen, "Development of a PC-Based Software Receiver for the Reception of Beidou Navigation Satellite Signals", Journal of Navigation, Vol. 66, Issue 05, pp. 701-718, 2013
  29. Jyh-Ching Juang, "On the Formation Patterns Under Generalized Cyclic Pursuit," Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on , vol.58, no.9, pp.2401,2405, Sept. 2013
  30. Tzyy-Chyang Lu; Gwo-Ruey Yu; Jyh-Ching Juang, "Quantum-Based Algorithm for Optimizing Artificial Neural Networks," Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on , vol.24, no.8, pp.1266,1278, Aug. 2013 doi: 10.1109/TNNLS.2013.2249089
  31. Jyh-Ching Juang, Yung-Fu Tsai, Chung-Huei Chu, On constellation design of multi-GNSS radio occultation mission, Acta Astronautica, Volume 82, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 88-94, ISSN 0094-5765, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actaastro.2012.04.031.
  32. Yu-Hsuan Chen, Jyh-Ching Juang, Jiwon Seo, Sherman Lo1, Dennis M. Akos, David S. De Lorenzo and Per Enge, “Design and Implementation of Real-Time Software Radio for Anti-Interference GPS/WAAS Sensors,”Sensors 2012, 12, 13417-13440; doi:10.3390/s121013417
  33. Jyh-Ching Juang, Yung-Fu Tsai, Chiu-Teng Tsai, Design and verification of a magnetometer-based orbit determination and sensor calibration algorithm, Aerospace Science and Technology, Volume 21, Issue 1, September 2012, Pages 47-54
  34. Jyh-Ching Juang and Chuang-Shian Sun, “Design and Implementation of a Microsatellite Electric Power Subsystem,”Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation, Series A, Vol.44, No.2 pp.067 - 074 (2012)
  35. Tzyy-Chyang Lu, Jyh-Ching Juang ,"A region-based quantum evolutionary algorithm (RQEA) for global numerical optimization" ," Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics",SEP 2012
  36. Juang, Jyh-Ching; Kao, Tsai-Ling ,"Noncoherent BOC Signal Tracking Based on a Five-Correlator Architecture" ," IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS",Vol. 48 ,pp. 1961-1974,JUL 2012
  37. Kao, Tsai-Ling; Juang, Jyh-Ching ,"Weighted discriminators for GNSS BOC signal tracking" ,"GPS SOLUTIONS",Vol. 16 ,pp. 339-351,JUL 2012
  38. Jyh-Ching Juang, Yung-Fu Tsai, Chung-Huei Chu ,"On constellation design of multi-GNSS radio occultation mission" ,"Acta Astronautica",MAY 2012
  39. Yu-Chi Chen and Jyh-Ching Juang,"Outlier-Detection-Based Indoor Localization System for Wireless Sensor Networks" ,"International Journal of Navigation and Observation",Vol. 2012 ,FEB 2012
  40. Lu Tzyy-Chyang; Juang Jyh-Ching ,"Quantum-inspired space search algorithm (QSSA) for global numerical optimization" ,"APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION",Vol. 218 NO.6,pp.2516-2532,NOV 15 2011
  41. Jyh-Ching Juang, Yung-Fu Tsai, Chiu-Teng Tsai,"Design and verification of a magnetometer-based orbit determination and sensor calibration algorithm","Aerospace Science and Technology", In Press, Corrected Proof,May 23 20
  42. Chen Shun-Hung; Juang Jyh-Ching,“ A swithing controller design via sum-ofsquares aproach for a class of polynomial T-S fuzzy model ,” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE COMPUTING INFORMATION AND CONTROL , Vol. 7, No.
  43. Scholz A, Ley W, Dachwald B, Miau J. J and J.C. Juang,“ Flight results of the COMPASS-1 picosatellite mission ,” ACTA ASTRONAUTICA , Vol. 67, No. 9-10, pp. 1289-1298, DEC 2010.
  44. J.C. Juang and Y. H. Chen, “ Global navigation satellite system signal acquisition using multi-bit codes and a multi-layer search strategy ,” IET RADAR SONAR AND NAVIGATION , Vol. 4, No. 5 pp. 673-684 , OCT 2010.
  45. Chung-Liang Chang and Jyh-Ching Juang, “ Performance analysis of narrowband interference mitigation and near-far resistance scheme for GNSS receivers,” SIGNAL PROCESSING , Vol. 90, No. 9 ,pp. 2676-2685 , SEP 2010.
  46. Jyh-Ching Juang, Yu-Hsuan Chen, Tsai-Ling Kao and Yung-Fu Tsai, “Design and implementation of an adaptive code discriminator in a DSP/FPGA-based Galileo receiver ,”GPS SOLUTIONS , Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 255-266, JUN 2010
  47. Shun-Hung Chen and Jyh-Ching Juang, “Integrated Backstepping Mobile Robot Controller Design by Applying Sun of Squares Approach,” SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration , Vol. 3, No. 6, November
  48. Shen, Lie-Chung, Juang, Jyh-Ching, Tsai, Ching-Lang, Tseng, Ching-Liang, 'Monitoring Water Levels and Currents Using Reflected GPS Carrier Doppler Measurements and Coordinate Rotation Model', IEEE Transactions on Instrum
  49. Juang JC, Chen YH, ' Phase/Frequency Tracking in a GNSS Software Receiver', IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Vol.3, No.4, 651-660, AUG 2009
  50. Juang JC, Chen YH, 'Accounting for Data Intermittency in a Software GNSS Receiver', IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol.55, No.2, 327-333, MAY 2009
  51. Juang JC, ' Analysis of global navigation satellite system position deviation under spoofing', IET Radar Sonar and Navigation, Vol.3, No.1, 1-7, FEB 2009
  52. Shen LC, Juang JC and Tsai CL, ' Stream Soil Moisture Estimation by Reflected GPS Signals With Ground Truth Measurements' IEEE Transactions Oninstrumentation and Measurement, Vol.58, No.3,730-737, MAR 2009
  53. J. C. Juang and Y. F. Tsai,' On exact solutions of the multi-constellation GNSS navigation problem', GPS Solutions, Vol.13, No.1, 57-64, JAN 2009
  54. C. L Chang and J. C. Juang,'Effect of Array Configurations on the Performance of GNSS Interference Suppression',International Journal of Control Automation and Systems, Vol.6, No.6, 884-893, DEC 2008
  55. C. L Chang and J. C. Juang, ' Adaptive logic control approach for fast GNSS acquisition ',Electronic letters, Vol.44, No.13, 821-U57, JUN 19 2008
  56. J. C. Juang, ‘Solving the Heterogeneous Positioning Problem via Eigen-decomposition,' Electronic Letters, Vol. 44. No. 6, 432-433, 2008.
  57. Y. H Chiang and J. C. Juang, ‘Control of Freeway Traffic Flow in Unstable Phase by H∞ Theory,' to appear in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2008.
  58. C. L Chang and J. C. Juang, ‘A Novel Pre-Processing Scheme to Enhance GNSS Signal Detection in the Presence of Blanking,' IEICE Transactions, Vol. E91-B, No.5, 2008.
  59. C. L. Chang and J. C. Juang, ‘An Adaptive Multipath Mitigation Filter for GNSS Applications,' EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2008.
  60. J. C. Juang, ‘A Multi-Objective Approach in GNSS Code Discriminator Design,' to appear in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2008.
  61. Y-F. Tsai and J-C. Juang, ‘Ambiguity Resolution Validation Based on LAMBDA and Eigen-Decomposition,' Proc. ION Annual Meeting, Boston, 2007 計畫編號: NSC 93-2213-E-006-133.
  62. J. C. Juang and Y. H. Chen, ‘Acquisition of GIOVE-A Signals Using Multi-Bit Processing,' Proc. ION National Technical Meeting, San Diego, 2007 計畫編號: NSC 93-2213-E-006-133.
  63. J. S. Chen and J. C. Juang, “A Robust Adaptive Friction Control Scheme of Robot Manipulators,” International Journal on Automation Robotics and Autonomous Systems(Vol.5, No.1,11-19, 2006 )
  64. J. C. Juang and C. M. Lee, ‘Design of Sliding Mode Controllers with Bounded -gain Performance: an LMI Approach,’ International Journal of Control, Vol. 78, N0. 9, 647-661, 2005. 計畫編號:NSC 93-2213-E-006-133.
  65. C. M. Lee and J. C. Juang, ‘A Unified Approach to the Stability Analysis about Interval Matrices and Interval Polynomials,’ Transactions of the Aeronautical and Astronautical Society of the Republic of China, 2005. 計畫編號:NSC 93-2213-E-006-133.
  66. J. C. Juang, ‘On Robust Fixed-Order Filter Design,’ Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 28, No. 3, 463-477, 2005. 計畫編號:NSC 92-2213-E-006-033.
  67. C. L. Tseng, J. C. Juang, and C. F. Lo, ‘e-GPS/PL Augmentation System and its Applications,’ Journal of Surveying Engineering, Vol. 43, No. 3, 1-18, 2004. 計畫編號:NSC 90-2211-E-006-009.
  68. L. L. Show, J. C. Juang, and Y. W. Jan, ‘An LMI-Based Nonlinear Attitude Control Approach,’ IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 11, No. 1, 73-83, 2003. 計畫編號:NSC 89-NSPO(B)-RS3-FA09-01.
  69. L. L. Show, J. C. Juang, Y. W. Jan, and C. T. Lin, ‘Quaternion Feedback Attitude Control Design: a Nonlinear Approach,’ to appear in Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 5, No. 3, 406-410, 2003. 計畫編號:NSC 89-NSPO(B)-RS3-FA09-01.
  70. C. W. Jang, J. C. Juang, and F. C. Kung, ‘Adaptive Fault Detection in Real-Time GPS Positioning,’ IEE Proceedings-Radar, Sonar, and Navigation, Vol. 147, No. 5, 254-258, 2000. 計畫編號:NSC 89-2213-E-006-098.
  71. J. C. Juang and J. S. Sheu, ‘On Adaptive Speed Design in Optical Disc Servo Systems,’ IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 8, No. 6, 971-978, 2000. 計畫編號:NSC 89-2213-E-006-098.
  72. J. C. Juang, ‘On GPS Positioning and Integrity Monitoring,’ IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 36, No. 1, 327-336, 2000. 計畫編號:NSC 88-2623-D-006-015.
會議論文( Conference )
  1. Jyh-Ching Juang; Yung-Fu Tsai; Chen-Tsung Lin,"TRITON GNSS-R Mission: Preliminary Results and Perspectives", IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
  2. Sheng-En Huang; Po-Hsun Chang; Xiu-Lin Lu; Jyh-Ching Juang,"A Satcom On-the-Move Phased-Array Antenna Tracking Algorithm on Robot Operating System", 2023 23rd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS)
  3. Muhammad Rony Hidayatullah,Jyh-Ching Juang,"Integrity on Low-cost INS/GNSS/Odometer Tightly Coupled Integration using Extended and Unscented Kalman Filter"2022 International Automatic Control Conference, CACS 2022 DOI 10.1109/CACS55319.2022.9969854
  4. Jyh-Ching Juang,Yung-Fu Tsai,Chen-Tsung Lin,"Preparing for the Operation of the GNSS-R payload of the TRITON Mission",73rd International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2022 Paris Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 卷 2022
  5. Jyh-Ching Juang,Yung-Fu Tsai,Chen-Tsung Lin,"Flight Test Results of a Miniaturized Space-borne GPS/QZSS Receiver",73rd International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2022 Paris Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 卷 2022
  6. Tsai, Yung-Fu, Lin, Chen-Tsung; Juang, Jyh-Ching,"GNSS Remote Sensing Missions in Taiwan",3rd International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2022 Paris Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 卷 2022-September
  7. S.-H. Wang, C.-H. Tu,C.-C. Huang;J.-C. Juang,"Execution Flow Aware Profiling for ROS-based Autonomous Vehicle Software",51st International Conference on Parallel Processing,ICPP 2022 ACM International Conference Proceeding Series DOI 10.1145/3547276.3548516
  8. S. -H. Wang, C. -T. Wu, C. -H. Tu, J. -C. Juang and T. -M. Hsu, "Automated Bus Rapid Transit System Development with 3D Simulations," 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, 2022, pp. 373-374, doi: 10.1109/ICCE-Taiwan55306.2022.9869140.
  9. A. Ansart and J. -C. Juang, "Generalized Cyclic Pursuit: A Model-Reference Adaptive Control Approach," 2020 5th International Conference on Control and Robotics Engineering (ICCRE), Osaka, Japan, 2020, pp. 89-94, doi: 10.1109/ICCRE49379.2020.9096453.
  10. J. C. Juang (2017, Sep) CubeSats, Daejeon
  11. J. C. Juang, W. L. Hsieh, and C. C. Chang (2017, Sep). Development of a Plug-and-Play ROS-based Land Vehicular Navigation Suite, Portland
  12. J. C. Juang, S. H. Ma, and C. T. Lin (2017, Sep). Recent Development in GNSS-Reflected Signal Processing and Receiver Research in Taiwan, Estes Park
  13. J. C. Juang (2017, Aug). Status of a FORMOSAT GNSS-R Mission, Singapor
  14. J. C. Juang and Y. P. Tsai (2017, Jun). Modelling and Simulation of Hardware Components to Facilitate Lean Development of Nanosatellites, Matsuyama
  15. J. C. Juang (2017, May). Data Analysis of Galileo Reflected Signals in an Airborne Experiment, Ann Arbor
  16. C. H. Yeh, J. C. Liu, C. T. Wu, J. C. Wu, and J. C. Juang (2017, Apr). Estimation of Online Power Behavior in PHOENIX’s Electrical Power Subsystem, Berlin
  17. J. C. Liu, Y. T. Hung, C. H. Yeh, C. T. Wu, K. C. Wu, and J. C. Juang (2017, Apr). Ground Station and Mission Planning System for Atmospheric Research Cubesats, Berlin
  18. M. Y. Hong, K. C. Wu, and J. C. Juang (2017, Apr). RSAT Pre-Mission Analysis: De-orbiting Strategy and Simulation with VR Technology, Berlin
  19. C. T. Wu, M. Y. Hong, Y. T. Hung, and J. C. Juang (2017, Apr). Self-Configurable Flight Software Architecture with Goal-oriented Operation for Cubesats, Berlin
  20. SY. T. Hung, J. C. Liu, and J. C. Juang (2017, Apr). Verification of communication for PHOENIX, Berlin
  21. J. C. Juang (2017, Jan). Development and Test of Flight Software for Lean Satellites, Tokyo
  22. J. C. Juang, S. H. Ma, and C. T. Lin (2017 ,Jan). Ground and Airborne Experiments of a GNSS-R Receiver, Monterey
  23. C. H. Yeh, S. H. Wu, T. C. Huang, Y. P. Tsai, J. C. Juang, and K. C. Wu (2016, Oct). Certification of Lithium-ion Cellswith Electrical Power Subsystem for CubeSat , Kamchia
  24. K. C. Wu, I. Ouattara, G. Quinsac, J. Vannitsen, J. J. Miau, J. C. Juang, and B. Segret (2016, Oct). Dynamic Control of a CubeSat Attitude and Orbit Control System (AOCS) with Propulsion for Deep-Space Missions, Kamchia
  25. T. C. Huang, C. T. Wu and J. C. Juang (2016, Oct). Reliable and Self-Configurable Flight Software Architecture for CubeSats, Kamchia
  26. A. B. M. Cifuentes, J. C. Juang, and J. J. Miau (2016, Oct). Thermal Analysis for a Langmuir Probe to Be Used in a Re-entry CubeSat Mission, Kamchia
  27. J. Vannitsen, Y. P. Tsai, T. C. Huang, S. H. Wu, C. H. Yeh, J. C. Liu, K. Wu, J. C. Juang, and J. J. Miau (2016, Sep). End-to-End CubeSat Mission Verification Tests: Lessons Learned and Recommendations, London
  28. J. C. Juang (2016, Sep). Potential Limitations of RAIM in Assured Navigation, Portland
  29. J. C. Juang and S. H. Ma (2016, Aug). Instrument Development for a Spaceborne Gnss-R Mission. Asia Oceania Geoscience Society, Beijing.
  30. J. C. Juang (2016, Jul). Development and Test of a Receiver for GNSS Reflectometery. 1st International Conference on GNSS+, Shanghai.
  31. J. C. Juang, S. L. Yu, and S. H. Chen (2016, Jan). Context Dependent Scan Matching in Aided Navigation. International Technical Meeting 2016, Monterey.
  32. J. C. Juang, J. J. Miau, and S. Chen (2015, Dec). International Collaboration and CubeSat Research at Taiwan. 3rd IAA Conference on University Satellite Missions and CubeSat Workshop, Rome.
  33. J. C. Juang and I. W. Chu (2015, Nov). Development of a Hybrid TOA/AOA Positioning Technique in a Mixed LOS/NLOS Environment. International Symposium on GNSS, Kyoto, Japan.
  34. B. Segret, T. Mallet, O. Sleimi, H. C. Lin, I. Ouattara, F. Deleflie, J. Vannitsen, J. J. Miau, and J. C. Juang (2015, Sep). AOCS for BIRDY: First Performance Tests. The 7th European CubeSat Symposium, Liege.
  35. J. Vannitsen, B. Segret, J. J. Miau, J. C. Juang, and K. Wang (2015, Jul). Pertinence of a Space Weather Mission with an Interplanetary Scientific CubeSat, Liege
  36. A. Chen, H. Tsau, W. H. Chen, J. C. Juang, and K. Oyama (2015, Jul). Development of the Solar Extreme Ultraviolet Probe for Cubesats. The 30th ISTS Symposium, Kobe-Hyogo.
  37. C. H. Tsai and J. C. Juang (2015, Jul). Data Analysis for Tracking QB50P1 and QB50P2 Based on NCKU Ground Station. 30th ISTS Symposium, Kobe-Hyogo.
  38. J. Vannitsen, B. Segret, M. Agnan, O. Sleimi, J. Lin, J. Tsai, A. Chen, F. Deleflie, J. J. Miau, J. C. Juang, and K. Wang (2015, Jul). BIRDY, an Autonomous Space Weather 3U CubeSat to Mars and Back with a Precursor Flight around the Earth in GTO. 30th ISTS Symposium, Kobe-Hyogo.
  39. J. C. Juang, I. W. Chu, S. H. Ma, J. Fang, J. Ling, and T. Lin (2015, May). Preliminary Study of GNSS-R Technologies for FORMOSAT Mission . The 8th Workshop on GNSS Reflectometry (GNSS+R 2015), Potsdam .
  40. A. Heimann, J. J. Miau, and J. C Juang (2015, Apr). International Academic Platform for Space Mission Analysis and Design. 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin.
  41. C. H. Tsai, A. C. Teng, and J. C. Juang (2015, Apr). Synchronously Tracking Multi satellite Based on Spectrum ‐ Monitoring Using USRP. 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin.
  42. L. Vina, A. Heimann,T. C. Huang, S. H. Wu, and J. C. Juang (2015, Apr). A Small Satellite Mission for ISS Debris Collision Avoidance. 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin.
  43. L. W. Chen, T. C. Huan, and J. C. Juang (2015, Apr). Implementation of the Fault Tolerance Module in PHOENIX CubeSat. 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin.
  44. S. H. Wu and J. C. Juang (2015, Apr). Pre‐mission Analysis and Architecture Design of Electric Power Subsystem for 2U CubeSat. 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin.
  45. M. Agnan, J. Vannitsen, J. Lin, O. Sleimi, E. Huang, T. Chang, and J. C. Juang (2014, Nov). A CubeSat Network to Monitor Near Earth Objects and Develop Space Access Through International Collaboration. The Second UNISEC-Global Meeting, Kitakyushu.
  46. B. Segret, J. Vannitsen, M. Agnan, A. Porquet, O. Sleimi, J. Lin, D. Boisseau, F. Deleflie, J. J. Miau, J. C. Juang, and K. Wang (2014, Oct). BIRDY: an Interplanetary CubeSat to Collect Radiation Data on the Way to Mars with a Precursor Flight Around the Earth in GTO . European CubeSat Symposium, Estavayer‐le‐Lac.
  47. J. C. Juang (2014, Oct). Development of a Corrective Positioning System in Taiwan. GPS/GNSS Symposium 2014, Tokyo.
  48. Ting-Yang Lin; Jyh-Ching Juang; Vina, L., "Design and verification of the operating procedure of attitude determination and control subsystem of a nanosatellite," in Automatic Control Conference (CACS), 2014 CACS International , vol., no., pp.51-56, 26-28 Nov. 2014
  49. J. Jyh-Ching, "Cyclic pursuit control for dynamic coverage," in Control Applications (CCA), 2014 IEEE Conference on, 2014, pp. 2147-2152.
  50. B. Segret, A. Semery, J. Vannitsen, B. Mosser, J.-J. Miau, J.-C. Juang, et al., "The Paving Stones: initial feed-back on an attempt to apply the AGILE principles for the development of a CubeSat space mission to Mars," 2014, pp. 91500W-91500W-10
  51. Jyun-Hau Huang, Ting-Yang Lin, Chieh-Min Liu, Jyh-Ching Juang, "Design and evaluation of the attitude control system of the PHOENIX CubeSat", Automatic Control Conference (CACS), 2013 CACS International, pp. 47-51, Dec. 2013
  52. Jyh - Ching Juang ," On the formation patterns in cyclic pursuit of double-integrator agents "," Decision and Control (CDC), 2012 IEEE 51st Annual Conference on ",pp. 5924 - 5929, 10-13 Dec. 2012
  53. Viet-Cuong Pham ; Jyh-Ching Juang ,"An improved active SLAM algorithm for multi-robot exploration","SICE Annual Conference (SICE), 2011 Proceedings ",pp.1660 - 1665, OCT 27 2011
  54. hing-Fu Lin ; Jyh-Ching Juang ; Liang, E. ; Liang-Yu Ke,"Application of DSRC/WAVE for more efficient streetlamp control"," SICE Annual Conference (SICE), 2011 Proceedings of ",pp.1381 - 1383 ,OCT 27 2011
  55. guyen, Duc-Hien ; Juang, Jyh-Ching,"A refined ant colony algorithm for optimal path planning","System Science and Engineering (ICSSE), 2011 International Conference on",pp.125 - 130,July 25 2011
  56. hung-Liang Chang ; Ho-Nien Shou ; Jyh-Ching Juang ,"Spatial cooperative diversity technique in performance enhancement of GNSS receivers","Control Conference (ASCC), 2011 8th Asian ",pp.1239 - 1244 ,June 20 2011
  57. . C. Juang, Y. F. Tsai, C. T. Tsai, S. T. Jenq, J. R. Tsai, and H. P. Pan, “Taiwan Experimental Microsatellite Project - CKUTEX,” 8th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin, Germany, 2011.
  58. . Scholz, J. J. Miau, J. C. Juang, and Y. F. Tsai, “The PACE Nanosatellite Platform for Attitude Control Experiments,” 8th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin, Germany, 2011
  59. Y. F. Tsai, C. C. Chang, J. C. Juang, and C. T. Lin, “Implementation and Test of a Space-borne GPS Receiver Payload of Micro Satellite,” 2010 International Symposium on GPS/GNSS, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010
  60. A. Scholz, J.J. Miau, and J.C. Juang, “PACE Nanosatellite preparing for launch,” 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, 2010
  61. C. Y. Chong, X. Z. Yang, and J. C. Juang, “Development and Verification of Microsatellite Attitude Control System by Processor-In-The-Loop Method,” 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, 2010
  62. J yh-Ching Juang, Tuzz-Hseng S. Li, Shun-Hung Chen, Yu-Chun Li, and Yu-Jen Chen, “ Development of a Sensor Fusion System for the Navigation and Control of an Autonomous Electric Vehicle, ” Proceedings of The 25th World Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium & Ex hibition , November 5-9, Shenzhen China, 2010.
  63. Yu-Chun Li, Shun-Hung Chen, and Jyh-Ching Juang, “The Development of Collision Warning System for a GPS-Based Vehicle,” Proceedings of 2010 International Symposium on GPS/GNSS , October 26-28, Taipei Taiwan, 2010.
  64. Jyh-Ching Juang and Shun-Hung Chen, “Another Multiple Lyapunov Function Approach to Stabilization of Fuzzy Systems,” Proceedings of 2010 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control , September 8-10, Yokohama Japan, 2010.
  65. Shun-Hung Chen, Jyh-Ching Juang, and Yu-Chun Li, “Applying Fuzzy Gain Scheduling Technique for GPS-Based Unmanned Vehicle Navigation and Control,” Proceedings of 2010 SICE Annual Conference , August 18-21, Taipei Taiwan, 2010, pp. 336-641.
  66. Jyh-Ching Juang, Chiu-Teng Tsai, Yung-Fu Tsai, Jiun-Jih Miau, 'FROM HANDS-ON PROJECT LEARNING TO AN INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATED SATELLITE RESEARCH/EDUCATION PROJECT', International Conference on Engineering Education 2010 (ICEE-2010)
  67. Chia-Yen Chong, Xin-Zhan Yang, Jyh-Ching Juang,'Development and Verification of Microsatellite Attitude Control System by Processor-In-The-Loop Method', 61st International Astronautical Congress (IAC 2010)
  68. Yung-Fu Tsai, Cho-Chia Chang, Jyh-Ching Juang, and Chen-Tsung Lin,'Implementation and Test of a Space-borne GPS Receiver Payload of Micro Satellite',International Symposium on GPS/GNSS 2010
  69. J. J. Miau, J.C. Juang, Y. F. Tsai, A. Scholz and C. T. Tsai,'Recent activities on the development of pico/microsatellite at NCKU', 2010 Taiwan-Japan Space Instrument Workshop
  70. J.C. Juang and T.L. Kao, 'Generalized Discriminator and its Applications in GNSS Signal Tracking', ION GNSS 2010, September 21-24,2010 Portland, Oregon
  71. Jyh-Ching Juang, D-3:Applications of QZSS in FORMOSAT-3 Radio Occultation Experiment, Proc. Asian Oceania Regional Workshop on GNSS, Bangkok, Thailand, Jan. 25-26, 2010.
  72. Lu, Tzyy-Chyang, Jyh-Ching Juang, "An Evolutionary Space Search Algorithm (ESSA) for Global Numerical Optimization"; Proc. CDC/CCC 2009, Shanghai, China, Dec. 16-18, 2009 .
  73. Jyh Ching Juang, Yi-Hsueh Lee, Tung-Jung Hsiao, Cheng-Lain Chu,and Jung-Chih Wang, "Development of an RF-Vision Positioning Algorithm", Proc. 2009 CACS, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 27-29, 2009.
  74. Shung-Hung Chen, Jyh-Ching Juang, "Nonlinear Sum of Squares Controller Design by Manipulating a Switching Surface", Proc. 2009 CACS, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 27-29, 2009.
  75. Viet-cuong Pham, Jyh-Ching Juang, "A Mixed Filtering Approach to the Simultaneous Localization an d Mapping Problem", Proc. 2009 CACS, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 27-29, 2009.
  76. Tsai-Ling Kao, Jyh-Ching Juang, "An Ambiguity-free BOC(n,n) Signal Tracking Technique", Proc. GPS/GNSS 2009 , Jeju, Korea, Nov. 4-6, 2009.
  77. Shun-Hung, Jyh-Ching Juang, Tsung-Hui Huang,"Maneuver Control of Tricycle Mobile Robot Based on Backstepping Approach", The 6th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence, Gwangjum, Korea, Oct, 28-31, 2009.
  78. A. Scholz, J.-J. Miau, B. Dachwald, E. Plescher, W. Ley, J.-C. Juang, "Flight Results of the COMPASS-1 Picosatellite Mission",Proc. 60th International Astronautical Congress, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, Oct. 12-16, 2009.
  79. K. N. Wang, J.C Juang, Y. F. Tsai, "Design and Verification of the LEAP Attitude Control System" Proc. 7th Asian Control Conference , Hong Kong, Aug. 27-29, 2009.
  80. Shun-Hung, Jyh-Ching Juang, Sin-Hwa Su, "Backstepping Control with Sum of Squares Design for Omni-directional Mobile Robots", ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, Fukuoka, Japan, Aug. 18-21, 2009 .
  81. J. C. Juang,T. K. Weng,P. V. Cuong,Y. H. Lee,"Experimental Assessment of Wireless Sensor Network Localization Techniques" Proc. ICARCV. Vietnam. Dec. 17-20, 2008.
  82. J. C. Juang,T. K. Weng,C. Y. Hsu,Y. H. Lee,S. H. Su,"A Distributed Localization System Using Wireless Sensor Network" Proc. CACS. Taiwan. Nov. 21-23, 2008.
  83. Shun-Hung Chen, Jing-Thong Gao and Jyh-Ching Juang "Position Control of Piezoelectric Actuator System Using Tracking-Regulator Approach," Proceedings of 2008 CACS,Taiwan, Nov. 21-23,2008.
  84. Shun-Hung Chen and Jyh-Ching Juang,"Improving Nonlinear FS Fuzzy Controller Design Using Sum of Squares Technique," Poceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2008, Aug 20-22nd, 2008 Tokyo PP.1845-1850.
  85. C. L. Chang and J. C. Juang, “A New Pre-Processing Approach Against Array Uncertainty for GNSS,” Proc. IEEE/ION PLANS, Monterey, 2008.
  86. C. L. Chang and J.C. Juang, 'Development of Adaptive Multi-Function Signal Detection Techniques in Processing GNSS Signals Umder Blanking,' in Proc. of the International Symposium on ISG & GPS/GNSS, Malaysia, Nov. 2007.
  87. Y. H. Chen and J. C. Juang, 'A GNSS Software Receiver Approach for the Processing of Intermittent Data' ,ION GNSS 2007,Fort Worth,Texas,2007.
  88. T. L. Kao, Y. H Chen and J. C. Juang, "A DSP/FPGA Design for the Acquisition and Tracking of GIOVE-A signals",ION GNSS 2007,Fort Worth,Texas,2007.
  89. Y. F. Tsai and J. C. Juang, ‘Ambiguity Resolution Validation Based on LAMBDA and Eigen-Decomposition,' Proc. ION Annual Meeting, Boston, 2007.
  90. J. C. Juang, “A Multi-Objective Approach in GNSS Code Discriminator Design,” IEEE/ION PLANS 2006, San Diego , 2006.
  91. C. L. Chang and J. C. Juang , ‘Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Processing for GNSS Interface Mitigation,' Proc. IAIN/GNSS, Korea, 2006
  92. Y. H. Chiang and J. C. Juang, “Decentralized Control of Freeway Traffic Flow with Neighboring Cellular Information, ” IEEE/SMC 2006, Taiwan, 2006.
  93. C. L. Chang and J. C. Juang , ‘The Effect of Masked Signal on the Performance of GNSS Code Tracking System' Proc. IAIN/GNSS, Korea, 2006
  94. Y. H. Chen, J. C. Juang and T. L. Kao ‘Implementation of BOC Signal Acquisition Using a DSP/FPGA Board' Proc. IAIN/GNSS, Korea, 2006
  95. J. C. Juang and Y. F. Tsai, ‘Assessment of Taipei FIR SBAS Implementation Based on GNSS Data Analysis,’ Proc. International Symposium on GNSS/GPS, Hong Kong, 2005.
  96. Y. H. Chen, J. C. Juang, and J. D. Lin, ‘Design and Implementation of a Multicorrelator Tracking System for GNSS Multipath Mitigation,’ Proc. International Symposium on GNSS/GPS, Hong Kong, 2005.
  97. J. C. Juang, ‘On the Implementation of SBAS Navigation in Asian Pacific Region: a Proposed Scheme,’ APEC GIT7, Bali, 2005.
  98. J. C. Juang, ‘Interference Mitigation in GNSS-Based Navigation,’ Proc. 10thCNS/ATM International Conference, Taipei, 2005.
  99. J. C. Juang and Y. F. Tsai, ‘A Differential GPS Correction Method for the Position Determination of a Sounding Rocket,’ Proc. ION GNSS Conference, Long Beach, 2005.
  100. J. C. Juang and J. J. Miau, ‘From Web-Based Course to Goal-Oriented Student Project: Lessons Learned in a Picosatellite System Engineering Course,’ Proc. iNEER Conference for Engineering Education and Research, 2005.
  101. J. C. Juang and C. L. Chang, ‘Performance Analysis of GPS Pseudolite Interference Mitigation Using Adaptive Spatial Beamforming,’ Proc. ION Annual Meeting, Boston, 2005.
  102. J. C. Juang, Y. F. Tsai, and S. S. Jan, ‘Assessment on the Interoperability of SBAS and GRAS,’ Proc. ION National Technical Meeting, San Diego, 2005.
  103. C. M. Lee and J. C. Juang, ‘A Novel Approach to Stability Analysis of Multivariable Lur’s Systems,’ Proc. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Ontario, 2005.
  104. J. C. Juang and C. M. Lee, ‘Stabilization of Systems with Fuzzy Neural Elements,’ Proc. International Conference on Emerging System Technology, Seoul, 2005.
  105. C. M. Lee and J. C. Juang, ‘Stability Analysis of Systems with Lur’s Type’s Actuator and/or Sensor,’ Proc. International Conference on Emerging System Technology, Seoul, 2005.
  106. J. C. Juang, Y. S. Chen, C. L. Tseng, and L. C. Shen, ‘On the Reception and Processing of GPS Reflective Signals,’ Proc. International Symposium on GNSS/GPS, Sydney, 2004.
  107. J. C. Juang, C. L. Chang, and Y. L. Tsai, ‘An Interference Mitigation Approach Against Pseudolites,’ Proc. International Symposium on GNSS/GPS, Sydney, 2004.
  108. T. K. Shen and J. C. Juang, ‘An RSS Based Positioning Method with Applications in Zigbee Wireless Networks,’ Proc. 6th Symposium on GPS Technology, 2004.
  109. J. C. Juang, ‘Seamless Handover of Combined GPS/Pseudolite Navigation,’ Proc. ION GNSS Conference, Long Beach, 2004.
  110. J. C. Juang, K. Y. Cheng, C. L. Tseng, and C. F. Lo, ‘The Design and Test of a Dual-Frequency GPS Pseudo-Satellite Augmentation System,’ Proc. 11th Saint Petersburg International Conference, Saint Petersburg, 2004.
  111. J. C. Juang, ‘GPS Networks in Taiwan: Potential Applications in SBAS Implementation,’ APEC GIT5, Taipei, 2004.
  112. J. C. Juang and J. S. Chen, ‘On Combining Adaptive Estimation and Robust Control for Friction Compensation,” Proc. World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, HangZhou, 2004.
  113. J. C. Juang and Y. H. Chiang, ‘Predictive Control of a Hysteresis Model,’ Proc. IEEE Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Washington D. C., 2003.
  114. J. S. Chen and J. C. Juang, ‘A Robust Friction Control Scheme of Robot Manipulators,’ Proc. IEEE Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Taipei, 2003.
  115. J. C. Juang, ‘GPS Integer Ambiguity Resolution Based on Eigen-Decomposition,’ Proc. ION GPS/GNSS Conference, Portland, 2003.
  116. J. C. Juang and J. J. Miau, ‘Overview of the PACE Satellite: a Three-Axis Stabilized CubeSat,’ Proc. 1st International CubeSat Symposium, Tokyo, 2003.
  117. L. L. Show and J. C. Juang, ‘Satellite Large Angle Tracking Control Design: Thruster Control Approach,’ Proc. American Control Conference, 1098-1103, 2003.
  118. J. C. Juang, W. L. Kuo, and W. J. Lai, ‘Design of a Dual Frequency Pseudolite Transmitter,’ Proc. 5th Symposium on GPS Technology, 2002.
  119. J. C. Juang, Y. J. Fan, W. J. Lai, and Y. L. Tsai, ‘Integrated GPS/PL Navigation and Positioning,’ Proc. 5th Symposium on GPS Technology, 245-254, 2002.
  120. C. L. Tseng, J. C. Juang, C. F. Lo, ‘Establishment of e-GPS Real Time Kinematics Positioning Network,’ Proc. Int. Symposium on GPS/GNSS, 2002.
  121. L. L. Show, J. C. Juang, C. T. Lin, and Y. W. Jan, ‘Spacecraft Robust Attitude Tracking Design: PID Control Approach,’ Proc. American Control Conference, 1360-1365, 2002.
  122. L. L. Show and J. C. Juang, ‘Spacecraft Robust Wheels Control with Saturation Nonlinearity: Approach,’ Proc. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 2002.
  123. L. L. Show, J. C. Juang, and C. D. Yang, ‘Nonlinear Robust Control for Satellite Large Angle Maneuvers,’ Proc. American Control Conference, 1357-1362, 2001.
  124. J. C. Juang, S. C. Chang, Y. W. Jan, C. T. Lin, and L. H. Ting, ‘Development of a Processor-in-the-Loop Simulation for Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control,’ Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 2001.
  125. L. L. Show and J. C. Juang, ‘Nonlinear Mixed Large Angle Attitude Control,’ Proc. 4th Pacific International Conference on Aerospace Science and Technology, 663-667, 2001.
  126. L. L. Show, J. C. Juang, and C. D. Yang, ‘A Two-Phase Optimization Algorithm in Controller Synthesis,’ Proc. American Control Conference, 914-918, 2000.
  127. J. C. Juang, Y. F. Tsai, C. T. Tsai, S. T. Jenq, J. R. Tsai, and H. P. Pan, “CKUTEX – An Experimental Microsatellite by NCKU,” 2010 AASRC Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2010
  128. S. T. Jenq, J. Y. Huang, T. J. Huang, J. C. Juang, J. J. Miau, and J. P. Jang, “Structural Vibration Modal Analysis for the CKUTEX Micro-Satellite,” 2010 AASRC Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2010
  129. L. D. Weng, J. R. Chang, J. C. Juang, and J. J. Miau, “Thermal Analysis, Design and Verification of the Micro-Satellite Electrical Subsystems,” 2010 AASRC Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2010
  130. X. Z. Yang, Y. F. Tsai, C. Y. Chong, J. C. Juang, and H. C. Chang, “Development and Verification of Microsatellite Attitude Control Subsystem Based on Processor-in-the-Loop,” 2010 AASRC Conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2010
  131. 陳舜鴻、莊智清 "Nonlinear T-S Fuzzy Controller Synthesis with Sum of Squares Technique," Proceedings of 2008 National Symposium on System Science and Engineering, I-Lan, June 6th 2008
  132. C. L. Chang, J. C. Juang, and H. Y. Mar, 'STAP Requirements and Implementation Complexity in GNSS Real-Time Processing,' in Proc of the 2007 International Automatic Control Conference, pp. 1391-1396, TAIWAN, Nov. 2007.
  133. C. L. Lu, J. C. Juang and C. Y. Lu, “Chip Implementation of an 1.5-GHz High-Speed Programmable Divider,” Proceedings of 2006 CACS Automatic Control Conference, Taiwan, 2006.
  134. J. C. Juang, J. C. Lin and K. Z. Lin, “Analysis of the Quality of Service in Indoor Navigation Systems,” Proceedings of 2006 CACS Automatic Control Conference, Taiwan, 2006.
  135. 蔡永富、莊智清、林偉堯,“GPS定位系統受干擾影響之研究”,GPS衛星科技研討會,2006.
  136. 陳育暄、莊智清、蕭宗正,“GPS定位系統受干擾影響之研究”,GPS衛星科技研討會, 2006.
  137. 莊智清、蔡永富,‘DGPS量測系統於高動態載具軌跡重建之分析,'自動控制研討會, 2005.
  138. 莊智清、沈子貴、林景頎,‘以可程式系統晶片發展平台實現無線網路室內定位之分析與應用,’自動控制研討會, 2005.
  139. C. L. Chang and J. C. Juang, ‘An Adaptive Multipath Mitigation Filter for GNSS Application,’ 自動控制研討會, 2005.
  140. 陸子強、莊智清、陳正喜,‘大型壓縮機之激變與穩壓控制,’自動控制研討會, 2005.
  141. Y. H. Chiang and J. C. Juang, ‘Stabilization of Traffic Flow in Unstable Phase by Speed Command Method,’ 自動控制研討會, 2005.
  142. 張仲良、莊智清、蔡有龍,‘GPS頻段內窄頻干擾抑制法則發展,’通信電子研討會, 2004.
  143. 莊智清、石亞文、林信嘉,‘太空級GPS接收器發展與模擬,’自動控制研討會, 2004.
  144. C. L. Chang, J. C. Juang, and Y. L. Tsai, ‘Development of Neural Network-Based GPS Anti-Jam Techniques,’ 自動控制研討會, 2004.
  145. J. C. Juang, J. S. Sheu, and Y. C. Shen, ‘Repeatable Run-Out Modeling and Control on Optical Disk Drive,’ 自動控制研討會, 2003.
  146. 莊智清、林俊亨、劉家良,‘燒錄機動態最佳功率控制之研究,’自動控制研討會, 2003.
  147. L. L. Show, J. C. Juang, C. T. Lin, and Y. W. Jan, ‘Nonlinear Robust Control for Spacecraft Large Angle Attitude Tracking,’ 中華民國自動控制研討會, 394-399, 2002. Robust Control for Spacecraft Large Angle Attitude Tracking,’ 中華民國自動控制研討會, 394-399, 2002.
  148. L. L. Show, J. C. Juang, C. T. Lin, and Y. W. Jan, ‘Robust PID Control Design for Spacecraft Attitude Tracking,’ 中華民國自動控制研討會, 400-405, 2002.
  149. L. L. Show and J. C. Juang, ‘Three-Axis Reaction Wheels Control for Spacecraft Robust Attitude Tracking,’ 燃燒民航航太學術聯合會議, 421-426, 2002.
  150. L. L. Show and J. C. Juang, ‘Nonlinear Robust Attitude Control for Satellite Large Angle Attitude Control, 中華民國自動控制研討會, 24-29, 2001.
  151. L. L. Show and J. C. Juang, ‘Nonlinear Attitude Control of a Micro Satellite with Parameter Variations,’ 燃燒民航航太學術聯合會議, 329-336, 2001.
  152. C. W. Jang, J. C. Juang, and F. C. Kung, ‘The Bootstrap Approach in the Accuracy Analysis of GPS Positioning, 2000工業自動控制與電力應用研討會, 2000.
  153. J. S. Chen and J. C. Juang, ‘Robust Compensation of a Nonlinear Friction Model,’中華民國自動控制研討會,2000.
  1. 立方衛星能力建構國際學程規劃2024
  2. 113年地球輻射觀察試驗立方衛星先導計畫2024
  3. 全球導航衛星系統可控場形抗干擾天線技術研究(2/3)2024
  4. 立方衛星系統工程與關鍵通訊遙測暨推進技術研究發展(3/3)2024-2025
  5. 112年度無人自駕車人才培育計畫總計畫暨子計畫1自駕車輛輔助車道維持技術模組2023-2024
  6. GNSS-R儀器驗證及韌體升級2023-2024
  7. 衛星導航訊息認證及其於安全控制之應用(2/2)2023-2024
  8. 立方衛星系統工程與關鍵通訊遙測暨推進技術研究發展(2/3)2023-2024
  9. GNSSR雙頻接收機模組升級2023-2024
  10. 全球導航衛星系統可控場形抗干擾天線技術研究(1/3)2023
  11. 地球輻射觀察試驗立方衛星先導計畫2023
  12. 立方衛星系統工程與關鍵通訊遙測暨推進技術研究發展(1/3)2022-2023
  13. 111年度無人載具人才培育總計畫暨子計畫一:自動駕駛ROS/Autoware軟體模組開發與推廣、汽車開放系統架構技術與應用2022-2023
  14. 衛星導航訊息認證及其於安全控制之應用(1/2)2022-2023
  15. 智慧球車之技術發展與場域實證2022-2023
  16. 立方衛星酬載設計與操作之研究2022-2023
  17. 機載時間系統精確及穩定度升級2022-2023
  18. 同步軌道衛星動態追蹤演算法開發2022
  19. 星象儀在軌驗證委託服務2021-2023
  20. 無人載具人才培育計畫2021-2022
  21. 自駕車輛資料儲存裝置2021-2022
  22. GNSS-R儀器驗證及韌體升級2021-2022
  23. 5G C-V2X 車輛列隊系統之平台環境建構與研究 2021
  24. 定位基地台等7項 2020-2022
  25. GPS衛星導航接收機升級研發 2020-2022
  26. 自駕車次系統關鍵技術研發之定位與決策技術發展及場域驗證(3/3) 2021-2022
  27. 自駕車次系統關鍵技術研發之定位與決策技術發展及場域驗證(2/3) 2020-2021
  28. 智能遙測聯網立方衛星關鍵技術發展整合與飛試(3/3) 2020-2021
  29. 自駕車次系統關鍵技術研發之定位與決策技術發展及場域驗證(1/3) 2019-2020
  30. 智能遙測聯網立方衛星關鍵技術發展整合與飛試(2/3) 2019-2020
  31. 影像導引飛行控制率之研究與實現 2020
  32. 隊列系統之車輛動態模擬技術 2020
  33. 自駕車實測資料收集與應用 2019
  34. 自駕車之雲端平台建置與用戶端設計開發 2019-2020
  35. 無人載具人才培育計畫 2019-2021
  36. 先進駕駛輔助與無人駕駛之技術發展與人才培育 2018-2019
  37. 具可信度之導航與導引技術研究(3/3) 2018-2019
  38. 自動駕駛系統之整合建置與大數據分析應用 2018-2019
  39. 無人載具人才培育先期計畫規劃 2018-2019
  40. 智能遙測聯網立方衛星關鍵技術發展整合與飛試(1/3) 2018-2019
  41. 高動態衛星接收機快速定位技術之研究2018
  42. 動態低延遲3D精準定位模稜解決技術研發 2018
  43. 高精度地面定位系統架構設計及驗證--整合定位演算法、電波傳播模型、數值化數位電子地圖之定位機制2017
  44. 車輛定位驗證平台研究2017
  45. 具可信度之導航與導引技術研究(1/3) 2016-2017
  46. 車輛動態定位技術 2016
  47. 高精度地面定位系統架構設計及驗證-總計畫暨子計畫一:精密時間同步設計測試及精密距離檢測方式研究 2016
  48. 具可信度之導航與導引技術研究 2016-2019
  49. 高精度地面定位系統架構設計及驗證--整合定位演算法、電波傳播模型、數值化數位電子地圖之定位機制 2017
  50. GNSSR資料驗證 2017
  51. 車輛定位驗證平台研究 2017
  52. 超緊密耦合架構整合式導航裝置之研究 2017
  53. GNSS-R工程驗證體發展 2016-2017
  54. GNSS-RO掩星接收機先期研製 2016-2017
  55. 微機電陀螺儀(MEMS Gyro)叢集(Cluster)演算法研究 2015-2016
  56. 衛星導航與感測模組整合之車用導航應用 2015-2016
  57. 高精度地面定位系統架構設計及驗證 2015
  58. 應用分散式環狀追蹤控制技術建構多代理人系統行星運動隊形之研究 2015-2016
  59. 車輛動態定位技術 2015
  60. 全球導航衛星系統反射訊號反演之研究 2014-2015
  61. 多星座導航衛星系統下之訊號追蹤、定位推算與載具控制之研究(3/3) 2014-2015
  62. 多感知融合應用於車輛定位與主動式安全駕駛之研究 車測中心 2014
  63. 參與歐盟FP7 QB50計畫 2013-2014
  64. 多星座導航衛星系統下之訊號追蹤、定位推算與載具控制之研究(2/3) 2013-2014
  65. 多星座導航衛星系統下之訊號追蹤、定位推算與載具控制之研究(1/3) 2012-2013
  66. 地球高層大氣量測火箭衛星與儀器系統之研製-地球高層大氣量測火箭衛星與儀器系統之研製(3/3) 2013-2014
  67. 地球高層大氣量測火箭衛星與儀器系統之研製-地球高層大氣量測火箭衛星與儀器系統之研製(2/3) 2012-2013
  68. 地球高層大氣量測火箭衛星與儀器系統之研製-衛星與儀器系統之研製(1/3) 2011-2012
  69. 以區間分析進行無線網路系統分散式定位、編隊控制與決策之研究 2009-2012
  70. 實驗型微衛星計畫-實驗型微衛星研製 2009-2011
  71. 都會區智慧型電動載具之應用情境設計與電控模組發展 2008-2010
  72. 全面定位技術之研究 2007-2009
  73. 抗干擾衛星定位接收陣列天線訊號處理系統製作之研究 2007
  74. 自適性無線感測網路定位技術之研究 國科會 2006-2007
  75. GPS 抗干擾陣列天線訊號處理模擬分析 中山科學研究院 2006
  76. 感測網路定位與目標物追蹤之研究 國科會 2005-2006
  77. 結合GPS與PL之遙測技術發展與應用-RGPS接收儀之製作研究與遙測應用 國科會 2004-2005
  78. 以單元傳輸模式為基礎之智慧型運輸系統穩定與控制分析 國科會 2004-2005
  79. 皮級衛星星系地球觀測任務之研究 國家太空中心 2004-2005
  80. GPS 訊號接收法則與 DGPS 量測系統 中山科學研究院 2004
  81. 低功率超寬頻 (UWB) 脈衝式無線電傳輸與定位技術之研究 工業技術研究院 2004
  82. GPS 頻段內干擾抑制之訊號處理電路研究 國科會 2003-2004
  83. 提升產業技術及人才培育研究計畫 - 雙軸平台控制性能改善之研究 國科會 2003-2004
  84. 可覆寫式伺服控制與訊號處理之研究 國科會 2002-2003
  85. 國產全球定位系統接收機應用於微(微)衛星之製造可行性研究 國科會 2002-2003
  86. GPS頻段內干擾抑制之訊號處理電路研究(II) 國科會 2002
  87. 可抹寫式光碟機定轉速與混合轉速寫入控制之研究 國科會 2001-2002
  88. 中華三號衛星-衛星姿控測試器與整合發展環境之研製-第三年 國科會 2001-2002
  89. GPS頻段內干擾抑制之訊號處理電路研究 國科會 2001
  90. 可抹寫式光碟機功率控制之研究 國科會 2000-2001
  91. 無人載具自動降落系統設計之先期研究(Ⅱ) 國科會 2000
  92. 中華三號衛星-衛星姿控測試器製作研究 國科會 1999-2001
  93. 適應式切換控制之研究 國科會 1999-2000
  94. 無人載具自動降落系統設計之先期研究 國科會 1999-2000
本學年度 實驗室成員
胡晏屏(Karthi)   李強(Rony)   安托溫(Antwan )   黃冠穎   詹清文   壽鶴年   許佳興   李君謨   江益賢   張仲良   蔡永富   陳舜鴻   王宏祺   陳育暄   陸子強   高彩齡   范越強   蔡秋藤   林景富   王澔宇   陳志豪
吳佳裕   陳育文   李嘉慶   程晉封
褚偉嘉   陳振其   吳良哲   侯雨助
羅紹群   沈永錤   田增業   張森喬   張維哲   彭彥華   曾朝貴
李杏櫻   陳建賓   溫俊福   林景富   梁鳴仁   陳柏延   盧柄憲
張尚文   林俊亨   陳育暄   郭瑋倫   范揚基   張淑君
孫煜明   黃 牧   蔡佳璇   賴文鉦   劉家良
張仲良   鄭凱元   石亞文   許景育   鄭皓盈
蔡永富   馮思鈞   沈子貴   李卓鑫
吳世驊   林景頎   林偉堯   陳新淵   蕭宗正
林計德   張馥薇   劉冠志   魯齊媛   顏晨旭
何欣遠   翁達庚   許彰益   錢佳駒   陳宏明   林坤政
廖允智   蘇信華   伍志恆   李易學   崔子信   汪國農
孫傳祥   黃琮惠   陳聿祺   張倬嘉   楊欣展   蕭東榕
黃子健   姚俊華   李玉鈞   孫偉智   郭泰麟   溫煌華   阮單浩   吳廷清
唐世銘   蔡沐翰   胡烝銘   陳龍玥   阮德顯
孫逸平   蔡雲鵬   黃俊豪   李? 瑞   陳勃任
李亮瑩   王櫻蓉   林冠廷   林庭揚   鍾昱辰   沈廣成
朱翊雯   蔡瓊慧   李仁維   汪羿帆   陳立偉   陳美好
黃得銓   吳聲浩   游尚霖   許晟愷   楊先立
鄒達文   劉容辰   葉家亨   陳昌政   黃冠穎
謝汶霖   李兆文   洪亞慈   洪銘陽   吳政廷
陳威廷   陳侑炘   王琨岐   汪聖倫   黃銘賢   廖豈國
方志浩   鄭富澤   林渝恆   陳家年   賴柏翔   余興榮   王昱翔   李強(Rony)
許格諺   黃奕豪   黃詩惠   楊典軒   楊昀融   陳西民(Arvin)   潘特羅(Carlo)   林麗(Pam)
郭泰德   鄭兆順   陳品均   莊榕珊   陳映彤
陳委辰   蕭雅井   莊崴   邱奕澂   劉恩溢
王韋允   詹培鑫   黃定山   黃軒宏   蔡駿麒   張育慈   黃冠霖   李岳倫   蘇子堯
  1. 教育部97學年度全國大學院校嵌入式系統(ES)設計競賽─軟硬體整合組優等 
  2. 2018未來科技展未來科技突破獎
  3. 2022臺灣創新技術博覽會獲未來科技獎
  4. 112年度國科會傑出成就獎