國立成功大學電機工程學系 教師個人頁面
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謝旻甫 特聘教授
06-2757575 ext.62366
Joint Conference Publication co-Chair
Invited Speaker, IEEE 國際磁學會議
2020,2021, 2023, 2025
Editor-in-Chief/Publication co-Chair, IEEE 國際磁學會議暨期刊發表
2021,2022, 2023, 2025
Organizing Committee, IEEE 國際磁學會議
IEEE Magnetics Society 台灣支會副主席
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics編輯
IEEE Transactions on Industry Application副編輯
2015, 2018, 2021, 2022, 2023
IEEE INTERMAG Program Committee Member
IEEE INTERMAG Publication Committee Member
IEEE IFEEC Technical Program Committee Co-Chair
4th IcAUMS 亞洲磁學聯盟國際研討會Co-organizer/Publicity Chair
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics CEFC特刊 Co-Editor-in-Chief
  • 電機設計與分析
  • 馬達驅動控制
  • 電動車動力
  • 再生能源
  • 機電整合
期刊論文( Journal )
  1. "IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturers for 2025," in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 1-3, Jan. 2025, Art no. 600103, doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2024.3514012.
  2. A. Mohammad-Alikhani, B. Nahid-Mobarakeh and M. -F. Hsieh, "Diagnosis of Mechanical and Electrical Faults in Electric Machines Using a Lightweight Frequency-Scaled Convolutional Neural Network," in IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, doi: 10.1109/TEC.2024.3490736.
  3. M. -F. Hsieh, A. T. Huynh, V. -V. Do, D. Gerada and C. Gerada, "Design Optimization of Spoke-Type Flux-Intensifying PM Motor With Asymmetric Rotor Configuration for Improved Performance," in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 60, no. 9, pp. 1-5, Sept. 2024, Art no. 8203905, doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2024.3428416.
  4. L. J. F. C. Vera and M. -F. Hsieh, "Investigating the Impact of Characteristic Current on IPMSM Efficiency Area in Flux-Weakening Region," in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 60, no. 9, pp. 1-6, Sept. 2024, Art no. 8204006, doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2024.3429178. keywords: {Motors;Inductance;Couplings;Magnetic flux;Torque;Electric motors;Genetic algorithms;Characteristic current;constant power speed range (CPSR);electric vehicle;flux weakening;interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM)},
  5. Le, T.-L., Hsieh, M.-F.: A sliding mode-based single-loop control strategy for permanent magnet synchronous motor drives. IET Power Electron. 17, 78–91 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1049/pel2.12616 
  6. T.-L. Le and M.-F. Hsieh, An enhanced direct torque control strategy with composite controller for permanent magnet synchronous motor, Asian J. Control (2024), 1–20, DOI 10.1002/asjc.3306. 
  7. D. -C. Hsiao and M. -F. Hsieh, "Integrated Design and Power Loss Minimization of Reaction Wheel Motor for Satellite Attitude Control," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 3291-3299, May-June 2023, doi: 10.1109/TIA.2023.3249149.
  8. A. Mohammad-Alikhani, B. Nahid-Mobarakeh and M. -F. Hsieh, "One-Dimensional LSTM-Regulated Deep Residual Network for Data-Driven Fault Detection in Electric Machines," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 3083-3092, March 2024, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2023.3265054.
  9. T. -A. Huynh, Y. -T. Nguyen Le, Z. Lee, M. -C. Tsai, P. -W. Huang and M. -F. Hsieh, "Influence of Flux Barriers and Permanent Magnet Arrangements on Performance of High-Speed Flux-Intensifying IPM Motor," in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 59, no. 11, pp. 1-6, Nov. 2023, Art no. 8203606, doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2023.3290538.
  10. D. -C. Hsiao and M. -F. Hsieh, "Design and Implementation of Novel Homopolar Magnetic Bearings Incorporated in Reaction Wheel for Satellite Attitude Control," in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 66374-66381, 2023, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3290308.
  11. Hsu H-Y, Lo T-Y, Hsieh M-F. A simple signal extraction-based online real-time diagnosis approach for interturn short-circuit fault of permanent magnet motor. Int J Circ Theor Appl. 2023; 51(7): 3246-3262. doi:10.1002/cta.3589 
  12. M. -F. Hsieh, C. -Y. Chang, T. -A. Huynh and D. G. Dorrell, "Design and Analysis of Consequent-Pole Permanent Magnet Vernier Motor With Cancellation of Even-Order Harmonics," in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 59, no. 11, pp. 1-6, Nov. 2023, Art no. 8204406, doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2023.3293268.
  13. H. -Y. Hsu and M. -F. Hsieh, "A Simple Search Coil Based on Motor Winding Strands for Rotor Position Estimation," in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 72, pp. 1-10, 2023, Art no. 7505210, doi: 10.1109/TIM.2023.3302369.
  14. M. -F. Hsieh, L. -H. Lin, T. -A. Huynh and D. Dorrell, "Development of Machine Learning-Based Design Platform for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Toward Simulation Free," in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 59, no. 11, pp. 1-5, Nov. 2023, Art no. 8205705, doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2023.3309151.
  15. T. -A. Huynh, V. -H. Che and M. -F. Hsieh, "Maximization of High-Efficiency Operating Range of Spoke-Type PM E-Bike Motor by Optimization Through New Motor Constant," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 1328-1339, March-April 2023, doi: 10.1109/TIA.2022.3205571.
  16. T. D. Ton, M. F. Hsieh, and P. H. Chen, “A novel robust sensorless technique for field-oriented control drive of permanent magnet synchronous motor,” IEEE Access, vol. 9, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3097120.
  17. F. S. Pai, Y. Z. Huang, P. H. Chen, and M. F. Hsieh, “Operating efficiency enhancement of hybrid energy storage system for IPMSM drives,” International Journal of Electronics, 2021, doi: 10.1080/00207217.2020.1870734.
  18. T. A. Huynh, J. X. Peng, M. F. Hsieh, and P. W. Huang, “Anti-Demagnetization Analysis of Fractional Slot Concentrated Windings Interior Permanent Magnet Motor Considering Effect of Rotor Design Parameters,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2021, doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2021.3090319.
  19. M. F. Hsieh, P. H. Chen, F. S. Pai, and R. Y. Weng, “Development of supercapacitor-aided hybrid energy storage system to enhance battery life cycle of electric vehicles,” Sustainability (Switzerland), vol. 13, no. 14, 2021, doi: 10.3390/su13147682.
  20. T. A. Huynh and M. F. Hsieh, “Improvement of Traction Motor Performance for Electric Vehicles Using Conductors with Insulation of High Thermal Conductivity Considering Cooling Methods,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 57, no. 2, 2021, doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2020.3021127.
  21. D. K. Ngo, M. F. Hsieh, and T. Dung Le, “Analysis on Field Weakening of Flux Intensifying Synchronous Motor Considering PM Dimension and Armature Current,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 57, no. 2, 2021, doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2020.3023176.
  22. T. D. Ton, N. C. Chen, and M. F. Hsieh, “Analysis of switching frequency on performance of motor drive based on silicon carbide mosfet,” International Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 27, no. 6, 2020, doi: 10.6329/CIEE.202012_27(6).0003.
  23. S. W. Chang, M. F. Hsieh, W. L. Cai, and H. D. Shen, “Detailed heat transfer measurements of impinging swirling and non-swirling jet arrays emitted from grooved orifice plate,” Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, vol. 149, 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.cep.2020.107820.
  24. M. F. Hsieh and Y. C. Weng, “A low torque ripple direct torque control method for interior permanent magnet motor,” Applied Sciences (Switzerland), vol. 10, no. 5, 2020, doi: 10.3390/app10051723.
  25. Torque Enhancement for a Novel Flux Intensifying PMa-SynRM Using Surface-Inset Permanent Magnet.於: IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 2019
  26. Irreversible Demagnetization Analysis for Multilayer Magnets of Permanent Magnet-Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machines Considering Current Phase Angle.於: IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 2019
  27. An Investigation Into the Effect of PM Arrangements on PMa-SynRM Performance.於: IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 2018
  28. Huynh, Anh ; Hsieh, Min Fu ; Shih, Kai Jung ; Kuo, Hsiu Fu. / An Investigation into the Effect of PM Arrangements on PMa-SynRM Performance. 於: IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 2018
  29. Wang, Ming Shyan ; Hsieh, Min Fu ; Kung, Ying Shieh ; Lin, Guan Ting. / Maximum torque per ampere control of IPMSM drive by fuzzy logic. 於: Microsystem Technologies. 2018
  30. Huynh, Thanh Anh ; Hsieh, Min Fu. / Performance analysis of permanent magnet motors for electric vehicles (EV) traction considering driving cycles. 於: Energies. 2018
  31. C. Ubadigha, M.-C. Tsai and M.-F. Hsieh (2017, Nov). Modulating ring structural configuration influence on the dual air-gap magnetic gear electric machine. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 53, no. 11. (SCI).
  32. T. A. Huynh and M.-F. Hsieh* (2017, Nov). Performance Evaluation of Thin Electrical Steels Applied to Interior Permanent Magnet Motor. IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, vol. 11. (EI). MOST 105-2622-8-006-001. 本人為通訊作者.
  33. T.A. Huynh and M.-F. Hsieh* (2017, Nov). Comparative Study of PM-assisted SynRM and IPMSM on Constant Power Speed Range for EV Applications. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 53, no. 11. (SCI). MOST 105-2622-8-006-001. 本人為通訊作者.
  34. 1.          F.‐S. Pai, M.-F. Hsieh* and Y.‐P. Wang (2017, Oct). Cumulative current‐magnetizing method for a capacitor‐discharged impulse magnetizer. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 1439–1446. (SCI). 本人為通訊作者.
  35. C. Ubadigha, M.-C. Tsai and M.-F. Hsieh (2017, Nov). Modulating ring structural configuration influence on the dual air-gap magnetic gear electric machine. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 53, no. 11. (SCI).
  36. T. A. Huynh and M.-F. Hsieh* (2017, Nov). Performance Evaluation of Thin Electrical Steels Applied to Interior Permanent Magnet Motor. IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, vol. 11. (EI). MOST 105-2622-8-006-001. 本人為通訊作者.
  37. T.A. Huynh and M.-F. Hsieh* (2017, Nov). Comparative Study of PM-assisted SynRM and IPMSM on Constant Power Speed Range for EV Applications. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 53, no. 11. (SCI). MOST 105-2622-8-006-001. 本人為通訊作者.
  38. F.‐S. Pai, M.-F. Hsieh* and Y.‐P. Wang (2017, Oct). Cumulative current‐magnetizing method for a capacitor‐discharged impulse magnetizer. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 1439–1446. (SCI). 本人為通訊作者.
  39. C.-H. Hsu, Y.-M. Huang, M.-F. Hsieh, C.-M. Fu, S. Adireddy and D.B. Chrisey (2017, Jul). Transformer Sound Level Cause from Core Magnetostriction and Winding Stress Displacement Variation. AIP Advances, 7, 056681. (SCI, 82/145, Applied Physics).
  40. M.-S. Wang, M.-F. Hsieh, I.N. Syamsiana and W.-C. Fang (2017, Apr). Fuzzy Maximum Torque per Ampere and Maximum Torque per Voltage Control of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive. Sensors and Materials, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 461-472. (SCI).
  41. T.A. Huynh and M.-F. Hsieh*, “Comparative Study of PM-assisted SynRM and IPMSM on Constant Power Speed Range for EV Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (accepted), vol. 53, no. 11, 2017. (SCI) (MOST 105-2622-8-006-001, MOST105-2218-E-006-008)
  42. C. Ubadigha, M.-C. Tsai and M.-F. Hsieh, “Modulating ring structural configuration influence on the dual air-gap magnetic gear electric machine,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (accepted), vol. 53, no. 11, 2017 (SCI)
  43. T. A. Huynh and M.-F. Hsieh*, "Performance Evaluation of Thin Electrical Steels Applied to Interior Permanent Magnet Motor," IEEJ Journal Industry Applications (accepted), vol. 11, 2017. (EI) (MOST 105-2622-8-006-001, MOST105-2218-E-006-008)
  44. F.‐S. Pai, M.-F. Hsieh* and Y.‐P. Wang, “Cumulative current‐magnetizing method for a capacitor‐discharged impulse magnetizer,” International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, published online in Mar, 2017. (DOI: 10.1002/cta.2341) (SCI) (105-2623-E-024-001-ET)
  45. C.-H. Hsu, Y.-M. Huang, M.-F. Hsieh, C.-M. Fu, S. Adireddy and D.B. Chrisey, “Transformer Sound Level Cause from Core Magnetostriction and Winding Stress Displacement Variation,” AIP Advances 7, 056681, 2017. (SCI).
  46. M.-S. Wang, M.-F. Hsieh, Y.-S. Kung and G.-T. Lin, “Maximum Torque per Ampere Control of IPMSM Drive by Fuzzy Logic,” Microsystem Technologies, published online in Sep 2016. (DOI: 10.1007/s00542-016-3119-5) (SCI) (MOST 104-2221-E-218-025)
  47. M.-S. Wang, M.-F. Hsieh, I.N. Syamsiana and W.-C. Fang, “Fuzzy Maximum Torque per Ampere and Maximum Torque per Voltage Control of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive,” Sensors and Materials, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 461-472, 2017. (SCI) (MOST 104-2221-E-218-025)
  48. M.-F. Hsieh*, Y.-H. Chang and D.G. Dorrell, “Design and Analysis of Brushless Doubly Fed Reluctance Machine for Renewable Energy Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 52, no. 7, 7422795, 2016. (SCI) (MOST 101-2628-E-006-016-MY3)
  49. S. Wang, D.G. Dorrell, Y. Guo and M.-F. Hsieh, “Inductive Charging Coupler with Assistive Coils. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,” vol. 52, no. 7, 7428937, 2016. (SCI).
  50. D.G. Dorrell, J.K.H. Shek and M.-F. Hsieh, “The Development of an Indexing Method for the Comparison of Unbalanced Magnetic Pull in Electrical Machines,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 145-153, 2016. (SCI) (MOST 101-2923-M-007-003)
  51. I.-H. Lin, M.-F. Hsieh*, H.-F. Kuo and M.-C. Tsai, “Improved Accuracy for Performance Evaluation of Synchronous Reluctance Motor,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 51, no. 11, 8113404, 2015. (SCI) (MOST 103-2622-E-006-037)
  52. C.-C. Chiang, M.-F. Hsieh*, Y.-H. Li and M.-C. Tsai, “Impact of Electrical Steel Punching Process on the Performance of Switched Reluctance Motors,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 51, no. 11, 8113304, 2015. (SCI) (MOST 103-2622-E-006-037)
  53. C.-H. Hsu, M.-F. Hsieh, C.-M. Fu and Y.-M. Huang, “Effects of Multicore Structure on Magnetic Losses and Magnetomechanical Vibration at High Frequencies,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 51, no. 11, 8402704, 2015. (SCI)
  54. C.-H. Hsu, S.-L. Lee, C.-C. Lin, C.-S. Liu, S.-Y. Chang, M.-F. Hsieh*, Y.-M. Huang and C.-M Fu. “Reduction of Vibration and Sound-Level for a Single-Phase Power Transformer With Large Capacity,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 51, no. 11, 8403204, 2015. (SCI)
  55. M.-F. Hsieh, C.-H. Hsu, C.-M. Fu and Y.-M. Huang, “Design of Transformer With High-Permeability Ferromagnetic Core and Strengthened Windings for Short-Circuit Condition,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 51, no. 11, 8403304, 2015. (SCI)
  56. M. Eftekhari, M. Moallem, S. Sadri and M.-F. Hsieh, “Online Detection of Induction Motor's Stator Winding Short-Circuit Faults,” IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 8, no. 4, 1272-1282, 2014. (SCI)
  57. C.-C. Chiang, A.M. Knight, M.-F. Hsieh, M.-G. Tsai, B. H. Liu, I.-G. Chen, Z.-L. Gaing and M.-C. Tsai, “Effects of Annealing on Magnetic Properties of Electrical Steel and Performances of SRM After Punching,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 50, no. 11, 8203904, 2014. (SCI) (MOST 102-2622-E-006-032)
  58. M.-F. Hsieh*, I.-H. Lin and D.G. Dorrell, “An Analytical Method Combining Equivalent Circuit and Magnetic Circuit for BDFRG,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 50, no. 11, 8206605, 2014. (SCI) (MOST 101-2628-E-006-016-MY3)
  59. Z.-L. Gaing, Y.-Y. Hsiah, M.-C. Tsai, M.-F. Hsieh and M.-H. Tsai, “Rigorous Design of a Switched Reluctance Motor Using a Hybrid Design Model,” Journal of International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, vol. 3, no. 3, 256-263, 2014. (EI) (MOST 101-2221-E-244-011)
  60. M.-F. Hsieh*, D.G. Dorrell, C.-K. Lin, P.-T. Chen and P.Y.P. Wung, “Modeling and Effects of In Situ Magnetization of Isotropic Ferrite Magnet Motors,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 50, no. 1, 364-374, 2014. (SCI).
  61. Z.-L. Gaing, C.-H. Lin, M.-H. Tsai, M.-F. Hsieh and M.-C. Tsai, “Rigorous Design and Optimization of Brushless PM Motor Using Response Surface Methodology with Quantum-Behaved PSO Operator,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 50, no. 1, 4002704, 2014. (SCI) (MOEA 100-EC-17-A-05-S1-192)
  62. M. Eftekhari, M. Moallem, S. Sadri and M.-F. Hsieh, “A Novel Indicator of Stator Winding Inter-turn Fault in Induction Motor Using Infrared Thermal Imaging,” Infrared Physics & Technology, vol. 61, pp. 330-336, 2013. (SCI).
  63. D. G. Dorrell, J. K. H. Shek, M. A. Mueller and M.-F. Hsieh, “Damper Windings in Induction Machines for Reduction of Unbalanced Magnetic Pull and Bearing Wear,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 2206-2216, 2013. (SCI).
  64. M.-F. Hsieh*, Y.-C. Hsu, D. G. Dorrell and P.-T. Chen, “Evaluation of Permanent Magnet Generator Manufactured Using Post-Assembly Magnetization,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 49, no. 7, pp. 4084-4087, 2013. (SCI) (NSC 101-3113-E-006-003)
  65. M.-F. Hsieh* and Y.-H. Yeh, “Rotor Eccentricity Effect on Cogging Torque of PM Generators for Small Wind Turbines,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 1897-1990, 2013. (SCI) (MOST 101-3113-E-006-003)
  66. M.-F. Hsieh*, C.-K. Lin and I.-H. Lin, “Design and Analysis of High Temperature Superconducting Generator for Offshore Wind Turbines,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 1881-1884, 2013. (SCI).
  67. M.-F. Hsieh*, I.-H. Lin and D. G. Dorrell, “Magnetic Circuit Modeling of Brushless Doubly-Fed Machines with Induction and Reluctance Rotors,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 2359-2362, 2013. (SCI) (MOST 101-2628-E-006-016-MY3)
  68. M.-F. Hsieh*, Y.-C. Hsu and P.-T. Chen, “Analysis and Experimental Study of Permanent Magnet Machines with In-situ Magnetization,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 2351-2354, 2013. (SCI) (MOST 101-3113-E-006-003)
  69. M.-F. Hsieh* and W.-C. Chang, “Combining Full and Semi Closed Loop Synchronous Control for Dual Mechanically Coupled Ball Screw System,” International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, vol. 45, no. 2/3, pp. 139-147, 2012. (EI) (MOST 98-2815-C-006-045-E)
  70. M.-F. Hsieh* and Y.-H. Yeh, “The Integrated Design of a Permanent-magnet Generator for Small Wind Energy Conversion System,” International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, vol. 45, no. 2/3, pp. 98-105, 2012. (EI) (MOST 98-3114-E-006-011)
  71. M.-F Hsieh*, I.-H. Lin, Y.-C. Hsu and R.A. McMahon, “Design of Brushless Doubly-Fed Machines Based on Magnetic Circuit Modeling,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 48, no. 11, pp. 3017–3020, 2012. (SCI) (MOST 100-2918-I-006-019)
  72. M.-F. Hsieh*, F.-S. Hsu, and D.G. Dorrell, “Winding Changeover Permanent-Magnet Generators for Renewable Energy Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 48, no. 11, pp. 4168-4171, 2012. (SCI) (MOST 98-2623-E-006-001-ET)
  73. M.-F. Hsieh*, W.-S. Yao and C.-H. Hsu, “Modeling and Control of a Feed Drive with Multiple Mechanically Coupled Ball Screws,” Asian Journal of Control, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 1227-1238, 2012. (SCI).
  74. M.-F. Hsieh*, I.-H. Lin, D.G. Dorrell, M.-J. Hsieh and C.-C. Lin, “Development of a Wave Energy Converter Using a Two Chamber Oscillating Water Column,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 482–497, 2012. (SCI) (NSC100-2221-E-006-015, NSC 99-ET-E-006-007-ET)
  75. Y.-H. Yeh, M.-F. Hsieh* and D.G. Dorrell, “Different Arrangements for Dual-Rotor Dual-Output Radial-Flux Motors,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 612-622, 2012. (SCI)
  76. D.G. Dorrell, M.-F. Hsieh and A.M. Knight, “Alternative Rotor Designs for High Performance Brushless Permanent Magnet Machines for Hybrid Electric Vehicles,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 835-838, 2012. (SCI)
  77. M.-F. Hsieh* and Y.-C. Hsu, “A Generalized Magnetic Circuit Modeling Approach for Design of Surface Permanent-Magnet Machines,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 779-792, 2012. (SCI)
  78. M.-F. Hsieh*, Y.-M. Lien and D.G. Dorrell, “Post-Assembly Magnetization of Rare-Earth Fractional-Slot Surface Permanent-Magnet Machines Using a Two-Shot Method,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 47, no. 6, pp. 2478-2486, 2011. (SCI)
  79. D.G. Dorrell, J. Shek, M.-F. Hsieh* and M.A. Mueller, “Unbalanced Magnetic Pull in Cage Induction Machines for Fixed-Speed Renewable Energy Generators,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 47, no. 10, pp. 4096-4099, 2011. (SCI)
  80. Y.-S. Hsu, M.-C. Tsai and M.-F. Hsieh, “Sub-assembly Magnetization Strategies for a Transverse Flux Motor Equipped with Multiple NdFeB Magnet,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 47, no. 10, pp. 3681-3684, 2011. (SCI) (MOEA 99-EC-17-A-05-S1-103)
  81. D. G. Dorrell, M.-F. Hsieh, M. Popescu, L. Evans, D. A. Staton and V. Grout, “A Review of the Design Issues and Techniques for Radial-Flux Brushless Surface and Internal Rare-Earth Permanent Magnet Motors,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 58, no. 9, pp. 3741-3757, 2011. (SCI).
  82. D. G. Dorrell, M. F. Hsieh and C. C. Lin, “A Multichamber Oscillating Water Column using Cascaded Savonius Turbines,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 2372-2380, 2010. (SCI)
  83. Min-Fu Hsieh*, Hung-Ju Liao, “A Wide Speed Range Sensorless Control Technique of Brushless DC Motors for Electric Propulsors,” Journal of Marine Science and Technology, vol. 18, no 5, pp. 735-745, 2010. (SCI) (NSC 95-2221-E-006-471)
  84. Min-Fu Hsieh*, You-Chiuan Hsu, David G. Dorrell, “Design of Large Power Surface-Mounted Permanent-Magnet Motors Using Post-Assembly Magnetization,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 57, no. 10, pp. 3376-3384, 2010. (SCI)
  85. David G. Dorrell, Min-Fu Hsieh and Chi-Chien Lin, “A Small Segmented Oscillating Water Column using a Savonius Rotor Turbine,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 2080-2088, 2010. (SCI)
  86. D.G. Dorrell and M.-F. Hsieh, “Calculation of Radial Forces in Cage Induction Motors at Start - the Effect of Rotor Differential,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 46, no. 8, pp. 3029-3032, 2010. (SCI)
  87. David G. Dorrell, Min-Fu Hsieh, Youguang Guo, “Unbalanced Magnet Pull in Large Brushless Rare-Earth Permanent Magnet Motors With Rotor Eccentricity,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 4586-4589, 2009. (SCI)
  88. M.F. Hsieh* and K.H. Hu, "Analysis of a Tubular Linear Motor with Soft Magnetic Composites for Reciprocating Compressors," Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 103, 07F 112, 2008. (SCI)
  89. Y.S. Hsu, M.C. Tsai and M.F. Hsieh, "Novel Stator Design of Fan Motors Using Soft Magnetic Composites," Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 103, 07F 109, 2008. (SCI)
  90. M.F. Hsieh*, C.J. Tung, W.S. Yao, M.C. Wu and Y.S. Liao, “Servo Design of a Vertical Axis Drive Using Dual Linear Motors for High Speed Electric Discharge Machining,” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, vol. 47, no. 3-4, pp. 546-554, 2007. (SCI) (NSC92-2213-E-006-095)
  91. M.F. Hsieh* and Y.C. Hsu, “Characteristics Regulation for Manufacture of Permanent-Magnet Motors Using Post-Assembly Magnetization,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 43, no. 6, pp.2510-2512, 2007. (SCI) (NSC 95-2221-E-006-471)
  92. M.F. Hsieh*, Y.C. Hsu, D.G. Dorrell and K.H. Hu, “Investigation on End Winding Inductance in Motor Stator Windings,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 2513-2515, 2007. (SCI) (NSC 95-ET-7-006-008-ET)
  93. D.G. Dorrell, M.F. Hsieh and Y.C. Hsu, “Post Assembly Magnetization Patterns in Rare Earth Permanent Magnet Motors,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 2489-2491, 2007. (SCI)
  94. M.F. Hsieh*, W.S. Yao and C.R. Chiang, “Modeling and Synchronous Control of a Single-Axis Stage Driven by Dual Mechanically-Coupled Parallel Ball Screws,” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 34, no.9-10, pp. 933-943, 2007. (SCI)
  95. M.F. Hsieh*, Y.C. Lai, A. Horng and M.C. Tsai, “An Efficient Approach for Cogging Torque Analysis of Motors with Three-Dimensional Flux Distribution,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 42, no. 10, pp. 3464-3466, 2006. (SCI)
  96. M.F. Hsieh* and Y.S. Hsu, “An Investigation on Influence of Magnet Arc Shaping upon Back Electromotive Force Waveforms for Design of Permanent-Magnet Brushless Motors,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 41, no. 10, pp. 3949–3951, 2005. (SCI) (NSC 93-2611-E-006-020)
  97. M.C. Tsai, M.H. Weng and M.F. Hsieh, “Computer-Aided Design and Analysis of a Novel Fan Motor,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 3467-3474, 2002. (SCI)
  98. M.F. Hsieh, D.N. Moreton, J. Mistry and D.G. Moffat, “Limit Loads for Knuckle-encroaching Nozzles in Torispherical Heads: Experimental Verification of FE Predictions,” Journal of Strain Analysis, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 313-326, 2002. (SCI)
  99. D.G. Moffat, M.F. Hsieh and M. Lynch, “An Assessment of ASME III and CEN TC54 Methods of Determining Plastic and Limit Loads for Pressure System Components,” Journal of Strain Analysis, vol. 36, no. 3, 2001. (SCI)
  100. M.F. Hsieh, D.G. Moffat and J. Mistry, “Nozzles in the Knuckle Region of a Torispherical Head: Limit Load Interaction under Combined Pressure and Piping Loads,” International Journal of Pressure Vessels and piping, vol. 77, pp. 807-815, 2001. (SCI)
  101. M.F. Hsieh, D.G. Moffat and J. Mistry, “Nozzles in the Knuckle Region of a Torispherical Head: Stress Levels and Load Interaction Effects,” Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering (Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part E), vol. 214, pp. 31-41, 2000. (SCI)
  102. M.-C. Tsai, C.-C. Chou and M.-F. Hsieh, "Development of a real-time servo control test bench," IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 242-252, 1997. (SCI)
  103. 金書安、謝旻甫*(2016年05月)。磁鐵輔助之同步磁阻馬達效率與轉矩提升 效益分析。機械月刊,05月,頁56-68。。本人為通訊作者。
  104. 翁佑甯、蔡逸文、謝旻甫*(2014年08月)。同步磁阻電機之特性分析。電機月 刊,頁98-113,2014年8月號。本人為通訊作者。
  105. 江瑞利、帥俊銘、謝旻甫、蔡名曉、王品娟(2014年04月)。55kW級高功率車 用磁阻動力馬達之設計與優化。機械月刊,2014年04月號。
  106. 江瑞利、胡家勝、郭冠毅、謝旻甫、蔡名曉(2013年08月)。高轉速磁阻馬達設 計與最佳化--使用軟磁複合材料。電機月刊,頁86-98,2013年8月。
  107. 余守龍、謝旻甫*(2013年07月)。應用於無人飛行載具之整合式起動馬達- 發電機研發。機械工業雜誌,頁83-96,2013年7月號。本人為通訊作者。
  108. 江瑞利、謝曜陽、謝旻甫、蔡名曉(2013年07月)。運用混合設計策略進行切 換式磁阻馬達之優化設計。機械工業雜誌,頁42 -54,2013年7月號。
  109. 許裕昇、金書安、謝旻甫(2013年04月)。非稀土聚磁型永磁同步馬達磁路設 計。機械月刊。本人為通訊作者。
  110. 白富升、謝旻甫、李威廷、張偉隆(2013年01月)。使用於一體式起動馬達發 電機之雙向電能轉換電路設計。電機月刊。
  111. 謝銘峻、謝旻甫(2010年05月)。Darrieus 風機葉片數與扭轉角度對風機性 能的影響。風電月刊(WindPower),pp.16-27。本人為通訊作者。
  112. 謝旻甫、余守龍(2009年05月)。高效率永磁無刷馬達之設計與分析。電機月 刊,No.221,P.140。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
  113. 蔡明祺,蕭仕偉,謝旻甫,顛覆傳統的馬達--超音波馬達,科學發展月刊367期,2003年7月。
  114. 姚武松,蔡明祺,李榮顯,謝旻甫,多軸線性馬達驅動伺服系統設計,機械月刊第332期,2003年3月。(NSC 90-2212-E-006-100)
會議論文( Conference )
  1. A. T. Huynh et al., "Design of a 1MW-Class Permanent Magnet Machine Featuring Multiphase Hairpin Windings for Electric Aircraft Propulsion," 2024 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Washington, DC, USA, 2024, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/VPPC63154.2024.10755419.
  2. F. Mujaahid, M. -F. Hsieh, T. Huda, M. Jamil and M. Y. Mustar, "Mesh Independence for Acoustic Noise of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor," 2023 International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing (IWAIIP), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2023, pp. 45-50, doi: 10.1109/IWAIIP58158.2023.10462759.
  3. M. -F. Hsieh, A. T. Huynh, L. -M. -H. Duong and N. -Y. -T. Le, "Optimization of High-Efficiency Region of EV Traction Motor through Innovative Motor Constant Considering the Current Angle and Iron Loss," 2024 Tenth International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE), Danang, Vietnam, 2024, pp. 648-653, doi: 10.1109/ICCE62051.2024.10634636.
  4. T. -P. Nguyen, A. T. Huynh, M. -F. Hsieh, T. Duong and T. -M. -D. Tran, "A Novel Computational Method for Iron Loss of Interior Permanent Magnet Motor in Wide Speed Range Operations," 2024 International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), Torino, Italy, 2024, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/ICEM60801.2024.10700429. keywords: {Motor drives;Accuracy;Magnetic cores;Computational modeling;Stators;Traction motors;Iron;Finite element analysis;Eddy currents;Hysteresis;Iron Loss;Traction Motors;Minimize Losses;PMSM;Electric Vehicles},
  5. T. -A. Huynh, M. -F. Hsieh, M. -C. Tsai, P. -W. Huang and Z. Lee, "Influence Studies of the Flux-Barriers and PM Arrangements on High-Speed Flux-Intensifying Interior Permanent Magnet Motor Performance," 2023 IEEE International Magnetic Conference - Short Papers (INTERMAG Short Papers), Sendai, Japan, 2023, pp. 1-2, doi: 10.1109/INTERMAGShortPapers58606.2023.10228211.
  6. T. -L. Le, M. -F. Hsieh, P. -T. Nguyen and M. -T. Nguyen, "Speed Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Terminal Sliding Mode High-order Control," 2023 International Conference on System Science and Engineering (ICSSE), Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, 2023, pp. 496-501, doi: 10.1109/ICSSE58758.2023.10227245.
  7. A. N. Pakha, M. -F. Hsieh and T. -A. Huynh, "Development of Novel Axial Bearingless FSPM Using Double Stator for Pump Applications," 2023 3rd International Conference on Electronic and Electrical Engineering and Intelligent System (ICE3IS), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2023, pp. 300-304, doi: 10.1109/ICE3IS59323.2023.10335222. 
  8. T. -P. Nguyen, T. -A. Huynh, C. -W. Chang and M. -F. Hsieh, "An Accurate MTPA Control for IPMSM Considering Variations of Motor Parameters and Temperatures," 2023 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Milan, Italy, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/VPPC60535.2023.10403241. 
  9. T. -P. Nguyen, M. -F. Hsieh, T. -A. Huynh and Q. -V. Doan, "Direct Flux-Vector Oriented Control for Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor," 2022 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE), Nha Trang, Vietnam, 2022, pp. 501-506, doi: 10.1109/ICCE55644.2022.9852072. 
  10. V. -V. Do, T. -A. Huynh and M. -F. Hsieh, "Design and Analysis of Flux-Intensifying Spoke-type IPM Motor for Improving Output Torque and Flux-Weakening Performance," 2022 25th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICEMS56177.2022.9983195. 
  11. T. -A. Huynh and M. -F. Hsieh, "Impact of Irreversible Demagnetization on Electromagnetic Noise and Vibrations of Electric Vehicle Traction Motors on Wide Speed Range Operation," 2022 25th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICEMS56177.2022.9982990. 
  12. M. -F. Hsieh, D. -K. Ngo, V. -V. Do, C. -H. Wu and Y. K. Wu, "Inductance Calculation of Flux Intensifying PMa-SynRM by Equivalent Magnetic Circuit," 2022 7th National Scientific Conference on Applying New Technology in Green Buildings (ATiGB), Da Nang, Vietnam, 2022, pp. 135-140, doi: 10.1109/ATiGB56486.2022.9984074. 
  13. T. -L. Le, M. -F. Hsieh and M. -T. Nguyen, "Robust Speed Control With Disturbance Rejection for Surface-mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor," 2022 6th International Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development (GTSD), Nha Trang City, Vietnam, 2022, pp. 459-463, doi: 10.1109/GTSD54989.2022.9989278. 
  14. M. -F. Hsieh, D. -K. Ngo, V. -V. Do, C. -H. Wu and Y. K. Wu, "Inductance Calculation of Flux Intensifying PMa-SynRM by Equivalent Magnetic Circuit," 2022 7th National Scientific Conference on Applying New Technology in Green Buildings (ATiGB), Da Nang, Vietnam, 2022, pp. 135-140, doi: 10.1109/ATiGB56486.2022.9984074. 
  15. V. -V. Do, T. -A. Huynh and M. -F. Hsieh, "Design and Analysis of Flux-Intensifying Spoke-type IPM Motor for Improving Output Torque and Flux-Weakening Performance," 2022 25th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICEMS56177.2022.9983195. 
  16. T. -A. Huynh and M. -F. Hsieh, "Impact of Irreversible Demagnetization on Electromagnetic Noise and Vibrations of Electric Vehicle Traction Motors on Wide Speed Range Operation," 2022 25th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICEMS56177.2022.9982990. 
  17. Lwo, D., Fang, ZB., Tsai, Y., Hsieh, MF. (2024). A Study on Switching Frequency Effect of Silicon Carbide MOSFET to Motor Drive. In: Trong Dao, T., Hoang Duy, V., Zelinka, I., Dong, C.S.T., Tran, P.T. (eds) AETA 2022—Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering and Related Sciences: Theory and Application. AETA 2022. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 1081. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-8703-0_33 
  18. H. -Y. Hsu, Z. -X. Wu and M. -F. Hsieh, "A Simplified Regulable Duty Cycle Direct Torque Control Method for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor," 2021 24th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Gyeongju, Korea, Republic of, 2021, pp. 1730-1735, doi: 10.23919/ICEMS52562.2021.9634267. 
  19. T. -D. Ton and M. -F. Hsieh, "A Simple Model-Based Deadbeat Direct-Current and Flux Linkage Control Scheme for Sensorless SPMSM Drive," 2021 IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference (IFEEC), Taipei, Taiwan, 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/IFEEC53238.2021.9662001.
  20. M. -F. Hsieh, P. -H. Chen, W. -R. Yang, X. -Y. Weng, Z. -B. Fang and C. -C. Hsu, "Development of Permanent Magnet Motor Drive Using Silicon Carbide Devices," 2021 IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference (IFEEC), Taipei, Taiwan, 2021, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/IFEEC53238.2021.9661926.
  21. D. -C. Hsiao and M. -F. Hsieh, "Integrated Design and Analysis of Reaction Wheel Motor Applied to Satellite Attitude Control," 2021 24th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Gyeongju, Korea, Republic of, 2021, pp. 1090-1094, doi: 10.23919/ICEMS52562.2021.9634235.
  22. Huynh TA, Le ND, Hsieh MF, Ngo DK. A Modified of DTC Control Applied to Novel FI-PMA-SynRM for Torque Ripple Reduction. In: 2019 IEEE 4th International Future Energy Electronics Conference, IFEEC 2019. ; 2019. doi:10.1109/IFEEC47410.2019.9015200
  23. Huynh TA, Hsieh MF. Analysis of Magnet Configuration on Electromagnetic Performance of High-Speed Generators Using Post-assembly Magnetization. In: 2019 IEEE 4th International Future Energy Electronics Conference, IFEEC 2019. ; 2019. doi:10.1109/IFEEC47410.2019.9014664
  24. Ngo DK, Hsieh MF. Performance Comparison of SynRM and Novel FI-PMa-SynRM with Different Rotor Surface Layouts. In: 2019 IEEE 4th International Future Energy Electronics Conference, IFEEC 2019. ; 2019. doi:10.1109/IFEEC47410.2019.9015125
  25. Hsieh MF, Chen NC, Ton TD. System Response of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive Based on SiC Power Transistor. In: 2019 IEEE 4th International Future Energy Electronics Conference, IFEEC 2019. ; 2019. doi:10.1109/IFEEC47410.2019.9015197
  26. Huynh TA, Hsieh MF. Analysis of operational characteristics of traction unit combining two different motors and their behaviors in driving cycle. In: 2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2019 - Proceedings. ; 2019. doi:10.1109/VPPC46532.2019.8952275
  27. Ngo DK, Hsieh MF. Analysis of flux intensifying effect on synchronous motors applied to electric scooter. In: 2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2019 - Proceedings. ; 2019. doi:10.1109/VPPC46532.2019.8952225
  28. Cheng CY, Hu JS, Hsieh MF, Tsai MC. Analysis and implementation of novel energy management system for electric vehicles. In: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN). Vol 2019-July. ; 2019. doi:10.1109/INDIN41052.2019.8972034
  29. Anh HT, Hsieh M. Analysis of local demagnetization in magnet for PM-assisted synchronous reluctance motors. In: 2018 IEEE International Magnetic Conference, INTERMAG 2018. ; 2018. doi:10.1109/INTMAG.2018.8508522
  30. Hsieh MF, Hsu CC, Ting HY, Li PY, Chang-Chien LR, Li YH. Improved Non-Linear Torque Sharing Function Applied to Torque Ripple Reduction of Switched Reluctance Motor. In: 2016 International Conference of Asian Union of Magnetics Societies, ICAUMS 2016. ; 2018. doi:10.1109/ICAUMS.2016.8479682
  31. Li CH, Hsieh MF. HC-04 Multiphysics Analysis of Traction Motors Considering Electromagnetics and Mechanical Factors. In: 2016 International Conference of Asian Union of Magnetics Societies, ICAUMS 2016. ; 2018. doi:10.1109/ICAUMS.2016.8479706
  32. Chang-Yi Cheng, Jia-Sheng Hu, Min-Fu Hsieh (2017, Nov). Energy Management System with Bi-directional Converter on Hybrid Sources Electric Scooters. 43th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2017).
  33. Thanh Anh Huynh, Min-Fu Hsieh, Kai-Jung Shih and Hsiu-Fu Kuo (2017, Aug). Design and Analysis of Permanent-Magnet Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor. 20th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2017), Sydney. MOST 105-2622-8-006-001. 本人為通訊作者.
  34. INTERMAG 2017
  35. ICEMS 2017
  36. IFEEC 2017-ECCE Asi
  37. Chang-Yi Cheng, Jia-Sheng Hu, Min-Fu Hsieh (2017, Nov). Energy Management System with Bi-directional Converter on Hybrid Sources Electric Scooters. 43th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2017), Beijing.
  38. Thanh Anh Huynh, Min-Fu Hsieh, Kai-Jung Shih and Hsiu-Fu Kuo (2017, Aug). Design and Analysis of Permanent-Magnet Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor. 20th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2017), Sydney. (MOST 105-2622-8-006-001, MOST105-2218-E-006-008)
  39. T.A. Huynh and M.-F. Hsieh* (2017, Apr). Comparative Study of PM-assisted SynRM and IPMSM on Constant Power Speed Range for EV Applications. 2017 INTERMAG, Dublin. (MOST 105-2622-8-006-001, MOST105-2218-E-006-008)
  40. Min-Fu Hsieh*, Po-Ying Li, Hao-Yu Ting, Chung-Chan Hsu, Chin-Yang Chang, Wei-Che Lin, and Le-Ren Chang-Chien (2016, Nov). A Regenerative Braking System for Switched Reluctance Machine Applied to Electric Vehicles. 19th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, Chiba. MOST 104-2218-E-006-026.
  41. Thanh Anh Huynh and Min-Fu Hsieh* (2016, Nov). Performance Evaluation of Thin Electrical Steels Applied to Interior Permanent Magnet Motor. 19th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, Chiba. MOST 104-2622-8-006-001.
  42. Chien-Hsing Li and Min-Fu Hsieh* (2016, Aug). Multiphysics Analysis for Traction Motors Considering Electromagnetics, Noise, Vibration and Harshness. 4th International Conference of the Asian Union of Magnetics Societies, Tainan.
  43. Min-Fu Hsieh*, Chung Chan Hsu, Hao-Yu Ting, Po-Ying Li, Le-Ren Chang-Chien and Yu-Hsien Li (2016, Aug). Improved Non-Linear Torque Sharing Function Applied to Torque Ripple Reduction of Switched Reluctance Motor. 4th International Conference of the Asian Union of Magnetics Societies, Tainan.
  44. Min-Fu Hsieh*, Yao-Hsin Chang and David G Dorrell (2016, Jan). Design and Analysis of Brushless Doubly-Fed Reluctance Generator for Renewable Energy Applications. Joint MMM/INTERMAG Conference, San Diego.
  45. Fu-Sheng Pai, Yi-Ping Wang, Chia-Chin Chou, Min-Fu Hsieh (2015, Oct). Magnetizing approach for permanent magnets with resonant power conversion. 2015 IEEE International Telecommunications Energy Conference, Osaka. MOST 103-2221-E-024-004.
  46. M.F. Hsieh and S.L. Yu (2015, May). In-Situ Magnetization of Permanent Magnet Machines Considering Magnetizer Capacity and Connection Types. IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG) 2015.
  47. M.F. Hsieh, C.C. Chiang and M.C. Tsai (2015, May). Impact of Electrical Steel Punching Process on Performance of Switched Reluctance Motors. IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG) 2015.
  48. M.F. Hsieh, I.H. Lin and M.C. Tsai (2015, May). Improved Accuracy for Performance Prediction of Synchronous Reluctance Motor by Incorporating End Turn Inductance in 2-D FEM. IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG) 2015.
  49. M.F. Hsieh, I.W. Tsai and Y.N. Weng (2015, May). Cost-effective Design for High Efficiency Synchronous Reluctance Motor. IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG) 2015.
  50. I-Hsien Lin, Min-Fu Hsieh*, David G. Dorrell and Mi-Ching Tsai (2014, Oct). Dimension Effect on a Grid-connected Brushless Doubly-fed Reluctance Generator. The 17th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS2014, Hangzhou, China. MOST 101-2628-E-006-016-MY3.
  51. Yao-Hsin Chang, Yi-Ting Li, I-Hsien Lin, Min-Fu Hsieh* (2014, Oct). A Design Approach Integrating the Magnetic Circuit and Electric Circuit Models for BDFIM. The 17th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS2014), Hangzhou, China. MOST 101-2628-E-006-016-MY3.
  52. David G. Dorrell, Jonathan K.H. Shek, Min-Fu Hsieh (2014, Sep). The Development of an Indexing Method for the Comparison of Unbalanced Magnetic Pull in Electrical Machines. Energy Conversion Congress and Exhibition (ECCE), Pittsburgh.
  53. Chao-Chien Chiang, Mu-Gong Tsai, Bernard Haochih Liu, In-Gann Chen, Andrew M. Knight, Mi-Ching Tsai, Zwe-Lee Gaing and Min-Fu Hsieh (2014, May). Effects of Annealing on Magnetic Properties of Electrical Steel and Performances of SRM After Punching. International Magnetics Conference (Intermag 2014), Dresden, Germany.
  54. M.F. Hsieh, I.H. Lin and D.G. Dorrell (2014, May). An Analytical Method Combining Equivalent Circuit and Magnetic Circuit for a Brushless Doubly-Fed Reluctance Generators. Intermag, Dresden, Germany.
  55. M.F. Hsieh, S.A. Chin, C.H. Lee, and M.C. Tsai (2014, May). Design of a High Torque Density Ferrite IPM Motor for Electric Vehicles with Coupled Electromagnetics and Stress Analysis. Intermag, Dresden, Germany.
  56. Zwe-Lee Gaing, Jian-Yu Zhu, Min-Fu Hsieh, Mi-Ching Tsai and Ming-Hsiao Tsai (2014, May). Multi-Objective Optimization for a Permanent-Magnet- Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor Using Response Surface Method with SFLA Operator. International Magnetics Conference (Intermag 2014), Dresden, Germany.
  57. M.-F. Hsieh and I.H. Lin (2013, May). Comparison of Brushless Induction and Reluctance Doubly-Fed Machines. 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Taipei, Taiwan.
  58. M.-F. Hsieh, I.H. Lin and D. G. Dorrell (2013, Jan). Comparison of Brushless Doubly-Fed Machines with Various Rotor Types. the 12th Joint MMM/Intermag Conference, Chicago.
  59. M.-F. Hsieh, Y.C. Hsu and P.T. Chen (2013, Jan). Evaluation of Permanent Magnet Machines Manufactured Using Post-Assembly Magnetization. the 12th Joint MMM/Intermag Conference, Chicago.
  60. M.-F. Hsieh, and C.-K. Lin (2013, Jan). Optimum Design of High Temperature Superconducting Generator for Offshore Wind Turbines. the 12th Joint MMM/Intermag Conference, Chicago.
  61. M.-F. Hsieh and Y.H. Yeh (2012, Nov). Rotor Eccentricity Effect on Cogging Torque of PM Generators for Small Wind Turbines. the Fifteenth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC2012), Oita.
  62. M.-F. Hsieh, I.-H. Lin and D. G. Dorrell (2012, Nov). Design of Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine with Induction Rotor and Reluctance Rotor based on Magnetic Circuit Modeling. the Fifteenth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC2012), Oita.
  63. M.-F. Hsieh, Y.C. Hsu and P.T. Chen (2012, Nov). Analysis and Experimental Study of Permanent Magnet Machines with In-situ Magnetization. the Fifteenth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC2012), Oita.
  64. M.-F. Hsieh, and C.K. Lin (2012, Nov). Design and Analysis of High Temperature Superconducting Generator for Offshore Wind Turbines. the Fifteenth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC2012), Oita.
  65. M.-F. Hsieh, F.S. Hsu, and D.G. Dorrell (2012, May). Winding Changeover Permanent-Magnet Generators for Renewable Energy Applications. IEEE International Magnetics Conference, Vancouver.
  66. M.-F. Hsieh, I.H. Lin, Y.C. Hsu and R.A. McMahon (2012, May). Design of Brushless Doubly-Fed Machines Based on Magnetic Circuit Modeling. IEEE International Magnetics Conference, Vancouver.
  67. M.-F. Hsieh, I.H. Lin and W.Y. Chen (2011, Dec). Comparative Study on Performance of Savonius and Darrieus Turbines for a Wave Energy Converter using Oscillating Water Column. the 11th International Conference on Fluid Control (FLUCOME 2011), Keelung, Taiwan.
  68. D. G. Dorrell, J. K. H. Shek, M. A. Mueller, M.-F. Hsieh (2011, Sep). Damper Windings in Induction Machines for Reduction of Unbalanced Magnetic Pull and Bearing Wear. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE).
  69. J.K.H. Shek, D.G. Dorrell, M.-F. Hsieh, D.E. Macpherson, and M.A. Mueller (2011, Sep). Reducing Bearing Wear in Induction Generators for Wave and Tidal Current Energy Devices. IET Renewable Power Generation Conference.
  70. M.-F. Hsieh, C.C. Lin and H.Y. Li (2011, Sep). Development of a Simulator for Control Design of a Wave Maker. The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Tokyo.
  71. M.-F. Hsieh, C.K. Lin, D.G. Dorrell and P. Wung (2011, Sep). Modeling and Effects of In-Situ Magnetization of Isotropic Ferrite Magnet Motors. Energy Conversion Congress and Exhibition (ECCE 2011).
  72. M.-F. Hsieh, H.Y. Li and K.Y. Lai (2011, Sep). Synchronous Control of a Network-Based Triple Mechanically-Coupled Ball Screws System. The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Tokyo.
  73. D. G. Dorrell and M.-F. Hsieh (2011, Jul). Alternative Rotor Designs for High Performance Brushless Permanent Magnet Machines for Hybrid Electric Vehicles. Compumag 2011.
  74. D. G. Dorrell, J. Shek, M. F Hsieh and M. A. Mueller (2011, Apr). Unbalanced Magnetic Pull in Cage Induction Machines for Fixed-Speed Renewable Generators. Intermag 2011, Taipei, Taiwan.
  75. M.-F. Hsieh, Yao-Min Lien and David Dorrell (2010, Sep). Post-Assembly Magnetization of Rare-Earth Fractional-Slot Permanent-Magnet Machines using a Two-Shot Method. IEEE ECCE 2010, Atlanta.
  76. M.-F. Hsieh, and I.H. Lin (2010, Sep). Application of a Marine Dynamic Positioning System Using CAN. the International Forum on Systems and Mechatronics (IFSM 2010), Singapore.
  77. M.-F. Hsieh, and K.Y. Lai (2010, Sep). A Network-Based Real-Time Control System for Mechanically-Coupled Multi-Axis Servomechanism. the International Forum on Systems and Mechatronics (IFSM 2010), Singapore.
  78. M.-F. Hsieh, and W.C. Chang (2010, Sep). Combining Full and Semi Closed Loop Synchronous Control for Dual Mechanically Coupled Ball Screw System. the International Forum on Systems and Mechatronics(IFSM 2010), Singapore.
  79. M.-F. Hsieh, and Y.H. Yeh (2010, Sep). The Integrated Design of a Permanent- Magnet Generator for Small Wind Energy Conversion System. the International Forum on Systems and Mechatronics (IFSM 2010), Singapore.
  80. Yu-Han Yeh, M.-F. Hsieh and David Dorrell (2010, Sep). Different Arrangements for Dual-Rotor Dual-Output Radial-Flux Motors. IEEE ECCE 2010, Atlanta.
  81. D. G. Dorrell and M.-F. Hsieh (2010). Issues with Low Speed Direct-Drive Permanent-Magnet Generator Design – Comparison of Radial-Flux Slotted and Torus Machines. IECON 2010.
  82. M.-F. Hsieh, D.G. Dorrell, Y.H. Yeh, and S. Ekram (2009, Nov). Cogging Torque Reduction in Axial Flux Machines for Small Wind Turbines. the 35rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’09), Porto.
  83. M.-F. Hsieh, W.S. Yao and C.H. Hsu (2009, Nov). Modeling and Control of a Feed Drive with Multiple Mechanically Coupled Ball Screws. 2009 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
  84. M.-F. Hsieh, Y.H. Yeh, D.G. Dorrell, and S. Ekram (2009, Nov). Reduction of Cogging Torque for Axial Flux Generator Applied to Small Wind Turbine. International Conference on Computation of Electromagnetic Field (Compumag 2009), Florianopolis.
  85. M.-F. Hsieh, Y.H. Yeh, D.G. Dorrell, and Samsul Ekram (2009, Nov). Design of a Dual-Rotor Dual-Output Radial-Flux Motor for Variable Speed Air Conditioners. International Conference on Computation of Electromagnetic Field (Compumag 2009), Florianopolis.
  86. Y.C. Hsu, M.-F. Hsieh, and R.A. McMahon (2009, Nov). A General Design Method for Electric Machines Using Magnetic Circuit Model Considering the Flux Saturation Problem. International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS 2009), Taipei, Taiwan.
  87. D.G. Dorrell, C.C. Lin and M.-F. Hsieh (2009, Sep). A Multi-Chamber Oscillating Water Column using Cascaded Savonius Turbines. the IEEE ECCE Conference, San Jose.
  88. M.-F. Hsieh, W.S. Yao and C.H. Hsu (2009, Jun). System Identification of a Feed Drive Composed of Multiple Mechanically-Coupled Ball Screws. the 10th International Conference on Automation Technology, Tainan, Taiwan.
  89. M.-F. Hsieh, D.G. Dorrell, and Samsul Ekram (2009, May). Cogging Torque Reduction in Axial Flux Machines for Small Wind Turbines. the International Intermag Conference, Sacramento.
  90. M.-F. Hsieh, Y.H. Yeh, D.G. Dorrell, and Samsul Ekram (2009, May). A Radial Flux Machine with Dual Rotors Dual Output Shafts for Variable Speed Air Conditioners. the International Intermag Conference, Sacramento.
  91. M.F. Hsieh, W.S. Yao and C.H. Hsu, "System Identification of a Feed Drive Composed of Multiple Mechanically-Coupled Ball Screws," in Proceedings of Automation 2009, the 10th International Conference on Automation Technology, Tainan, Jun. 27-29, 2009.
  92. M.F. Hsieh, D.G. Dorrell, and Samsul Ekram, "Cogging Torque Reduction in Axial Flux Machines for Small Wind Turbines," in Proceedings of the International Intermag Conference, Sacramento, May, 2009.
  93. M.F. Hsieh, Y.H. Yeh, D.G. Dorrell, and Samsul Ekram, "A Radial Flux Machine with Dual Rotors Dual Output Shafts for Variable Speed Air Conditioners," in Proceedings of the International Intermag Conference, Sacramento, May, 2009.
  94. C.C. Lin, D.G. Dorrell and M.F. Hsieh, "A Small Segmented Oscillating Water Column using a Savonius Rotor Turbine," in Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, Singapore, Nov. 24-27, 2008.
  95. F.S. Pai, S.J. Huang, M.F. Hsieh and C.M. Lin, "Design of Modular Inverter for Distributed Power Generation," in Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, Singapore, Nov. 24-27, 2008.
  96. D.G. Dorrell and M.F. Hsieh, " Performance of Wells Turbines for use in Small-Scale Oscillating Water Columns," in Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Vancouver, Canada, July 6 - 11, 2008.
  97. M.F. Hsieh, Y.C. Hsu, and K.H. Hu, “Investigation on End Winding Inductance in Stators of Permanent-Magnet Motors,” Proceedings of the 10th MMM/Intermag Joint Conference, Jan. 2007. (NSC 95-ET-7-006-008-ET)
  98. M.F. Hsieh and Y.C. Hsu, “Characteristics Regulation for Manufacture of Permanent-Magnet Motors Using Post-Assembly Magnetization,” Proceedings of the 10th MMM/Intermag Joint Conference, Baltimore, Jan. 7-11, 2007. (NSC 95-2221-E-006-471)
  99. M.F. Hsieh, S.H. Wang and W.S. Yao, "Development of an Anti-Rolling Control System Using Linear Motors," in Proceedings of the 2nd International Forum on Systems and Mechatronics (IFSM 2007), December 3-6, Tainan, Taiwan.
  100. M.F. Hsieh and I.J. Lin, "A CAN Bus-based Control System for Automatic Ship Positioning," in Proceedings of the 2nd International Forum on Systems and Mechatronics (IFSM 2007), December 3-6, Tainan, Taiwan.
  101. M.F. Hsieh, T.L. Fu, and Y.C. Hsu, “Development of a Magnetic Driven Polishing System,” the 2nd International Forum on Systems and Mechatronics (IFSM 2007), December 3-6, Tainan, Taiwan. (NSC95-2815-C-006 -062 -E)
  102. M.F. Hsieh, H.J. Liao and P.J. Wu, "A Sensorless Driving Technique for Propulsion of Small Electric Ships," in Proceedings of the 2nd International Forum on Systems and Mechatronics (IFSM 2007), December 3-6, Tainan, Taiwan.
  103. M.F. Hsieh and K.H Hu, "Analysis of a Tubular Linear Motor with Soft Magnetic Composites for Reciprocating Compressors," in Proceedings of the 52nd Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference (MMM2007), November 5-9, 2007, Florida, USA.
  104. Y.S. Hsu, M.C. Tsai and M.F. Hsieh, "Novel Stator Design of Fan Motors Using Soft Magnetic Composites," in Proceedings of the 52nd Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference (MMM2007), November 5-9, 2007, Florida, USA.
  105. M.F. Hsieh, Y.C. Hsu and D.G. Dorrell, "Design of Large Power Surface-mounted Permanent-magnet Motors Using Post-assembly Magnetization Process," in Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON'07), Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 5-8, 2007.
  106. M.F. Hsieh, J.H. Chen, Y.H. Yeh, C.L. Lee, P.H. Chen, Y.C. Hsu, and Y.H. Chen, "Integrated Design and Realization of a Hubless Rim-driven Thruster," in Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON'07), Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 5-8, 2007.
  107. D.G. Dorrell, M.F. Hsieh and W. Fillet, “Segmented Small Oscillating Water Columns Using In-Line Savonius Rotors,” in Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Lisbon, July 1–6, 2007.
  108. M.F. Hsieh, Y.C. Hsu and D.G. Dorrell, “Design of Large Power Surface-mounted Permanent-magnet Motors Using Post-assembly Magnetization Process,” the 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’07), Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 5-8, 2007. (NSC 95-ET-7-006-008-ET)
  109. M.F. Hsieh, J.H. Chen, Y.H. Yeh, C.L. Lee, P.H. Chen, Y.C. Hsu, and Y.H. Chen, “Integrated Design and Realization of a Hubless Rim-driven Thruster,” the 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’07), Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 5-8, 2007. (NSC 95-2221-E-006-471)
  110. D.G. Dorrell and M.F. Hsieh, “Post Assembly Magnetization Patterns in Rare Earth Permanent Magnet Motors,” Proceedings of the 10th MMM/Intermag Joint Conference, Jan. 2007.
  111. M.F. Hsieh, M.C. Tsai, A. Horng and Y.C. Lai, “An Efficient Approach for Cogging Torque Analysis of Motors with Three-Dimensional Flux Distribution,” Proceedings of the International Magnetics Conference, San Diego, May, 2006.
  112. M.F. Hsieh and Y.S. Hsu, “An Investigation on Influence of Magnet Arc Shaping upon Back Electromotive Force Waveforms for Design of Permanent-Magnet Brushless Motors,” Proceedings of the International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG 2005), Japan, April 4-8, 2005. (NSC 93-2611-E-006-020)
  113. B. H Shen, M.F. Hsieh, M. C. Wu, G. L. Hsu, C. R. Chiang and M. C. Tsai, “Synchronous Control of a Parallel Dual Inverted Pendulum System Driven by Linear Servomotors”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Hands-on Intelligent Mechatronics and Automation (HIMA 2005), Taipei, Taiwan, July, 2005.
  114. M.F. Hsieh, W.S. Yao, and M.C. Wu, “Design of a Linear Servo System for the Vertical Axis of High Speed Electric Discharge Machining,” Proceedings of the International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industrial Applications (LDIA 2005), Japan, 2005. (NSC92-2213-E-006-095)
  115. M.F. Hsieh and Y.C. Hsiu, “Characteristic Analysis for IPM Motors with Post-Assembly Magnetization,” Proceedings of the the Eighth International Conference on Electric Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2005), Nanjing, China, September, 2005. (NSC 94-2623-7-006-009-ET)
  116. T.C. Chen, R.D. Lin, M. C. Tsai, M.F. Hsieh, Z.Q. Zhu, P.G. Stewart and D. Howe, “Fuzzy Control for Torque Ripple Reduction of a Switched Reluctance Motor with External Rotor,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, Jeju, Korea, November, 2004. (NSC 92-2911-I-006-029)
  117. S.W. Hsiao, M.C. Tsai, M.S. Tsai and M.F. Hsieh, “Stator Modeling of a Traveling Wave-type Ultrasonic Linear Motor,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, Jeju, Korea, November, 2004.
  118. M.F. Hsieh, K.Y. Lo, C.Y. Sun and M.C. Tsai, “Development of Automated Alignment Techniques for Coupling of Fiber Optic Components,” ASME Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, Manchester, UK, 2004.
  119. M.C. Tsai, M.F Hsieh and W.S. Yao, “Synchronous Control of Linear Servo Systems for CNC Machine Tools,” Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC2003), Cambridge UK, September 2003. (NSC 90-2212-E-006-100)
  120. M.F. Hsieh, D.G. Moffat and J. Mistry, “Nozzles in Klöpperböden Head: The influence of a nozzle size on stress levels and limit loads”, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Pressure Vessel Technology, Vienna, Austria, July 7-10, 2003.
  121. J.X. Yang, M.C. Tsai and M.F Hsieh, “Identification and Control of a Linear Servo System,” Proceedings of the International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications (LDIA 2003), Birmingham UK, September 8-10, 2003. (NSC 90-2212-E-006-100)
  122. Z.Q. Zhu, S. Long, D. Howe, M. C. Tsai, M. F. Hsieh and T. C. Chen, “Significance of Vibration Modes in Noise and Vibration Generation of Switched Reluctance Motors,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, Beijing (ICEMS), November 8-11, 2003. (NSC 91-2911-I-006-013)
  123. M.F. Hsieh, D.G. Moffat and J. Mistry, “Nozzles in the Knuckle Region of a Torispherical Head: Limit Load Interaction under Combined Pressure and Piping Loads,” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pressure Vessel Technology, pp. 79-90, Sydney, 2000.
  124. 葉雨涵、謝旻甫(2012年12月)。400W風力發電機之動態偏心對頓轉轉矩影 響之分析。第七屆風能學術研討會,新竹。本人為通訊作者。
  125. 葉雨涵、黃鈺婷、謝旻甫(2012年12月)。徑向磁通發電機於風力發電之設計 應用。第七屆風能學術研討會,新竹。本人為通訊作者。
  126. 謝旻甫、陳引幹、張家銘、桂人傑、林清國(2012年12月)。高溫超導發電機之 最佳化設計。第七屆風能學術研討會,新竹。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
  127. 謝旻甫、陳引幹、張家銘、黃鈺婷、林清國(2012年12月)。電磁力對10kW高 溫超導發電機的定子結構應力分析。第七屆風能學術研討會,新竹。本人為 第一作者、通訊作者。
  128. 林清國、謝旻甫、陳引幹、張家銘、桂人傑(2011年12月)。高溫超導發電機設 計及分析探討。第六屆風能學術研討會,台南。本人為通訊作者。
  129. 林清國、陳珮錡、謝旻甫、王上瑜、楊佳明、陳引幹、桂人傑、張家銘(2010年12月)。高溫超導發電機於離岸型風機之應用發展分析。第五屆風能學術研討 會,澎湖。本人為通訊作者。
  130. 謝旻甫、林易賢、林繼謙(2010年11月)。使用多隔間之岸基震盪水柱式波浪 發電系統之研製。第32 屆海洋工程研討會。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
  131. 謝旻甫(2010年06月)。後充磁技術應用於表面型大型永磁電機之設計。第 二十二屆磁學與磁性技術研討會(受邀演講),台中。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
  132. 謝旻甫、許豐聖(2009年12月)。永磁式可變繞組風力發電機。第四屆風能學 術研討會,台北。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
  133. 謝旻甫、石孟田(2009年12月)。軸向磁通變結構發電機之設計及其在風能 轉換系統之應用。第四屆風能學術研討會,台北。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
  134. M. F Hsieh, W. S. Yao and S. H. Wang, "A Dual Linear Motor Servo System for Injection Molding," 2008 第六屆全國精密製造研討會,台南,2008.
  135. I-Hsien Lin, Ray-Lee Lin and Min-Fu Hsieh, "Voltage-loop Compensator Design for the CCM Current-mode Buck+Boost Converter with High Step-down Ratio," in Proceedings of the 7th Taiwan Power Electronics Conference & Exhibition, Tainan, 2008.
  136. 吳佩蓉、林瑞禮、謝旻甫,"具前級L-C濾波器之連續電流模式昇壓型電能轉換器的小訊號模型分析",第七屆台灣電力電子研討會論文集,2008年9月5日。
  137. 徐佑銓、林瑞禮、謝旻甫,含直流匯流排電壓補償之單極式交/直流轉換器之補償器設計,第六屆台灣電力電子研討會論文集,2007年9月7日, 193~195頁。
  138. 顏宏諭、林瑞禮、謝旻甫,多相式同步切換的降壓轉換器之補償器設計,第六屆台灣電力電子研討會論文集,2007年9月7日, 862~865頁。
  139. 江嘉榮、姚武松、謝旻甫,造波機之全閉迴路伺服系統設計,自動控制研討會,南台科技大學,台南,2005年11月。
  140. 王盛篁、姚武松、謝旻甫,DSP-based 小型船舶減搖控制系統設計,自動控制研討會,南台科技大學,台南,2005年11月。(NSC93-2815-C-006 -063–E)
  1. 蔡明祺、張始偉、謝旻甫、蔡瑋玲,專利名稱:具有被動導流散熱功能的馬達及其製備方法 中華民國發明專利第I687029
  2. 蔡明祺、謝旻甫、張始偉、施凱中、高子睿,專利名稱:組合式轉子及其馬達 中華民國發明專利第I691146
  3. 蔡明祺、鄭彰毅、謝旻甫、胡家勝、張晉暘,專利名稱:儲能系統之動力匹配控制裝置 中華民國發明專利第I695575
  4. 蔡明祺、張始偉、謝旻甫、蔡瑋玲,專利名稱:附加擾流件的冷卻裝置、馬達及其製造方法、冷卻裝置改裝方法 中華民國發明專利第I698074
  5. 蔡明祺、張始偉、謝旻甫、蔡瑋玲,專利名稱:散熱均溫板及其製造方法與使用該散熱均溫板的馬達 中華民國發明專利第I697654
  6. 謝旻甫、呂怡萱、翁允中,專利名稱:永磁馬達控制系統及其方法 中華民國發明專利第I694671
  7. Cho-Nien Tung, Min-Fu Hsieh, Yu-Sheng Hsu, Mi-Ching Tsai and Lung-Wei Huang,"Fan" (美國發明專利)
  8. Min-Fu Hsieh, Wan-Yu Wu, Hui-Chun Ho and Yee-Pien Yang,"STATOR STRUCTURE" (美國發明專利)
  10. 莊子賢、蔡明祺、謝旻甫 專利名稱:電流向量控制的同步磁阻馬達驅動系統 中華民國發明專利第I473413
  11. 謝旻甫、姚武松、吳孟杰 專利名稱:雙平行線型馬達同動控制系統 中華民國發明專利第I313094
  12. 陳正虎、鄭銘揚、廖鴻儒、謝旻甫、蔡明祺 專利名稱:三相無刷直流馬達之無感測器換相電路及三相換相信號檢測方法 中華民國發明專利第I290415
  13. 蔡明祺、姚武松、謝旻甫、楊君賢 專利名稱:雙平行線性伺服馬達同步控制器 中華民國發明專利第206219
  14. 謝旻甫、孫嘉陽、羅光耀、蔡明祺、黃禹傑 專利名稱:方向預判式尋光對位方法 中華民國發明專利第206677
  15. 謝旻甫、白富升、蔡明祺、黃世杰、陳映蓉、王毅平 專利名稱:電動機的充磁電路裝置 中華民國發明專利第I497875
  16. Mi-Ching TsaiMin-Fu HsiehKai-Jung ShihPo-Wei HuangLucio Jose Fernando Caceres VeraShang-Hui ShenJung-Kun ChiuHsin-Yu Chiu,"Motor and coreless stator coil winding unit thereof"(美國發明專利)
  17. Mi-Ching TsaiShyy-Woei ChangMin-Fu HsiehKai-Jung ShihWei-Ling CaiJen-Hsiang Liu,"Motor, cooling device having twisted spiral cooling channel and cooling method"(美國發明專利)
  18. Min-Fu HsiehMi-Ching TsaiKai-Jung ShihLucio Jose Fernando Caceres VeraGuan-Ming Chen,"Motor and rotor structure thereof"(美國發明專利)
  19. Mi-Ching Tsai, Min-Fu Hsieh, Kai-Jung Shih, Lucio Jose Fernando Caceres Vera,"Motor and spoke-type rotor structure thereof"(美國發明專利)
  20. 蔡明祺、張始偉、謝旻甫、施凱中、蔡瑋玲 專利名稱:換熱模組及換熱方法 中華民國發明專利第I801732
  21. 蔡明祺、張始偉、謝旻甫、施凱中、蔡瑋玲、韋匕升 專利名稱:馬達及其轉軸冷卻裝置 (美國發明專利)
  22. Mi-Ching Tsai ,Fu-Sheng Pai ,Min-Fu Hsieh ,Kai-Jung Shih ,Zheng-Xuan Wu,"CIRCUIT SYSTEM AND CIRCUIT CONTROL METHOD APPLIED TO MOTOR DRIVE" (美國發明專利)
  23. 陳企揚、謝旻甫 專利名稱:電子式旋轉編碼器 中華民國發明專利第I 777686
  24. 蔡明祺、謝旻甫、施凱中、黃柏維、高子睿、沈尚慧、邱榮焜、邱信宇 專利名稱:馬達及其無鐵心定子線圈繞線組 中華民國發明專利第I769099
  25. 謝旻甫、蔡明祺、施凱中、高子睿、陳冠銘 專利名稱:馬達及其轉子構造 中華民國發明專利第I765536
  26. 陳企揚、謝旻甫、牛瑞彬 專利名稱:即時無感測器馬達控制驅動系統 中華民國發明專利第I755131
  27. 蔡明祺、白富升、謝旻甫、施凱中、吳政軒 專利名稱:應用於馬達驅動之電路系統與控制方法 中華民國發明專利第I 759774
  28. 蔡明祺、張始偉、謝旻甫、施凱中、蔡瑋玲、韋匕升,"MOTOR AND ROTATING SHAFT COOLING DEVICE THEREOF" (美國發明專利)
  29. 蔡明祺、張始偉、謝旻甫、施凱中、蔡瑋玲、韋匕升 專利名稱:馬達及其轉軸冷卻裝置 中華民國發明專利第I763184
  30. 蔡明祺、張始偉、謝旻甫、施凱中、蔡瑋玲、劉任翔 專利名稱:馬達及其具有扭轉式螺旋冷卻流道的冷卻裝置及冷卻方法 中華民國發明專利第I738296
  31. 蔡明祺、謝旻甫、施凱中、高子睿 專利名稱:馬達及其對沖式配合斜向雙磁鐵塊轉子構造 中華民國發明專利第I744860
  1. 寬能隙開關元件應用於電動輔助自行車馬達驅動器系統之設計與製作(113/07/01~114/02/28)
  2. 伺服步進馬達創新設計與高功率密度伺服馬達設計(113/09/01~114/08/31)
  3. 委託馬達驅動電子模型建立(113/06/04~113/11/29)
  4. 委託動力計量測馬達輸出功率及估測馬達能效演算法設計(113/07/18~113/12/13)
  5. 運用氮化鎵功率元件之高電氣頻驅動馬達之驅控電路應用技術研究(113/02/01~113/12/31)
  6. 電動船雙馬達變速推進器系統之驅動器設計與其永磁馬達設計(113/03/01~114/02/28)
  7. 無鐵芯發電機設計(113/06/01~113/12/31)
  8. 電動輔助自行車輪軗電機系統整合開發(113/09/01~114/08/31)
  9. 碳化矽馬達驅動器應用於衛星反應輪之設計與實現(112/07/01~113/02/28)
  10. 應用於衛星姿態控制之反應球型馬達研製(112/06/01~113/05/31)
  11. 應用於電動垂直起降飛行載具之高性能高扭力密度動力模組研發(112/08/01~113/07/31)
  12. 伺服步進馬達設計與精密定位控制(112/09/01~113/08/31)
  13. 車載充電功率模組用於機電一體馬達系統技術研發委託案(112/04/27~112/11/30)
  14. 800V/100kW動力馬達模擬與製作勞務委託(112/04/13~112/09/30)
  15. 先導型光學遙測衛星用反應輪研發(112/04/18~114/04/17)
  16. 化合物電晶體馬達驅動控制分析(112/04/01~112/12/31)
  17. 國防先進科技研究計畫(基礎型)「三級同步啟動發電機系統建模」(112/01/01~112/12/31)
  18. 運用氮化鎵功率元件之高電氣頻驅動馬達電性分析技術研究(112/03/01~112/12/31)
  19. 無人機推進驅動系統開發(112/08/01~113/10/31)
  20. 電動輔助自行車轂電機系統整合開發(112/09/01~113/08/31)
  21. 繞線轉子馬達與平面馬達設計與分析(111/04/01~112/08/31)
  22. 基於機器學習之永磁無刷馬達預防性故障檢測技術發展與平台建置(110/08/01~111/07/31)
  23. 高效率寬能隙電力電子元件應用於高切換頻率之馬達驅動控制器  (111/02/01~111/12/31)
  24. IPM馬達特性分析與控制 (110/09/01~111/08/31)
  25. 電動輔助自行車動力系統開發及雲端服務系統建置 (110/09/01~111/08/31)
  26. 先導型光學遙測衛星用反應輪工程體研製(109/12/16~111/12/15)
  27. 變磁通馬達設計與具磁飽和特性之IPM馬達驅動(109/09/01~110/08/31)
  28. 空用發電機模式建構與測試驗證(109/08/22~110/08/17)
  29. 前瞻技術產學合作計畫-新世代車用動力驅動關鍵模組整合設計之智能化平台建置(3/3) (109/08/01-110/07/31)
  30. 應用機器學習於電動車動力馬達之預防性故障檢測(109/08/01- 110/07/31)
  31. 「李國鼎」科技獎座孳息-基於寬能隙元件馬達驅動器的動態模擬 (109/03/01~110/02/28)
  32. 光學感測器用高階史特靈冷凍系統開發(3/3) (109/02/01-110/01/31)
  33. 高效率高載波頻率寬能隙電力電子元件應用於馬達驅動控制器之雛形研製 (109/02/01~109/12/31)
  34. 軍用航空級發電機控制器GCU關鍵技術開發(2/2) (109/02/01~109/12/31)
  35. 等厚磁石非正弦反電動勢馬達設計與驅動 (108/09/01~109/08/31)
  36. 前瞻技術產學合作計畫-新世代車用動力驅動關鍵模組整合設計之智能化平台建置(2/3) (108/08/01-109/07/31)
  37. 應用機器學習於電動車動力馬達之預防性故障檢測 (108/08/01-109/07/31)
  38. 先導型光學遙測衛星用反應輪雛形體研製 (108/07/11~109/07/10)
  39. 軍用航空發電機設計開發 (108/07/01~109/06/30)
  40. 軍用航空級發電機控制器GCU關鍵技術開發 (108/04/09~108/12/31)
  41. 高效率高載波頻率電力電子元件應用於永磁同步馬達驅動控制器之模擬分析 (108/02/15~108/12/31)
  42. 光學感測器用高階史特靈冷凍系統開發(2/3) (107/11/1-108/10/31)
  43. 車用一體式磁性齒輪電機驅動系統整合設計(4/4) (107/10/01-108/09/30)
  44. 高載波PWM伺服器馬達關鍵特性評估與圓形設計及驗證 (107/09/01~108/08/31)
  45. 前瞻技術產學合作計畫-新世代車用動力驅動關鍵模組整合設計之智能化平台建置(1/3) (107/08/01-108/07/31)
  46. 創新容感複合動力馬達與驅動技術研發 (107/08/01-108/07/31)
  47. 高效率微渦輪發電系統整合研製計畫 (107/06/01-108/11/30)
  48. (特)先導型光學遙測衛星用反應輪研製 107/05/24-108/05/23)
  49. 光學感測器用高階史特靈冷凍系統開發(1/3) (106/11/01-107/10/31)
  50. 車用一體式磁性齒輪電機驅動系統整合設計(3/4) (106/10/01-107/09/30)
  51. 高載波PWM伺服馬達關鍵特性評估與原型設計及驗證 (106/09/01-107/08/31)
  52. 應用機器學習於電動車動力馬達之預防性故障檢測(108/08/01 ~ 109/07/31)
  53. 先導型光學遙測衛星用反應輪雛形體研製(108/07/11 ~ 109/07/10)
  54. 軍用航空發電機設計開發(108/07/01 ~ 109/06/30)
  55. 軍用航空級發電機控制器GCU關鍵技術開發(108/04/09 ~ 108/12/31)
  56. 高效率高載波頻率電力電子元件應用於永磁同步馬達驅動控制器之模擬分析(108/02/15 ~ 108/12/31 )
  57. (特)先導型光學遙測衛星用反應輪研製 (107/05/24-108/05/23)
  58. 400W伺服馬達開發 (106/12/01-107/11/30)
  59. (台達)高載波PWM伺服馬達關鍵特性評估與原型設計及驗證 (106/09/01-016/11/30)
  60. 高效率高轉速微渦輪發電機系統設計開發(III)( 106/08/01-107/07/31)
  61. 動力馬達熱磁耦合模型建立及模擬分析技術之研究(106/03/01-106/11/30)
  62. 高效率高轉速微渦輪發電機系統設計開發(II)( 105/08/01-106/07/31)
  63. 異向性釹鐵硼環狀磁石於弦波控制之馬達應用研究(105/01/01-105/12/31)
  64. 高性能步進馬達之共同開發(105/05/01-105/10/31)
  65. 次世代鋼及其綠色製程與產品創新應用產學合作計畫(4/5)( 105/08/01-106/07/31)
  66. 高效率高轉速微渦輪發電機系統設計開發(I)( 104/08/01-105/07/31)
  67. 次世代鋼及其綠色製程與產品創新應用產學合作計畫(3/5)( 104/08/01-105/07/31)
  68. 客製化輕量高效率電動馬達研製(104/06/16-105/04/15)
  69. 應用於水車之高效率高扭力橫流磁通馬達(TFM)設計(104/05/01-105/04/30)
  70. 2.2KW主軸馬達開發(104/10/01-105/09/30)
  71. 次世代鋼及其綠色製程與產品創新應用產學合作計畫(2/5)( 103/08/01-104/07/31)
  72. 750W及1kW伺服馬達開發(103/08/01-104/09/30)
  73. 能源科技系列課程計畫(103/09/01-105/01/31)
  74. 次世代鋼及其綠色製程與產品創新應用產學合作計畫(1/5)( 102/08/01-103/07/31)
  75. Research on Torque Ripple Reduction of SR Motors(102/09/01-2016/03/31)
  76. 先進無刷雙饋電機之泛用磁路模型建立及其於大型風機之應用(1/3)( 101/08/01-102/07/31)
  77. 先進無刷雙饋電機之泛用磁路模型建立及其於大型風機之應用(2/3)( 102/08/01-103/07/31)
  78. 先進無刷雙饋電機之泛用磁路模型建立及其於大型風機之應用(3/3)( 103/08/01-104/07/31)
  79. 基於即時網路之自主性多軸同動造波機控制系統設計(II)( 100/08/01-101/07/31)
  80. 基於即時網路之自主性多軸同動造波機控制系統設計(I)( 99/08/01-100/07/31)
  81. 有段式節能驅動器研究開發(100/04/01-100/10/31)
  82. 岸基式多氣室震盪水柱波浪發電之系統設計與實現(I)( 99/01/01-99/12/31)
  83. 水下載具應用於海底管線檢修之關鍵技術研發-水面工作載台動態定位之推進器及驅動控制系統設計與實現(98/01/19-99/07/31)
  84. 高效率變結構發電機於風力發電之設計實現(II)( 98/01/01-98/12/31)
  85. 高效率變結構發電機於風力發電之設計實現(I)( 970101-971231)
  86. 水下載具應用於海底管線檢修之關鍵技術研發-水面工作載台動態定位之推進器及驅動控制系統設計與實現(I) (97/08/01-99/07/31)
  87. 水下載具應用於海底管線檢修之關鍵技術研發-水面工作載台動態定位之推進器及驅動控制系統設計與實現(II)( 98/08/01-99/07/31)
  88. 輔以電力調節器設計之漁船電力系統(97/06/01-97/12/31)
  89. 水下載具應用於海底管線檢修之關鍵技術研發-水面工作載台動態定位之推進器及驅動控制系統設計與實現(96/08/01-97/07/31)
  90. 高性能無刷直流馬達無感測器驅動系統之研製(96/11/01-97/10/31)
  91. 智慧型電力調整器應用於漁船發電系統(96/05/08-96/12/31)
  92. 自主性太陽能船系統開發之研究-子計畫三:自主性太陽能船之推進與監控系統整合設計(I)(II)( 94/01/01-95/12/31)
  93. 抗流型水下遙控載具(ROV)關鍵性技術開發暨系統整合-子計畫三:抗流型水下遙控載具高性能推進系統之研發(1/3, 2/3, 3/3)( 93/08/01-96/07/31)
  94. 高效率車用空調系統之鼓風機無刷馬達設計(95/11/01-96/10/31)
  95. 漁船電力推進微電腦控制系統之研發(95/03/28-95/12/31)
  96. 線性馬達驅動之高速工具機Z軸伺服系統之研究(92/12-93/07)
本學年度 實驗室成員
Muchammad Jamil
許裕昇   吳孟杰   王舜民
徐佑銓   江嘉榮   廖鴻儒
王盛篁   胡凱翔   林依蓉   陳柏勳
顏宏諭   葉雨涵   李奇錄
許豐聖   林繼謙   廉堯閔   許均豪
賴康裕   陳泊翰   余守龍
林佳慶   陳韋祐   張偉隆
金書安   尹卡羅   林清國
李羿霆   李協祐   陳俊宏
陳運鴻   趙妍婷   陳柏廷   黃成影   翁佑甯
黃健敉    傅健綸   曾逸誠   張曜昕   陳名輝   蔡逸文   李育賢
黃柏儒   阮太豪   阮明發   杜慶鴻   鐘裕勛
賴建欣    高子睿   呂怡萱   古佳正   張晉瑋
陳譽   翁允中   林易鴻
陳伯恒   蕭定承   楊昇翰   黎玉維   羅德煒   陳念慈   黃彥禎   郭庭瑋   羅子洋   李家駿
邱筱詠   楊崴壬   陳威佐   高偉倫   吳政軒   李宜庭   劉正偉
何偉帆   陳柏嘉   吳宗庭   翁學揚   劉啓淞
劉哲瑜   陳映帆   李冠廷   陳瑩欣   簡亨澤   江銘裕   Nguyen Thien Phuoc   Che Viet Hoa   方展博
蔡宇   鍾翔安   黃詩峰   張家源   余浩綸   林隆忻   張伯丞   Do Viet Vu   Le Nguyen Yen Truc.
郭禹晨   李佩芸   黃永瀚   林建鴻   吳俊霖
Ton That Dong
蕭定承   李穎暉
  1. 獲 2025 年 IEEE 磁學學會傑出講者(Distinguished Lecturer)
  2. 國科會傑出研究獎(113年度)
  3. IEEE TAINAN SECTION Outstanding Technical Achievement Award 優秀技術成果獎(113年10月)
  4. 中華工程學會113年度傑出工程教授獎
  5. 全球前2%頂尖科學家(同時終身及年度),史丹佛大學/Scopus (2022,-2024)
  6. 共同指導雙學位學生張宸林-獲國科會大專生專題計畫(112年度)
  7. 財團法人成電文教基金會-台達講座(2019-2023)
  8. 產學合作成果特優教師-優良獎(112年度) 
  9. 國防部112年國防先進科技研究計劃優質計畫
  10. 2023功率半導體材料論文特優獎
  11. 李國鼎金質獎 (111年度)
  12. 2022 功率半導體材料特優獎
  13. TEGA優秀論文獎 (111年度)
  14. 產學合作成果特優教師-優良獎 (111年度) 
  15. 科技部展學合作計畫線上成果發表暨績效考評會海報組-優良獎 (110年度)
  16. 產學合作成果特優教師-優良獎 (110年度) 
  17. 產學合作成果特優教師-優良獎 (108年度) Outstanding Teacher of Industry-University Cooperation Achievement-Excellence Award (2019)
  18. 產學合作成果特優教師-優良獎 (109年度) Outstanding Teacher of Industry-University Cooperation Achievement-Excellence Award (2020)
  19. 指導學生獲2020功率半導體材料應用元件國際論壇-優等獎 (109年度) Instructed students to win the 2020 International Forum on Power Semiconductor Materials Applied Components-Excellence Award
  20. 指導教授,2018年台灣國際科學展覽會一等獎
  21. 指導教授,2018年美國Intel國際科展覽會二等獎
  22. 輔導優良,國立成功大學105學年度
  23. 教學特優教師,國立成功大學103學年度
  24. Best Service Award, IEEE Tainan Section, 2014.12
  25. 研究成果傑出獎,台灣磁性技術協會2013年度
  26. 優秀年輕學者,科技部2012.08
  27. 2nd Prize Paper Award, 2014 IEEE IAS Electric Machine Committee. Paper title: The Development of an Indexing Method for the Comparison of Unbalanced Magnetic Pull in Electrical Machines
  28. 2nd Prize Paper Award, 2011 IEEE IAS Electric Machine Committee. Paper title: Different Arrangements for Dual-Rotor Dual-Output Radial-Flux Motors
  29. Invited Speaker, the 4th International Conference of Asian Union of Magnetics Societies (IcAUMS 2016), Aug. 1- 5, 2016.
  30. 優良論文佳作,2008 第六屆全國精密製造研討會(Paper title: A Dual Linear Motor Servo System for Injection Molding)
  31. 教學優良教師,國立成功大學 96學年度
  32. 特優獎,IEEE 2006國際學生專題實作競賽 ,2006年12月  (題目:無轂環驅式推進器之整合設計與實現)
  33. 最佳論文獎(The Moss Prize),Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering,英國機械工程師學會,2000年